C*********************************************************************** C Portions of Models-3/CMAQ software were developed or based on * C information from various groups: Federal Government employees, * C contractors working on a United States Government contract, and * C non-Federal sources (including research institutions). These * C research institutions have given the Government permission to * C use, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of their * C work in Models-3/CMAQ to the public and to permit others to do * C so. EPA therefore grants similar permissions for use of the * C Models-3/CMAQ software, but users are requested to provide copies * C of derivative works to the Government without restrictions as to * C use by others. Users are responsible for acquiring their own * C copies of commercial software associated with Models-3/CMAQ and * C for complying with vendor requirements. Software copyrights by * C the MCNC Environmental Modeling Center are used with their * C permissions subject to the above restrictions. * C*********************************************************************** C RCS file, release, date & time of last delta, author, state, [and locker] C $Header: /project/work/rep/TOOLS/src/combine/module_specdef.F,v 2005/07/27 12:55:20 sjr Exp $ C*********************************************************************** C module to read, process and store the species definitions C*********************************************************************** Module spec_def Integer, Parameter, Private :: EXP_LEN = 1024 Integer, Parameter, Private :: REC_LEN = EXP_LEN * 2 Integer numSpec Integer maxSpec Integer Klayer Integer startDate, startTime Integer endDate, endTime CHARACTER*(16), Allocatable :: specName(:) CHARACTER*(16), Allocatable :: specUnits(:) CHARACTER*(EXP_LEN), Allocatable :: specExpression(:) CHARACTER*(EXP_LEN), Allocatable :: specDesc(:) Contains cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine to read and load SPECFILE cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine readSpec( specFile, status ) USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments CHARACTER*(*) specFile Integer status ! define external functions Integer getFldCount ! local variables Integer lfn Integer iostatus Character*(REC_LEN) record Character*(REC_LEN) NextRecord Character*(REC_LEN) field Character*(1) del Integer nflds Integer lenRec lfn = 20 startDate = 0 startTime = 0 endDate = 0 Klayer = -1 numSpec = 0 maxSpec = MXVARS3 ! allocate species arrays if( .not. Allocated(specName) ) then Allocate( specName(maxSpec) ) Allocate( specUnits(maxSpec) ) Allocate( specExpression(maxSpec) ) Allocate( specDesc(maxSpec) ) endif ! open species definition file and fill arrays OPEN( UNIT=lfn, FILE=specFile, STATUS='OLD', IOSTAT=status) Write(*, '(''rcord field:'' ,a)')trim(record) if( status.ne.0 ) return ! start read loop Do READ( lfn, '(a)', IOSTAT=iostatus ) RECORD Write(*, '(''rcord field:'' ,a)')trim(record) IF( iostatus.ne.0 ) EXIT ! check for cr character at end of line, and remove it if found lenRec = LEN_TRIM(record) if( record(lenRec:lenRec) .eq. char(13) ) record(lenRec:lenRec) = ' ' ! check for blank line IF ( RECORD .eq. ' ' ) CYCLE ! check for comment line IF ( index( '!/', RECORD(1:1) ) .gt. 0 ) CYCLE ! Check for parameter values IF ( RECORD( 1:1 ) .EQ. '#' ) THEN field = RECORD(2:8) CALL UCASE(field) IF ( field( 1:5 ) .EQ. 'START' ) & READ( RECORD(7:), *, IOSTAT=status ) startDate, startTime IF ( field( 1:3 ) .EQ. 'END' ) & READ( RECORD(5:), *, IOSTAT=status ) endDate, endTime IF ( field( 1:5 ) .EQ. 'LAYER' ) & READ( RECORD(7:), *, IOSTAT=status ) Klayer if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(''Invalid parameter record:'',a)') trim(record) return endif CYCLE ENDIF C...check for old specdef format if( index(record, ',').eq.0 .and. index(record, '=').eq.30) then Write(*,'(/''**Warning** Invalid Record,'', & '' Trying old Format''/)') Call readOld(lfn, status) return endif C...append any continuation records DO ! check for '\' character at end of line lenRec = LEN_TRIM(record) if( record(lenRec:lenRec) .eq. char(92) ) then READ( lfn, '(a)', IOSTAT=iostatus ) NEXTRECORD if( iostatus.