#!/bin/csh -f # ===================== WRF-CMAQ Run Script ========================= # Usage: run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.WRFCMAQ.csh >& run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.WRFCMAQ.log & # Slurm Usage: sbatch run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.WRFCMAQ.csh # # To report problems or request help with this script/program: # http://www.epa.gov/cmaq (EPA CMAQ Website) # http://www.cmascenter.org (CMAS Website) # =================================================================== set NPROCS = 8 set wrfv = 4.3 set version = sw_feedback set option = 3 # =================================================================== #> Runtime Environment Options # =================================================================== echo 'Start Model Run At ' `date` #> Toggle Diagnostic Mode which will print verbose information to #> standard output setenv CTM_DIAG_LVL 0 #> Set General Parameters and Labels for Configuring the Simulation set VRSN = ${wrfv}533 #> Code Version set PROC = mpi #> serial or mpi set MECH = cb6r3_ae7_aq # Mechanism ID set APPL = yrd04 #> Application Name (e.g. Domain) #> Define RUNID as any combination of parameters above or others. By default, #> this information will be collected into this one string, $RUNID, for easy #> referencing in output binaries and log files as well as in other scripts. setenv RUNID ${VRSN}_${APPL} set EXEC = wrf.exe #> Output Each line of Runscript to Log File if ( $CTM_DIAG_LVL != 0 ) set echo # Set Working, Input, and Output Directories set WORKDIR = /data4/sunzhixu/WRF-CMAQ/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts set WRF_DIR = $WORKDIR/BLD_WRFv4.3_CCTM_v533_intel set INPDIR = /data4/sunzhixu/CMAQv5.3.2_Benchmark_2Day_Input/2016_12SE1 # Input directory set OMIpath = $WRF_DIR/cmaq # path optics related data files set OUTPUT_ROOT = /home/sunzhixu/wrfcmaq/04km # output root directory set NMLpath = $WRF_DIR/cmaq # path with *.nml file mechanism dependent set EMISSCTRL = $WRF_DIR/cmaq # path of Emissions Control File set output_direct_name = 2020.0805-10.nofeed echo "" echo "Working Directory is $WORKDIR" echo "Output Root Directory is $OUTPUT_ROOT" echo "Executable Name is $EXEC" # ===================================================================== # WRF-CMAQ coupled Configuration Options # ===================================================================== #> Set Start and End Days for looping setenv NEW_START TRUE # Set to FALSE for model restart set START_DATE = "2020-08-05" # beginning date (July 1, 2016) set END_DATE = "2020-08-31" # ending date (July 14, 2016) #> Set Timestepping Parameters set STTIME = 000000 # beginning GMT time (HHMMSS) set NSTEPS = 240000 # time duration (HHMMSS) for this run set TSTEP = 010000 # output time step interval (HHMMSS) set resolution = 4000 # domain resolution in meter #set wrf_cmaq_option = ${option} set wrf_cmaq_option = 3 # 0 = run WRF only # 1 = run WRF only and produce GRID and MET files as well # 2 = run WRF-CMAQ coupled model w/o producing GRID and MET files # 3 = run WRF-CMAQ coupled model w producing GRID and MET files set direct_sw_feedback = .true. # direct Shortwave aerosol feedback effect [.false] set wrf_cmaq_freq = 15 # WRF-CMAQ couple model frequency [1] set cont_from_spinup_run = F # indicates whether a wrf spinup run prior to the twoway model run set wrf_tstep = 20 # WRF model time-step set NUM_LAND_USE_TYPE = 20 # MODIS IS 20, USGS is 24, NCLD50 is 50, NCLD40 is 40 set radt = 4 # radiation module time step set met_file_tstep = 10000 set ltg_assim = .true. # Option for lightning assimilation in Kain-Fritsch when cu_physics=1 [ .false. ] set suppress_opt = 0 # Suppression option if ltg assim used. # 0 = nosuppress # 1 = fullsuppress # 2 = shallonly setenv CTM_LTNG_OPTION 0 # 0 - use nothing # 1 - use WRF convective cloud calculation currently # this only work with two-way coupled model # 2 - use lightning flashes data # 3 - use lightning parameter # 4 - use NOx emission data file if ($$direct_sw_feedback == .true.) then set feedback = sf else set feedback = nf endif set call_ratio = "${wrf_cmaq_freq}_1" @ temp_res = $resolution / 1000 if (($resolution % 1000) == 0) then set scale = "${temp_res}km" else set scale = "${resolution}m" endif # set output_direct_name = output_${scale}_${feedback}_rrtmg_${radt}_${call_ratio}_v${VRSN} set OUTDIR = $OUTPUT_ROOT/$output_direct_name # output files and directories #> Keep or Delete Existing Output Files set CLOBBER_DATA = TRUE setenv PRINT_PROC_TIME Y # Print timing for all science subprocesses to Logfile # [ TRUE or Y ] setenv STDOUT T # Override I/O-API trying to write information to both the processor # logs and STDOUT [ options: T | F ] setenv GRID_NAME YRD4km # check GRIDDESC file for GRID_NAME options setenv GRIDDESC $OUTDIR/GRIDDESC # grid description file #setenv GRIDDESC /data1/lihl/models-3/CMAQv5.0.1/scripts/GRIDDESC1 #> WRF-CMAQ number of columns, rows and layers setenv WRF_COL_DIM 205 # wrf west_east_stag setenv WRF_ROW_DIM 229 # wrf south_north_stag setenv WRF_LAY_DIM 24 # wrf bottom_top_stag setenv CMAQ_COL_DIM 192 setenv CMAQ_ROW_DIM 216 setenv TWOWAY_DELTA_X 6 # distance between the wrf and