!!! CMAQ-ISAM tag definition control file !!! (lines begining with !!! - three exclamation marks - are ignored by the text parser)!!! !!! !!! Example file provided with CMAQ v5.3.2 release !!! 26 July 2020: Sergey L. Napelenok !!! !!! !!! The "TAG CLASSES" line defines the tag classes to track for the simulation. Species in NITRATE and VOC classes depend on the !!! the chemical mechanism used. The below definitions apply for the cb6r3_ae7_aq mechanism. These species will be tracked for !!! each user-defiend source. !!! Choose any/all from the list of nine: SULFATE, NITRATE, AMMONIUM, EC, OC, VOC, PM25_IONS, OZONE, CHLORINE !!! SULFATE - ASO4J, ASO4I, SO2, SULF, SULRXN !!! NITRATE - ANO3J, ANO3I, HNO3, NO, NO2, NO3, HONO, N2O5, PNA, PAN, PANX, NTR1, NTR2, INTR, CLNO2, CLNO3 !!! AMMONIUM - ANH4J, ANH4I, NH3 !!! EC - AECJ, AECI !!! OC - APOCI, APOCJ, APNCOMI, APNCOMJ !!! VOC - Various species depending on mechanism. Now includes CO. (see CCTM/src/isam/SA_DEFN.F for complete list) !!! PM25_IONS - ANAI, ANAJ, AMGJ, AKJ, ACAJ, AFEJ, AALJ, ASIJ, ATIJ, AMNJ, AOTHRI, AOTHRJ !!! OZONE - O3, all NITRATE species, and all VOC species !!! CHLORINE - ACLI, ACLJ, HCL TAG CLASSES |SULFATE !!! The following are source definition text blocks in the format. Provide a 3-line block for each source you want to track. !!! Do not assign the same source of mass in more than 1 source definition block. !!! TAG NAME |Three character text string (unique to each source definition) !!! REGION(S) |Keyword EVERYWHERE or variable names from the region file (multiple regions need to be comma delimited) !!! FILENAME(S) |Emissions labels (multiple labels need to be comma delimited) TAG NAME |IRC REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |IRC TAG NAME |IRF REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |IRF TAG NAME |CEC REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |CEC TAG NAME |CEF REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |CEF TAG NAME |PPC REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |PPC TAG NAME |PPF REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |PPF TAG NAME |CBC REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |CBC TAG NAME |CBF REGION(S) |EVERYWHERE EMIS STREAM(S) |CBF ENDLIST eof