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(''**ERROR** EOF reading continuation record'')') EXIT endif Call LeftTrim( NEXTRECORD ) ! check for record length exceeded if( (lenRec + LEN_TRIM(NEXTRECORD)) .ge. REC_LEN ) then Write(*,'(//,''**ERROR** The maximum record length exceeded'')') Write(*,'(/,'' Species name ='',a)') record(1:16) Write(*,'('' Maximum length ='',i8)') REC_LEN Write(*,'('' Record length = '',i8)') lenRec + LEN_TRIM(NEXTRECORD) Stop endif ! append NEXTRECORD to record record = record(1:lenRec-1) // ' ' // TRIM(NEXTRECORD) ! check for cr character at end of line, and remove it if found lenRec = LEN_TRIM(record) if( record(lenRec:lenRec) .eq. char(13) ) record(lenRec:lenRec) = ' ' else EXIT endif Enddo if( iostatus.ne.0 ) EXIT C...check for species line nflds = getFldCount(record, ',') if( nflds.lt.3 ) then Write(*,'(''Invalid record found:'',a)') trim(record) Stop endif ! check for maximum species count if(numSpec.eq.maxSpec) then Write(*,'(''**ERROR** the number of species exceeds maximum'')') Stop endif ! save species line in arrays numSpec = numSpec+1 call getFld( record, ',', 1, del, specName(numSpec) ) call getFld( record, ',', 2, del, specUnits(numSpec) ) call getFld( record, ',', 3, del, field ) specExpression(numSpec) = field call getFld( record, ',', 4, del, specDesc(numSpec) ) if( specDesc(numSpec).eq.' ' ) specDesc(numSpec) = specExpression(numSpec) ! check if expression field is too long if( LEN_TRIM( field) .gt. EXP_LEN ) then Write(*,'(//,''**ERROR** The maximum expression length exceeded'')') Write(*,'(/,'' Species name ='',a)') TRIM( specName(numSpec) ) Write(*,'('' Maximum length ='',i8)') EXP_LEN Write(*,'('' Expression length = '',i8)') LEN_TRIM(field) Stop endif enddo ! close file and return close(unit=lfn) return End Subroutine readSpec cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine to read using old SPECFILE format cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine readOld( lfn, status ) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Integer lfn Integer status ! local variables character*(256) record Integer iostatus, reclen character*(16) field1 ! new variable name character*(16) field2 ! variable units character*(1) field3 ! operator symbol character*(8) field4 ! muliply factor character*(1) field5 ! input file number character*(16) field6 ! input variable character*(70) field7 ! description Logical isnew character*(EXP_LEN) express backspace lfn ! start read loop Do READ( lfn, '(a)', IOSTAT=iostatus ) RECORD IF( iostatus.ne.0 ) EXIT ! check for comment line IF ( index( '!/#', RECORD(1:1) ) .gt. 0 ) CYCLE ! check for blank line reclen = LEN_TRIM( RECORD) if( reclen .le. 2 ) CYCLE if( RECORD(reclen:reclen).lt.' ') then RECORD(reclen:reclen) = ' ' if( LEN_TRIM( RECORD) .eq. 0 ) CYCLE endif Call readRec(record, field1, field2, field3, field4, & field5, field6, field7, status) if(status .ne. 0) then write(*,'(''<<---- Invalid species record ---->>'')') write(*,'(''>>'',a,''<<'',//)') trim(record) return endif Call LeftTrim( field4 ) ! left trim number field !determine if record has new variable ISNEW = (LEN_TRIM(field1) .gt. 0) if( ISNEW ) then IF ( numSpec .EQ. maxSpec ) return numSpec = numSpec + 1 specName(numSpec) = field1 specUnits(numSpec) = field2 specExpression(numSpec) = '(' // TRIM(field4) // '*' & // TRIM(field6) // '[' // field5 // '])' specDesc(numSpec) = field7 cycle endif ! if no specName defined cycle if( numSpec .EQ. 0 ) cycle ! add to previous species expression express = field3 // '(' // TRIM(field4) // '*' & // TRIM(field6) // '[' // field5 // ']))' specExpression(numSpec) = '(' // TRIM(specExpression(numSpec)) & // TRIM(express) enddo ! generate new specfile using new format Call genNewFile() return end Subroutine readOld C*********************************************************************** C routine to read variable record, (formated or unformatted) C*********************************************************************** Subroutine readRec(record, field1, field2, field3, field4, & field5, field6, field7, status) ! arguments character*(*) record character*(*) field1 ! new variable name character*(*) field2 ! variable units character*(*) field3 ! operator symbol character*(*) field4 ! muliply factor character*(*) field5 ! input file number character*(*) field6 ! input variable character*(*) field7 ! description integer status ! local variables logical ISFMT Real factor Integer stat, kfile character*(1) del status = 0 !determine if record is formatted or unformatted ISFMT = .TRUE. if( index('=+-*/',record(30:30)).eq.0 ) ISFMT = .FALSE. if( index(record(1:58),',').gt. 0 ) ISFMT = .FALSE. ! get input files from record if( ISFMT ) then field1 = record(2:17) field2 = record(19:28) field3 = record(30:30) field4 = record(32:39) field5 = record(41:41) field6 = record(43:58) field7 = record(60:129) else Call getFld( record, ',', 1, del, field1 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 2, del, field2 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 3, del, field3 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 4, del, field4 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 5, del, field5 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 6, del, field6 ) Call getFld( record, ',', 7, del, field7 ) endif ! verify fields if( index('=+*/',field3) .eq. 0 ) status = 3 read(field4,'(f8.0)',iostat=stat) factor if( stat.ne.0 ) status = 4 read(field5,'(I1)',iostat=stat) kfile if( stat.ne.0 ) status = 5 if( LEN_TRIM(field6) .eq. 0 ) status = 6 return end Subroutine readRec cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine to generate new SPECFILE from ioapi file cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine genSpec( SpecFile ) USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE C... arguments Character*(*) SpecFile C... local variables INTEGER STATUS INTEGER lfn INTEGER I LOGICAL KSWIT CHARACTER*1 REPLACE CHARACTER*16 FNAME C...open variable definition file lfn = 20 OPEN( UNIT=lfn, FILE=SpecFile, STATUS='NEW', IOSTAT=status ) If(status.ne.0) then Write(*,'(/''SPECDEF file: ['',a, & ''] cannot be opened as "NEW"'')') TRIM(SpecFile) Write(*,'(''Do you want to replace existing? (Y/N) '',$)') Read(*,'(a)') replace if( replace.ne.'Y' .and. replace.ne.'y' ) return OPEN( UNIT=lfn, FILE=SpecFile, IOSTAT=status ) if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** cannot open SPECDEF file: ['',a, & '']'')') TRIM(SpecFile) return endif endif C...open input file 1 FNAME='INFILE1' IF ( .NOT. OPEN3( FNAME, 1, 'GENSPEC' ) ) THEN WRITE( *, '('' Error opening Input Data file:'',A)' ) FNAME GO TO 999 END IF C...fill Description Common Block IF ( .NOT. DESC3( FNAME ) ) THEN WRITE( *, '(''**Error** While running DESC3 on '',A)' ) FNAME GO TO 999 END IF write(lfn,'(''/#start YYYYDDD HHMMSS'')') write(lfn,'(''/#end YYYYDDD HHMMSS'')') write(lfn,'(''/#layer KLAY (default is all layers)'')') write(lfn,'(''/'')') write(lfn,'(''/new species, units, expression, description'')') DO I = 1, NVARS3D Write(lfn,'(/a16,'','',a16,'','',a,''[1]'','', '',a)') & VNAME3D(I), UNITS3D(I), TRIM(VNAME3D(I)),TRIM(VDESC3D(I)) END DO Write(*,'(/''SpecDef file: ['',a,''] Generated''/)')TRIM(SpecFile) C... shut down netcdf and return 999 CONTINUE CLOSE( unit=lfn ) KSWIT = SHUT3() Return END Subroutine genSpec cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine to generate new SPECFILE from array data cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine genNewFile() USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE C... local variables Character*(256) specFile INTEGER STATUS INTEGER lfn INTEGER n CHARACTER*1 REPLACE C...open variable definition file lfn = 21 specFile = 'specdef.new' OPEN( UNIT=lfn, FILE=SpecFile, STATUS='NEW', IOSTAT=status ) If(status.ne.0) then Write(*,'(/''New SPECDEF file: ['',a, & ''] cannot be opened as "NEW"'')') TRIM(SpecFile) Write(*,'(''Do you want to replace existing? (Y/N) '',$)') Read(*,'(a)') replace if( replace.ne.'Y' .and. replace.ne.'y' ) return OPEN( UNIT=lfn, FILE=SpecFile, IOSTAT=status ) if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** cannot open new SPECDEF file: ['', & a,'']'')') TRIM(SpecFile) return endif endif ! write header record if( startDate.gt.0 ) then write(lfn,'(''#start'',2i10)') startDate, startTime else write(lfn,'(''/#start YYYYDDD HHMMSS'')') endif if( endDate.gt.0 ) then write(lfn,'(''#end '',2i10)') endDate, endTime else write(lfn,'(''/#end YYYYDDD HHMMSS'')') endif if( klayer.gt.0 ) then write(lfn,'(''#layer'',i10)') klayer else write(lfn,'(''/#layer KLAY (default is all layers)'')') endif write(lfn,'(''/'')') write(lfn,'(''/new species ,units ,expression'')') do n = 1, numSpec Write(lfn,'(/a16,'', '',a16,'', '',a,'', '',a)') & specName(n), specUnits(n), TRIM(specExpression(n)), TRIM(specDesc(n)) enddo close(unit=lfn) write(*,'(/''-->New specdef file:['',a, & ''] generated from old format''/)') trim(specFile) return END Subroutine genNewFile End Module spec_def