cmaq lower left corner in the x-direction setenv TWOWAY_DELTA_Y 6 # distance between the wrf and cmaq lower left corner in the y-direction setenv WRF_LC_REF_LAT 34.0 # WRF Lambert conformal reference latitude if (! -e $OUTDIR ) then mkdir -p $OUTDIR endif # convert STTIME to WRF format HH:MM::SS @ second = $STTIME % 100 @ minute = ($STTIME / 100) % 100 @ hour = $STTIME / 10000 set wrf_sttime = `date -ud "$hour":"$minute":"$second" +%H:%M:%S` set wrf_hr = $NSTEPS #> setup wrf start hour, minute, and second @ wrf_sec = $NSTEPS % 100 @ wrf_min = ($NSTEPS / 100) % 100 @ wrf_hr = $NSTEPS / 10000 @ wrf_restart_interval = $wrf_min + ($wrf_hr * 60) # Output Species and Layer Options # CONC file species; comment or set to "ALL" to write all species to CONC setenv CONC_SPCS "O3 NO ANO3I ANO3J NO2 FORM ISOP NH3 ANH4I ANH4J ASO4I ASO4J" setenv CONC_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1" # CONC file layer range; comment to write all layers to CONC # ACONC file species; comment or set to "ALL" to write all species to ACONC # setenv AVG_CONC_SPCS "O3 NO CO NO2 ASO4I ASO4J NH3" setenv AVG_CONC_SPCS "ALL" setenv ACONC_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1" # ACONC file layer range; comment to write all layers to ACONC setenv AVG_FILE_ENDTIME N # override default beginning ACONC timestamp [ default: N ] # Synchronization Time Step and Tolerance Options setenv CTM_MAXSYNC 300 # max sync time step (sec) [ default: 720 ] setenv CTM_MINSYNC 60 # min sync time step (sec) [ default: 60 ] setenv SIGMA_SYNC_TOP 0.7 # top sigma level thru which sync step determined [ default: 0.7 ] #setenv ADV_HDIV_LIM 0.95 # maximum horiz. div. limit for adv step adjust [ default: 0.9 ] setenv CTM_ADV_CFL 0.95 # max CFL [ default: 0.75] #setenv RB_ATOL 1.0E-09 # global ROS3 solver absolute tolerance [ default: 1.0E-07 ] # Science Options setenv CTM_OCEAN_CHEM Y # Flag for ocean halgoen chemistry and sea spray aerosol emissions [ Y ] setenv CTM_WB_DUST Y # use inline windblown dust emissions [ Y ] setenv CTM_WBDUST_BELD UNKNOWN # landuse database for identifying dust source regions # [ UNKNOWN ]; ignore if CTM_WB_DUST = N setenv CTM_LTNG_NO Y # turn on lightning NOx [ N ] setenv KZMIN Y # use Min Kz option in edyintb [ Y ], # otherwise revert to Kz0UT setenv CTM_MOSAIC N # landuse specific deposition velocities [ N ] setenv CTM_FST N #> mosaic method to get land-use specific stomatal flux [ N ] setenv PX_VERSION Y # WRF PX LSM setenv CLM_VERSION N # WRF CLM LSM setenv NOAH_VERSION N # WRF NOAH LSM setenv CTM_ABFLUX N # ammonia bi-directional flux for in-line deposition velocities [ N ] setenv CTM_BIDI_FERT_NH3 T # subtract fertilizer NH3 from emissions because it will be handled # by the BiDi calculation [ Y ] setenv CTM_HGBIDI N # mercury bi-directional flux for in-line deposition velocities [ N ] setenv CTM_SFC_HONO Y # surface HONO interaction [ Y ] setenv CTM_GRAV_SETL Y # vdiff aerosol gravitational sedimentation [ Y ] setenv CTM_BIOGEMIS N # calculate in-line biogenic emissions [ N ] setenv CTM_TURN_ON_PV N # WRF-CMAQ ONLY turn on/off PV [ N -- make sure compiled with pv on ] #> Vertical Extraction Options setenv VERTEXT N # setenv VERTEXT_COORD_PATH ${WORKDIR}/lonlat.csv # I/O Controls setenv IOAPI_LOG_WRITE F # turn on excess WRITE3 logging [ options: T | F ] setenv FL_ERR_STOP N # stop on inconsistent input files setenv PROMPTFLAG F # turn on I/O-API PROMPT*FILE interactive mode [ options: T | F ] setenv IOAPI_OFFSET_64 YES # support large timestep records (>2GB/timestep record) [ options: YES | NO ] setenv IOAPI_CHECK_HEADERS N # check file headers [ options: Y | N ] setenv CTM_EMISCHK N # Abort CMAQ if missing surrogates from emissions Input files setenv EMISDIAG F # Print Emission Rates at the output time step after they have been # scaled and modified by the user Rules [options: F | T or 2D | 3D | 2DSUM ] # Individual streams can be modified using the variables: # GR_EMIS_DIAG_## | STK_EMIS_DIAG_## | BIOG_EMIS_DIAG # MG_EMIS_DIAG | LTNG_EMIS_DIAG | DUST_EMIS_DIAG # SEASPRAY_EMIS_DIAG # Note that these diagnostics are different than other emissions diagnostic # output because they occur after scaling. setenv EMIS_SYM_DATE N # Master switch for allowing CMAQ to use the date from each Emission file # rather than checking the emissions date against the internal model date. # [options: T | F or Y | N]. If false (F/N), then the date from CMAQ's internal # time will be used and an error check will be performed (recommended). Users # may switch the behavior for individual emission files below using the variables: # GR_EM_SYM_DATE_## | STK_EM_SYM_DATE_## [ N ] # Diagnostic Output Flags setenv CTM_CKSUM Y # checksum report [ Y ] setenv CLD_DIAG N # cloud diagnostic file [ N ] setenv CTM_PHOTDIAG N # photolysis diagnostic file [ N ] setenv NLAYS_PHOTDIAG "1" # Number of layers for PHOTDIAG2 and PHOTDIAG3 from # Layer 1 to NLAYS_PHOTDIAG [ default: all layers ] #setenv NWAVE_PHOTDIAG "294 303 310 316 333 381 607" # Wavelengths written for variables # in PHOTDIAG2 and PHOTDIAG3 # [ default: all wavelengths ] setenv CTM_PMDIAG N # Instantaneous Aerosol Diagnostic File [ Y ] setenv CTM_APMDIAG Y # Hourly-Average Aerosol Diagnostic