ENX EMIS PT_EGU SPECIES NO, NO2 ES2 EMIS PT_EGU SPECIES SO2 2NX HIGH ENX ENX 2S2 HIGH ES2 ES2 2NS HIGH ENX ES2 END For each sensitivity definition block: (mandatory) The first line is the name of the sensitivity parameter; any 3-character name of the user's choosing, no leading spaces (mandatory) The next line specifies the type of sensitivity (One leading space followed by 4 capitalized characters) EMIS: Emissions INIT: Initial Conditions BOUN: Boundary Conditions RATE: Reaction rate HIGH: Higher-order sensitivity. (mandatory) For EMIS, the next line specifies the emissions streams to be used for this parameter. The comma-delimited list must have two leading spaces. The stream names must be defined in the run script. Alternatively, the key word 'TOTA' will use all model emissions for this parameter. (mandatory) For EMIS, INIT, or BOUN sensitivity: The term ' SPECIES' (all-cap, one leading space) must appear next. For RATE sensitivity: The term ' REACTION' (all-cap, one leading space) must appear next. For HIGH sensitivity: The next 2 lines must each be one leading space followed by the name of the sensitivity to which we're taking higher order sensitivity. That name must have already been defined as the name of a sensitivity parameter. No further information should be defined for a higher-order sensitivity parameter. (mandatory) For EMIS, INIT, or BOUN sensitivity: Specify one or more species. The comma-delimited species list must have two leading spaces and then exactly match a species from model species list. The keyword 'ALL' here allows for all model species instead. For RATE sensitivity: Specify one or more reactions. Names must have two leading spaces and then exactly match the label from mech.def (also in RXDT.EXT). (optional) The term ' REGION' (all-cap, one leading space). If this term is used, the next line must be a comma-delimited list of region variables. NOTE1: This list must be consistent with the max # of sens parameters (NPMAX) set in the runscript. NOTE2: For better understanding of how this file is read, or to modify/add features, look at sinput.F in the code. After the final sensitivity definition block, the keyword 'END' is required. Examples: ES2 EMIS TOTA SPECIES SO2 ENX EMIS GRIDDEDEMIS, PT_EGU SPECIES NO, NO2 EBI EMIS BEIS SPECIES ISOP 2NX HIGH EMISNOX EMISNOX RT1 RATE REACTION 1 RG1 EMIS SPECIES NO, NO2 REGION GA, NC