R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) -- "Wooden Christmas-Tree" Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. [Previously saved workspace restored] > ################################################################ > ### THIS FILE CONTAINS CODE TO DRAW A CUSTOMIZED SCATTER PLOT. > ################################################################ > > amet_base <- Sys.getenv("AMETBASE") > dbase <- Sys.getenv("AMET_DATABASE") > out_dir <- Sys.getenv("AMET_OUT") > ametRinput <- Sys.getenv("AMETRINPUT") > source(ametRinput) > > ################################### > ### Does not need to be changed ### > ################################### > states <- c("All") > #states <- c("AL","AK","AZ","AR","CA","CO","CT","DE","DC","FL","GA","HI","ID","IL","IN","IA","KS","KY","LA","ME","MD","MA","MI","MN","MS","MO","MT","NE","NV","NH","NJ","NM","NY","NC","ND","OH","OK","OR","PA","RI","SC","SD","TN","TX","UT","VT","VA","WA","WV","WI","WY") > #states <- c("AZ","CA","CO","ID","IA","KS","MT","NE","NV","NM","ND","OK","OR","SD","TX","UT","WA","WY") # Western States > ################################### > > ###################################### > ####### Configuration Options ######## > ###################################### > run_name1 <- Sys.getenv("AMET_PROJECT") # AMET project name > #run_name2 <- Sys.getenv("AMET_PROJECT2") # Additional run to include on plot > > ### These options are set in run_info file but setting here will override that setting ### > #start_date <- "20060101" # Set the start date of the analysis > #end_date <- "20061231" # Set the end date of the analysis > #batch_query <- c("month=1 or month=2 or month=3 or month=4 or month=5 or month=6 or month=7 or month=8 or month=9 or month=10 or month=11 or month=12") > #batch_names <- c("All") > #hourly_ozone_analysis <- 'y' # Flag to include hourly ozone analysis > #daily_ozone_analysis <- 'y' # Flag to include daily ozone analysis > #aerosol_analysis <- 'y' # Flag to include aerosol analysis > #dep_analysis <- 'y' # Flag to include analysis of deposition performance > #gas_analysis <- 'y' # Flag to include gas analysis > > #ozone_averaging <- 'n' # Flag to average ozone data; options are n (none), d (daily), m (month), s (season), y (all) > #aerosol_averaging <- 'n' # Flag to average aerosol data; options are n (none), d (daily), m (month), s (season), y (all) > #deposition_averaging <- 'n' # Flag to sum deposition data; options are n (none), d (daily), m (month), s (season), y (all) > #gas_averaging <- 'n' # Flag to average gas data; options are n (none), d (daily), m (month), s (season), y (all) > > ####################################### > > ##################### > ### Other Options ### > ##################### > > ### Custom Title ### > custom_title <- "" > ############################## > > ### Main Database Query String. ### > query_string<-paste(" and s.stat_id=d.stat_id and d.ob_dates >=",start_date,"and d.ob_datee <=",end_date,additional_query,sep=" ") > > ### Set and create output directory ### > #out_dir <- paste(out_dir,"misc_plots",sep="/") > mkdir_main_command <- paste("mkdir -p",out_dir,sep=" ") > system(mkdir_main_command) # This will create a subdirectory with the name of the project > ####################################### > > run_script_command1 <- paste(amet_base,"/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R",sep="") > run_script_command2 <- paste(amet_base,"/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R",sep="") > > ####################################################################################### > ### This portion of the code will create monthly stat plots for the various species ### > ####################################################################################### > #for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { > # mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p ",out_dir,"/",batch_names[m],sep="") > # system(mkdir_command) > #} > if (hourly_ozone_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- ozone_averaging + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("O3") + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AQS_Hourly") + network_label <- c("AQS_Hourly") + pid <- "hourly_O3" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (daily_ozone_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- ozone_averaging + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("O3_1hrmax","O3_8hrmax") + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AQS_Daily_O3") + network_label <- c("AQS_Daily") + pid <- "daily_O3" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > > if (aerosol_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- aerosol_averaging + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("SO4","NO3","NH4","TNO3","EC","OC","TC","PM_TOT") + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("CSN","IMPROVE","CASTNET","AQS_Daily","AQS_Hourly") + network_label <- c("CSN","IMPROVE","CASTNET","AQS_Daily","AQS_Hourly") + pid <- "aerosols" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (dep_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- deposition_averaging + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("SO4_dep","NO3_dep","NH4_dep","Precip") + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("NADP") + network_label <- c("NADP") + pid <- "deposition" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (gas_analysis == 'y') { + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("SO2","NO2","NOX","NOY","CO") + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AQS_Hourly") + network_label <- c("AQS_Hourly") + pid <- "gas" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (AE6_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- AE6_averaging + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + species_list <- c("Na","Cl","Fe","Al","Si","Ti","Ca","Mg","K","Mn","soil","NaCl","other","ncom","other_rem") + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("CSN","IMPROVE") + network_label <- c("CSN","IMPROVE") + pid <- "AE6" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (AOD_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- AOD_averaging + species_list <- c("AOD_500") + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + # species <- species_list[i] + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AERONET") + network_label <- c("AERONET") + pid <- "AOD" + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > if (PAMS_analysis == 'y') { + averaging <- PAMS_averaging + species_list <- c("Isoprene","Ethane","Ethylene","Toluene") + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + # species <- species_list[i] + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AQS_Hourly") + network_label <- c("AQS_Hourly") + pid <- network_label + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + species_list <- c("Isoprene","Ethane","Ethylene","Toluene","Acetaldehyde","Formaldehyde") + for (m in 1:length(batch_query)) { + # species <- species_list[i] + dates <- batch_names[m] + network_names <- c("AQS_Daily") + network_label <- c("AQS_Daily") + pid <- network_label + query <- paste(query_string,"and (",batch_query[m],")",sep=" ") + if (soccer_plot == 'y') { + species <- species_list + figdir <- paste(out_dir,"multiple_species",sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command1)) + } + if (bugle_plot == 'y') { + for (i in 1:length(species_list)) { + species <- species_list[i] + figdir <- paste(out_dir,species,sep="/") + if (batch_names[m] != "None") { + figdir <- paste(out_dir,batch_names[m],species,sep="/") + } + mkdir_command <- paste("mkdir -p",figdir) + system(mkdir_command) + try(source(run_script_command2)) + } + } + } + } Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command1) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Soccerplot.R:6:14: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of plot referred 6: ### to as a "soccer ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ Error in source(run_script_command2) : /home/pkasper/AMET_v14/R_analysis_code/AQ_Bugleplot.R:6:28: unexpected symbol 5: ### This script is part of the AMET-AQ system. It plots a unique type of 6: ### plot referred to as a "bugle ^ > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.264 0.084 0.537