File [ Y ] setenv APMDIAG_BLEV_ELEV "1 1" # layer range for average pmdiag = NLAYS setenv CTM_SSEMDIAG N # sea-spray emissions diagnostic file [ N ] setenv CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG N # windblown dust emissions diagnostic file [ N ]; # Ignore if CTM_WB_DUST = N setenv CTM_DEPV_FILE N # deposition velocities diagnostic file [ N ] setenv VDIFF_DIAG_FILE N # vdiff & possibly aero grav. sedimentation diagnostic file [ N ] setenv LTNGDIAG N # lightning diagnostic file [ N ] setenv B3GTS_DIAG N # BEIS mass emissions diagnostic file [ N ] setenv CTM_WVEL Y # save derived vertical velocity component to conc file [ Y ] setenv SD_TIME_SERIES F # WRF-CMAQ sub domain time series output option [F] #setenv SD_SCOL 241 # WRF-CMAQ sub domain time series starting column #setenv SD_ECOL 248 # WRF-CMAQ sub domain time series ending column #setenv SD_SROW 160 # WRF-CMAQ sub domain time series starting row #setenv SD_EROW 169 # WRF-CMAQ sub domain time series ending row #setenv SD_CONC_SPCS "NO2 NO O3 NO3 CO ASO4J ASO4I ANH4J ANH4I ANO3J ANO3I AORGAJ AORGAI AORGPAJ AORGPAI AORGBJ AORGBI AECJ AECI A25J A25I ACORS ASEAS ASOIL" #> sub domain time series species subset list setenv FILE_TIME_STEP $met_file_tstep # MPI Optimization Flags setenv MPI_SM_POOL 16000 # increase shared memory pool in case many MPI_SEND headers setenv MP_EAGER_LIMIT 65536 # set MPI message passing buffer size to max setenv MP_SINGLE_THREAD yes # optimize for single threaded applications [ no ] setenv MP_STDOUTMODE ordered # order output by the processor ID setenv MP_LABELIO yes # label output by processor ID [ no ] setenv MP_SHARED_MEMORY yes # force use of shared memory for tasks on same node [ no ] setenv MP_ADAPTER_USE shared # share the MP adapter with other jobs setenv MP_CPU_USE multiple # share the node with multiple users/jobs setenv MP_CSS_INTERRUPT yes # specify whether arriving packets generate interrupts [ no ] # ===================================================================== #> Input Directories and Filenames # ===================================================================== set ICpath = /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/icon/wrfcmaq #> initial conditions input directory set BCpath = /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/bcon/base #> boundary conditions input directory #set EMISpath = /data1/huangling/emissions/meic2019_cb05.cmaq set EMISpath = /data1/lihl/models-3/CMAQv5.3.2_2/data/emis/cn04YRD_2018 #> gridded emissions input directory #set EMISpath2 = $INPDIR/emis/gridded_area/rwc #> gridded surface residential wood combustion emissions directory set IN_PTpath = $INPDIR/emis/inln_point #> point source emissions input directory set IN_LTpath = $INPDIR/lightning #> lightning NOx input directory set METpath = /data4/sunzhixu/twoway_coupled_prep/04/202008.05-09.01 #> meteorology input directory for ICs/BCs fdda/sfdda #set JVALpath = $INPDIR/jproc #> offline photolysis rate table directory # set OMIpath = $BLD/cmaq #> ozone column data for the photolysis model set LUpath = $INPDIR/land #> BELD landuse data for windblown dust model set SZpath = $INPDIR/land #> surf zone file for in-line seaspray emissions # ===================================================================== #> Begin Loop Through Simulation Days # ===================================================================== set rtarray = "" set TODAYG = ${START_DATE} set TODAYJ = `date -ud "${START_DATE}" +%Y%j` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYJJJ set START_DAY = ${TODAYJ} set STOP_DAY = `date -ud "${END_DATE}" +%Y%j` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYJJJ set NDAYS = 0 while ($TODAYJ <= $STOP_DAY ) #>Compare dates in terms of YYYYJJJ set NDAYS = `echo "${NDAYS} + 1" | bc -l` #> Retrieve Calendar day Information set YYYYMMDD = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y%m%d` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYMMDD set YYYYMM = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y%m` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYMM set YYMMDD = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%y%m%d` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYMMDD set YYYYJJJ = $TODAYJ set MMDD = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%m%d` #set YYYYJJJ = $TODAYJ set JJJ = `echo "${TODAYJ}"|cut -c5-7` echo $JJJ #> Calculate Yesterday's Date set YESTERDAY = `date -ud "${TODAYG}-1days" +%Y%m%d` # ===================================================================== #> Set Output String and Propagate Model Configuration Documentation # ===================================================================== echo "" echo "Set up input and output files for Day ${TODAYG}." #> set output file name extensions setenv CTM_APPL ${RUNID}_${YYYYMMDD} setenv CTM_APPL_yesterday ${RUNID}_${YESTERDAY} #> Copy Model Configuration To Output Folder if ( ! -d "$OUTDIR" ) mkdir -p $OUTDIR # cp $BLD/cmaq/CCTM_${VRSN}.cfg $OUTDIR/CCTM_${CTM_APPL}.cfg # ===================================================================== #> Input Files (Some are Day-Dependent) # ===================================================================== #> Initial conditions if ($NEW_START == true || $NEW_START == TRUE ) then setenv ICFILE ICON_v532_cn04_profile_20200805 setenv INIT_MEDC_1 notused setenv INITIAL_RUN N #related to restart soil information file #> WRF-CMAQ Configuration set feedback_restart = .false. # indicates no CMAQ aerosol information in the initial step if ($cont_from_spinup_run == T) then setenv WRF_RSTFLAG .false. # indicates WRF restart file exist else setenv WRF_RSTFLAG .false. # indicates WRF restart file does not exist endif set pxlsm_smois_init = 1 else set ICpath = $OUTDIR setenv ICFILE CCTM_CGRID_${RUNID}_${YESTERDAY}.nc setenv INIT_MEDC_1 $ICpath/CCTM_MEDIA_CONC_${RUNID}_${YESTERDAY}.nc setenv INITIAL_RUN N #> WRF-CMAQ Configuration setenv WRF_RSTFLAG .true. # indicates WRF restart file exist set feedback_restart = .true. # indicates CMAQ aerosol information is available set pxlsm_smois_init = 0 endif #> Boundary conditions set BCFILE = BCON_v532_cn04_regrid_${YYYYMMDD} #> Off-line photolysis rates #set JVALfile = JTABLE_${YYYYJJJ} #> Ozone column data set OMIfile = OMI_1979_to_2019.dat #> Optics file set OPTfile = PHOT_OPTICS.dat #> MCIP meteorology files setenv GRID_BDY_2D BUFFERED # GRID files are static, not day-specific setenv GRID_CRO_2D BUFFERED setenv GRID_CRO_3D BUFFERED setenv GRID_DOT_2D BUFFERED setenv MET_CRO_2D BUFFERED setenv MET_CRO_3D BUFFERED setenv MET_DOT_3D BUFFERED setenv MET_BDY_3D BUFFERED #> Emissions Control File #> #> IMPORTANT NOTE #> #> The emissions control file defined below is an integral part of controlling the behavior of the model simulation. #> Among other things, it controls the mapping of species in the emission files to chemical species in the model and #> several aspects related to the simulation of organic aerosols. #> Please carefully review the emissions control file to ensure that it is configured to be consistent with the assumptions #> made when creating the emission files defined below and the desired representation of organic aerosols. #> For further information, please see: #> + AERO7 Release Notes section on 'Required emission updates': #> https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ/blob/main/DOCS/Release_Notes/CMAQv5.3_aero7_overview.md #> + CMAQ User's Guide section 6.9.3 on 'Emission Compatability': #> https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ/blob/main/DOCS/Users_Guide/CMAQ_UG_ch06_model_configuration_options.md#6.9.3_Emission_Compatability #> + Emission Control (DESID) Documentation in the CMAQ User's Guide: #> https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ/blob/main/DOCS/Users_Guide/Appendix/CMAQ_UG_appendixB_emissions_control.md #> # setenv EMISSCTRL_NML ${BLD}/cmaq/EmissCtrl_${MECH}.nml setenv EMISSCTRL_NML /data2/sunzhixu/CMAQv5.3.2/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v532_intel/EmissCtrl_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml_CL_3rd_our #> Spatial Masks For Emissions Scaling setenv CMAQ_MASKS /data1/lihl/models-3/SA/Spatial-Allocator/output/oceanfile1_YRD4km.2.nc #> horizontal grid-dependent surf zone file #> Gridded Emissions Files setenv N_EMIS_GR 12 #set EMISfile = emis_mole_all_${YYYYMMDD}_cb6_bench.nc #setenv GR_EMIS_001 ${EMISpath}/${EMISfile} #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 GRIDDED_EMIS #setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_001 F #set EMISfile = emis_mole_rwc_${YYYYMMDD}_12US1_cmaq_cb6_2016ff_16j.nc #setenv GR_EMIS_002 ${EMISpath2}/${EMISfile} #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_002 GRIDDED_RWC #setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_002 F #setenv GR_EMIS_001 /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/emis/finn/yrd04/GLOB_GEOSchem_${YYYYJJJ}.nc3 #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 FI #setenv GR_EMIS_001 /data3/liaojiaqiang/MEGAN3.1/Output/MEGANv31.YRD4km.J4.CB6X.2018${JJJ}.BDSNP.ncf #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 NA ##setenv GR_EMIS_002 $EMISpath/agriculture/agts_l.agriculture.${YYYYMMDD}.1.YRD4km.meic2019_cb05.ncf # setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_002 AG #setenv GR_EMIS_003 $EMISpath/anthro/anthro_meic2019_cb05.YRD4km.cb05.${YYYYMMDD}.ncf #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_003 AN #setenv GR_EMIS_004 $EMISpath/dust/emis_dust.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.${YYYYMMDD}.ncf #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_004 DU # setenv GR_EMIS_003 $EMISpath/industry/agts_l.industry.${YYYYMMDD}.1.YRD4km.meic2019_cb05.3D.ncf # setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_003 IN # setenv GR_EMIS_004 $EMISpath/power/agts_l.power.${YYYYMMDD}.1.YRD4km.meic2019_cb05.3D.ncf ## setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_004 PO # setenv GR_EMIS_005 $EMISpath/residential/agts_l.residential.${YYYYMMDD}.1.YRD4km.meic2019_cb05.ncf # setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_005 RE # setenv GR_EMIS_006 $EMISpath/transport/agts_l.transport.${YYYYMMDD}.1.YRD4km.meic2019_cb05.ncf # setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_006 TR #setenv GR_EMIS_001 ${EMISpath}/EM_${YYYYJJJ} #setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 AN setenv GR_EMIS_001 /data3/liaojiaqiang/MEGAN3.1/Output/MEGANv31.YRD4km.J4.CB6X.2018${JJJ}.BDSNP.