SMOKE using HTAPv3 emission

If you are trying to use a configuration originally designed for HTAPv2, the file organization has changed.

The HTAPv2 gridded data is structured with the monthly files separated by sector and pollutant, so the

EMISLST input for SMOKE would look like this:


#SCC, Pollutant, Variable_Name, Month, File_location_name











However for HTAPv3 the data is structured as such, with separate monthly files per pollutant, but each file contains all the sectors as variables.

So, EMISLST input to SMOKE for HTAPv3 would look like this:


#SCC, Pollutant, Variable_Name, Month, File_location_name











Therefore, for HTAPv3 the third column in the EMISLST input should be the sector (e.g. “Energy” in the example above) instead of the pollutant.