#!/bin/csh -f # -------------------------------- # Stats plots using leaflet R package # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: # # This code creates a set of spatial plots of NMB, NME, MB, ME # FB, FE, RMSE and correlation. In addition, csv files of all # the available statistics in AMET are created for the domain # as a whole and for each individual site. The script accepts # mulitple networks, but only a single species and single model # simulation. The output from this plot is a set of interactive html plots # created using the R leaflet package. # # Initial version: Wyat Appel - May, 2019 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are the main controlling variables for the R script ### Top of AMET directory setenv AMETBASE /run/media/root/55A07B0360BDF544/postproc/AMET_v14 setenv AMET_DATABASE AMET setenv AMET_PROJECT ARDEQ_T3_AMETv14 setenv MYSQL_CONFIG $AMETBASE/configure/amet-config.R ### T/F; Set to T if the model/obs pairs are loaded in the AMET database (i.e. by setting LOAD_SITEX = T) setenv AMET_DB T ### IF AMET_DB = F, set location of site compare output files using the environment variable OUTDIR #setenv OUTDIR $AMETBASE/output/$AMET_PROJECT/sitex_output ### Directory where figures and text output will be directed setenv AMET_OUT $AMETBASE/output/$AMET_PROJECT/stats_plots_leaflet ### Start and End Dates of plot (YYYY-MM-DD) -- must match available dates in db or site compare files setenv AMET_SDATE "2016-07-01" setenv AMET_EDATE "2016-07-31" ### Process ID. This can be set to anything. It will be added to the file output name. Default is 1. ### The PID is particularly important if using the AMET web interface and is determined there through ### a random number generator. setenv AMET_PID 1 ### Plot Type, options are "html" setenv AMET_PTYPE html ### Species to Plot ### ### Acceptable Species Names: SO4,NO3,NH4,HNO3,TNO3,PM_TOT,PM25_TOT,PM_FRM,PM25_FRM,EC,OC,TC,O3,O3_1hrmax,O3_8hrmax ### SO2,CO,NO,SO4_dep,SO4_conc,NO3_dep,NO3_conc,NH4_dep,NH4_conc,precip,NOy ### AE6 (CMAQv5.0) Species ### Na,Cl,Al,Si,Ti,Ca,Mg,K,Mn,Soil,Other,Ca_dep,Ca_conc,Mg_dep,Mg_conc,K_dep,K_conc setenv AMET_AQSPECIES PM25_TOT ### Observation Network to plot -- One only ### Uncomment to set to 'T' and process that nework, ### default is off (commented out) ### NOTE: species are not available in every network ### See AMET User's guide for details on each network ### North America Networks ### #setenv AMET_CSN T setenv AMET_IMPROVE T #setenv AMET_CASTNET T # setenv AMET_CASTNET_Hourly T # setenv AMET_CASTNET_Drydep T # setenv AMET_NADP T # setenv AMET_AIRMON T # setenv AMET_AQS_Hourly T # setenv AMET_AQS_Daily_O3 T # setenv AMET_AQS_Daily T # setenv AMET_SEARCH T # setenv AMET_SEARCH_Daily T # setenv AMET_NAPS_Hourly T # setenv AMET_NAPS_Daily_O3 T ### Europe Networks ### # setenv AMET_AirBase_Hourly T # setenv AMET_AirBase_Daily T # setenv AMET_AURN_Hourly T # setenv AMET_AURN_Daily T # setenv AMET_EMEP_Hourly T # setenv AMET_EMEP_Daily T # setenv AMET_AGANET T # setenv AMET_ADMN T # setenv AMET_NAMN T ### Gloabl Networks ### # setenv AMET_NOAA_ESRL_O3 T # setenv AMET_TOAR T # Log File for R script setenv AMET_LOG stats_plots_leaflet.log ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Most users will not need to change below here ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## Set the input file for this R script setenv AMETRINPUT $AMETBASE/scripts_analysis/aqExample/input_files/all_scripts.input setenv AMET_NET_INPUT $AMETBASE/scripts_analysis/aqExample/input_files/Network.input # Check for plot and text output directory, create if not present if (! -d $AMET_OUT) then mkdir -p $AMET_OUT endif # R-script execution command R CMD BATCH --no-save --slave $AMETBASE/R_analysis_code/AQ_Stats_Plots_leaflet.R $AMET_LOG setenv AMET_R_STATUS $status if($AMET_R_STATUS == 0) then echo echo "Statistics information" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Plots -----------------------> $AMET_OUT/${AMET_PROJECT}_${AMET_AQSPECIES}_${AMET_PID}_statsplot_.html" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" exit 0 else echo "The AMET R script did not produce any output, please check the LOGFILE $AMET_LOG for more details on the error." echo "Often, this indicates no data matched the specified criteria (e.g., wrong dates for project). Please check and re-run!" exit 1 endif