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 NA setenv GR_EMIS_002 $EMISpath/agriculture/emis_agriculture.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_002 AR setenv GR_EMIS_003 $EMISpath/biomass_burning/emis_biomass_burning.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_003 BB setenv GR_EMIS_004 $EMISpath/dust/emis_dust.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_004 DU setenv GR_EMIS_005 /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/emis/EGU/pgts3d_l.EGU.2018${MMDD}.1.YRD4km.cb6.2018base.3D.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_005 EGU setenv GR_EMIS_006 $EMISpath/industrial/pgts3d_l.industrial.2018${MMDD}.1.YRD4km.2018base_cmaq.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_006 IN setenv GR_EMIS_007 $EMISpath/industrial_boiler+kiln/pgts3d_l.industrial_boiler+kiln.2018${MMDD}.1.YRD4km.2018base.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_007 IN2 setenv GR_EMIS_008 $EMISpath/residential/emis_residential.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_008 RE setenv GR_EMIS_009 $EMISpath/solvent/emis_solvent.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.1_2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_009 SO setenv GR_EMIS_010 $EMISpath/storage/emis_storage.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.1_2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_010 ST setenv GR_EMIS_011 $EMISpath/transport/emis_transport.2018base.YRD4km.cb6.2018${MMDD}.ncf setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_011 MO setenv GR_EMIS_012 /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/emis/finn/yrd04/GLOB_GEOSchem_${YYYYJJJ} setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_012 FI setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_001 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_002 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_003 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_004 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_005 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_006 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_007 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_008 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_009 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_010 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_011 T setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_012 F # setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_011 T #> In-line point emissions configuration setenv N_EMIS_PT 0 #> Number of elevated source groups set STKCASEG = 12US1_2016ff_16j # Stack Group Version Label set STKCASEE = 12US1_cmaq_cb6_2016ff_16j # Stack Emission Version Label # Time-Independent Stack Parameters for Inline Point Sources # setenv STK_GRPS_001 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_ptnonipm_${STKCASEG}.nc # setenv STK_GRPS_002 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_ptegu_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_003 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_othpt_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_004 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_ptagfire_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_005 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_ptfire_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_006 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_ptfire_othna_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_007 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_pt_oilgas_${STKCASEG}.nc #setenv STK_GRPS_008 $IN_PTpath/stack_groups/stack_groups_cmv_c3_${STKCASEG}.nc setenv LAYP_STTIME $STTIME setenv LAYP_NSTEPS $NSTEPS # Emission Rates for Inline Point Sources #setenv STK_EMIS_001 $IN_PTpath/ptnonipm/inln_mole_ptnonipm_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_002 $IN_PTpath/ptegu/inln_mole_ptegu_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_003 $IN_PTpath/othpt/inln_mole_othpt_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_004 $IN_PTpath/ptagfire/inln_mole_ptagfire_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_005 $IN_PTpath/ptfire/inln_mole_ptfire_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_006 $IN_PTpath/ptfire_othna/inln_mole_ptfire_othna_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_007 $IN_PTpath/pt_oilgas/inln_mole_pt_oilgas_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc #setenv STK_EMIS_008 $IN_PTpath/cmv_c3/inln_mole_cmv_c3_${YYYYMMDD}_${STKCASEE}.nc setenv LAYP_STDATE $YYYYJJJ # Label Each Emissions Stream #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_001 POINT_NONEGU #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_002 POINT_EGU #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_003 POINT_OTHER #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_004 POINT_AGFIRES #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_005 POINT_FIRES #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_006 POINT_OTHFIRES #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_007 POINT_OILGAS #setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_008 POINT_CMV # Stack emissions diagnostic files #setenv STK_EMIS_DIAG_001 2DSUM #setenv STK_EMIS_DIAG_002 2DSUM #setenv STK_EMIS_DIAG_003 2DSUM #setenv STK_EMIS_DIAG_004 2DSUM #setenv STK_EMIS_DIAG_005 2DSUM # Allow CMAQ to Use Point Source files with dates that do not # match the internal model date #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_001 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_002 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_003 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_004 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_005 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_006 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_007 T #setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_008 T #> Lightning NOx configuration if ( $CTM_LTNG_NO == 'Y' ) then setenv LTNGNO "InLine" #> set LTNGNO to "Inline" to activate in-line calculation #> In-line lightning NOx options setenv USE_NLDN N #> use hourly NLDN strike file [ default: Y ] if ( $USE_NLDN == Y ) then setenv NLDN_STRIKES ${IN_LTpath}/NLDN.12US1.${YYYYMMDD}_bench.nc endif setenv LTNGPARMS_FILE /data4/sunzhixu/outdata/lightning/LTNG_Parms_cn04.nc #> lightning parameter file endif #> In-line biogenic emissions configuration if ( $CTM_BIOGEMIS == 'Y' ) then set IN_BEISpath = ${INPDIR}/land setenv GSPRO $WRF_DIR/cmaq/gspro_biogenics.txt setenv B3GRD $IN_BEISpath/b3grd_bench.nc setenv BIOSW_YN Y #> use frost date switch [ default: Y ] setenv BIOSEASON $IN_BEISpath/bioseason.cmaq.2016_12US1_full_bench.ncf #> ignore season switch file if BIOSW_YN = N setenv SUMMER_YN Y #> Use summer normalized emissions? [ default: Y ] setenv PX_VERSION Y #> MCIP is PX version? [ default: N ] setenv SOILINP $OUTDIR/CCTM_SOILOUT_${CTM_APPL_yesterday}.nc #> Biogenic NO soil input file; ignore if INITIAL_RUN = Y endif #> Windblown dust emissions configuration if ( $CTM_WB_DUST == 'Y' ) then # Input variables for BELD3 Landuse option #setenv DUST_LU_1 $LUpath/beld3_12US1_459X299_output_a_bench.nc #setenv DUST_LU_2 $LUpath/beld4_12US1_459X299_output_tot_bench.nc endif #> In-line sea spray emissions configuration setenv OCEAN_1 /data1/lihl/models-3/SA/Spatial-Allocator/output/oceanfile1_YRD4km.2.nc #> horizontal grid-dependent surf zone file #> Bidirectional ammonia configuration if ( $CTM_ABFLUX == 'Y' ) then setenv E2C_SOIL ${LUpath}/epic_festc1.4_20180516/2016_US1_soil_bench.nc setenv E2C_CHEM ${LUpath}/epic_festc1.4_20180516/2016_US1_time${YYYYMMDD}_bench.nc setenv E2C_CHEM_YEST ${LUpath}/epic_festc1.4_20180516/2016_US1_time${YESTERDAY}_bench.nc setenv E2C_LU ${LUpath}/beld4_12kmCONUS_2011nlcd_bench.nc endif #> Inline Process Analysis setenv CTM_PROCAN N #> use process analysis [ default: N] if ( $?CTM_PROCAN ) then # $CTM_PROCAN is defined if ( $CTM_PROCAN == 'Y' || $CTM_PROCAN == 'T' ) then #> process analysis global column, row and layer ranges # setenv PA_BCOL_ECOL "10 90" # default: all columns # setenv PA_BROW_EROW "10 80" # default: all rows # setenv PA_BLEV_ELEV "1 4" # default: all levels setenv PACM_INFILE ${NMLpath}/pa_${MECH}.ctl setenv PACM_REPORT $OUTDIR/"PA_REPORT".${YYYYMMDD} endif endif #> Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) Options setenv CTM_ISAM N if ( $?CTM_ISAM ) then if ( $CTM_ISAM == 'Y' || $CTM_ISAM == 'T' ) then setenv SA_IOLIST ${WORKDIR}/isam_control.txt setenv ISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1" setenv AISAM_BLEV_ELEV " 1 1" #> Set Up ISAM Initial Condition Flags if ($NEW_START == true || $NEW_START == TRUE ) then setenv ISAM_NEW_START Y setenv ISAM_PREVDAY else setenv ISAM_NEW_START N setenv ISAM_PREVDAY "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_CGRID_${RUNID}_${YESTERDAY}.nc" endif #> Set Up ISAM Output Filenames setenv SA_ACONC_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_ACONC_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv SA_CONC_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_CONC_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv SA_DD_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_DRYDEP_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv SA_WD_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_WETDEP_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv SA_CGRID_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SA_CGRID_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Set optional ISAM regions files # setenv ISAM_REGIONS /work/MOD3EVAL/nsu/isam_v53/CCTM/scripts/input/RGN_ISAM.nc endif endif #> Sulfur Tracking Model (STM) setenv STM_SO4TRACK N #> sulfur tracking [ default: N ] if ( $?STM_SO4TRACK ) then if ( $STM_SO4TRACK == 'Y' || $STM_SO4TRACK == 'T' ) then #> option to normalize sulfate tracers [ default: Y ] setenv STM_ADJSO4 Y endif endif # ===================================================================== #> Output Files # ===================================================================== #> set output file names setenv S_CGRID "$OUTDIR/CCTM_CGRID_${CTM_APPL}.nc" #> 3D Inst. Concentrations setenv CTM_CONC_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_CONC_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> On-Hour Concentrations setenv A_CONC_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_ACONC_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Hourly Avg. Concentrations setenv MEDIA_CONC "$OUTDIR/CCTM_MEDIA_CONC_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> NH3 Conc. in Media setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DRYDEP_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Hourly Dry Deposition setenv CTM_DEPV_DIAG "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DEPV_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dry Deposition Velocities setenv B3GTS_S "$OUTDIR/CCTM_B3GTS_S_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Biogenic Emissions setenv SOILOUT "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SOILOUT_${CTM_APPL}.nc" #> Soil Emissions setenv CTM_WET_DEP_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_WETDEP1_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Wet Dep From All Clouds setenv CTM_WET_DEP_2 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_WETDEP2_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Wet Dep From SubGrid Clouds setenv CTM_PMDIAG_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PMDIAG_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> On-Hour Particle Diagnostics setenv CTM_APMDIAG_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_APMDIAG_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Hourly Avg. Particle Diagnostics setenv CTM_RJ_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PHOTDIAG1_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> 2D Surface Summary from Inline Photolysis setenv CTM_RJ_2 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PHOTDIAG2_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> 3D Photolysis Rates setenv CTM_RJ_3 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PHOTDIAG3_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> 3D Optical and Radiative Results from Photolysis setenv CTM_SSEMIS_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_SSEMIS_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Sea Spray Emissions setenv CTM_DUST_EMIS_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DUSTEMIS_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dust Emissions setenv CTM_IPR_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PA_1_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Process Analysis setenv CTM_IPR_2 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PA_2_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Process Analysis setenv CTM_IPR_3 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_PA_3_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Process Analysis setenv CTM_IRR_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_IRR_1_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Chem Process Analysis setenv CTM_IRR_2 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_IRR_2_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Chem Process Analysis setenv CTM_IRR_3 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_IRR_3_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Chem Process Analysis setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_MOS "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DDMOS_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dry Dep setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_FST "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DDFST_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dry Dep setenv CTM_DEPV_MOS "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DEPVMOS_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dry Dep Velocity setenv CTM_DEPV_FST "$OUTDIR/CCTM_DEPVFST_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Dry Dep Velocity setenv CTM_VDIFF_DIAG "$OUTDIR/CCTM_VDIFF_DIAG_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Vertical Dispersion Diagnostic setenv CTM_VSED_DIAG "$OUTDIR/CCTM_VSED_DIAG_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Particle Grav. Settling Velocity setenv CTM_LTNGDIAG_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_LTNGHRLY_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Hourly Avg Lightning NO setenv CTM_LTNGDIAG_2 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_LTNGCOL_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> Column Total Lightning NO setenv CTM_VEXT_1 "$OUTDIR/CCTM_VEXT_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" #> On-Hour 3D Concs at select sites # this is for creating physical files setenv PGRID_DOT_2D "$OUTDIR/GRID_DOT_2D_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv PGRID_CRO_2D "$OUTDIR/GRID_CRO_2D_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv PMET_CRO_2D "$OUTDIR/MET_CRO_2D_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv PMET_DOT_3D "$OUTDIR/MET_DOT_2D_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" setenv PMET_CRO_3D "$OUTDIR/MET_CRO_3D_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" # WRF-CMAQ Files if ($SD_TIME_SERIES == T) then setenv CTM_SD_TS "$OUTDIR/SD_TSfile_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v" endif setenv LAYER_FILE MET_CRO_3D @ n = 0 while ($n < $NPROCS) set name = `printf "_%3.3d\n" $n` setenv feed_back$name BUFFERED # for feedback file @ n++ end #> set floor file (neg concs) setenv FLOOR_FILE ${OUTDIR}/FLOOR_${CTM_APPL}.txt #> look for existing log files and output files ( ls CTM_LOG_???.${CTM_APPL} > buff.txt ) >& /dev/null ( ls ${OUTDIR}/CTM_LOG_???.${CTM_APPL} >> buff.txt ) >& /dev/null set log_test = `cat buff.txt`; rm -f buff.txt set OUT_FILES = (${FLOOR_FILE} ${S_CGRID} ${CTM_CONC_1} ${A_CONC_1} ${MEDIA_CONC} \ ${CTM_DRY_DEP_1} $CTM_DEPV_DIAG $B3GTS_S $SOILOUT $CTM_WET_DEP_1\ $CTM_WET_DEP_2 $CTM_PMDIAG_1 $CTM_APMDIAG_1 \ $CTM_RJ_1 $CTM_RJ_2 $CTM_RJ_3 $CTM_SSEMIS_1 $CTM_DUST_EMIS_1 $CTM_IPR_1 $CTM_IPR_2 \ $CTM_IPR_3 $CTM_IRR_1 $CTM_IRR_2 $CTM_IRR_3 $CTM_DRY_DEP_MOS \ $CTM_DRY_DEP_FST $CTM_DEPV_MOS $CTM_DEPV_FST $CTM_VDIFF_DIAG $CTM_VSED_DIAG \ $CTM_LTNGDIAG_1 $CTM_LTNGDIAG_2 $CTM_VEXT_1 ) if ( $?CTM_ISAM ) then if ( $CTM_ISAM == 'Y' || $CTM_ISAM == 'T' ) then set OUT_FILES = (${OUT_FILES} ${SA_ACONC_1} ${SA_CONC_1} ${SA_DD_1} ${SA_WD_1} \ ${SA_CGRID_1} ) endif endif set OUT_FILES = `echo $OUT_FILES | sed "s; -v;;g" | sed "s;MPI:;;g" ` ( ls $OUT_FILES > buff.txt ) >& /dev/null set out_test = `cat buff.txt`; rm -f buff.txt #> delete previous output if requested if ( $CLOBBER_DATA == true || $CLOBBER_DATA == TRUE ) then echo echo "Existing Logs and Output Files for Day ${TODAYG} Will Be Deleted" #> remove previous log files foreach file ( ${log_test} ) #echo "Deleting log file: $file" /bin/rm -f $file end #> remove previous output files foreach file ( ${out_test} ) #echo "Deleting output file: $file" /bin/rm -f $file end /bin/rm -f ${OUTDIR}/CCTM_EMDIAG*${RUNID}_${YYYYMMDD}.nc else #> error if previous log files exist if ( "$log_test" != "" ) then echo "*** Logs exist - run ABORTED ***" echo "*** To overide, set CLOBBER_DATA = TRUE in run_cctm.csh ***" echo "*** and these files will be automatically deleted. ***" exit 1 endif #> error if previous output files exist if ( "$out_test" != "" ) then echo "*** Output Files Exist - run will be ABORTED ***" foreach file ( $out_test ) echo " cannot delete $file" end echo "*** To overide, set CLOBBER_DATA = TRUE in run_cctm.csh ***" echo "*** and these files will be automatically deleted. ***" exit 1 endif endif #> for the run control ... setenv CTM_STDATE $YYYYJJJ setenv CTM_STTIME $STTIME setenv CTM_RUNLEN $NSTEPS setenv CTM_TSTEP $TSTEP setenv INIT_CONC_1 $ICpath/$ICFILE setenv BNDY_CONC_1 $BCpath/$BCFILE setenv OMI $OMIpath/$OMIfile setenv OPTICS_DATA $OMIpath/$OPTfile #setenv XJ_DATA $JVALpath/$JVALfile set TR_DVpath = $METpath set TR_DVfile = $MET_CRO_2D #> species defn & photolysis setenv gc_matrix_nml ${NMLpath}/GC_$MECH.nml setenv ae_matrix_nml ${NMLpath}/AE_$MECH.nml setenv nr_matrix_nml ${NMLpath}/NR_$MECH.nml setenv tr_matrix_nml ${NMLpath}/Species_Table_TR_0.nml #> check for photolysis input data setenv CSQY_DATA ${NMLpath}/CSQY_DATA_$MECH # if (! (-e $CSQY_DATA ) ) then # echo " $CSQY_DATA not found " # exit 1 # endif # if (! (-e $OPTICS_DATA ) ) then # echo " $OPTICS_DATA not found " # exit 1 # endif cd $OUTDIR # =================================================================== #> Building WRF Namelist. # =================================================================== #auxinput1_inname = "met_em.d01.", #iofields_filename = "output.var.txt", if ( -f namelist.input ) rm -f namelist.input p cat << End_Of_Namelist > namelist.input &time_control run_hours = $wrf_hr, run_minutes = $wrf_min, run_seconds = $wrf_sec, start_year = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y`, start_month = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%m`, start_day = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%d`, start_hour = `date -ud "$wrf_sttime" +%H`, start_minute = `date -ud "$wrf_sttime" +%M`, start_second = `date -ud "$wrf_sttime" +%S`, interval_seconds = 3600, input_from_file = .true., HISTORY_INTERVAL = 60, 60, 60, FRAMES_PER_OUTFILE = 24, 24, 24, restart = $WRF_RSTFLAG, restart_interval = $wrf_restart_interval, write_hist_at_0h_rst = .true., io_form_history = 2, io_form_restart = 2, io_form_input = 2, io_form_boundary = 2, io_form_auxinput2 = 2, io_form_auxinput4 = 2, debug_level = 0, auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d01", auxinput4_interval = 360, auxinput4_end_h = 1000000, reset_simulation_start = .false., / &wrf_cmaq wrf_cmaq_option = $wrf_cmaq_option, wrf_cmaq_freq = $wrf_cmaq_freq, met_file_tstep = $met_file_tstep, direct_sw_feedback = $direct_sw_feedback, feedback_restart = $feedback_restart, / &domains time_step = $wrf_tstep, time_step_fract_num = 0, time_step_fract_den = 1, max_dom = 1, s_we = 1, e_we = $WRF_COL_DIM, s_sn = 1, e_sn = $WRF_ROW_DIM, s_vert = 1, e_vert = $WRF_LAY_DIM, p_top_requested = 10000, eta_levels = 1.000,0.995,0.988,0.980,0.970,0.956, ! full sigma, bottom-up, 0.938,0.916,0.893,0.868,0.839,0.808, ! start with 1.0, end 0.777,0.744,0.702,0.648,0.582,0.500, ! with 0.0 0.400,0.300,0.200,0.120,0.052,0.000 num_metgrid_levels = 34, dx = $resolution, dy = $resolution, grid_id = 1, parent_id = 0, i_parent_start = 1, j_parent_start = 1, parent_grid_ratio = 1, parent_time_step_ratio = 1, feedback = 1, smooth_option = 2, / &physics mp_physics = 2, ra_lw_physics = 4, ra_sw_physics = 4, radt = $radt, sf_sfclay_physics = 7, sf_surface_physics = 7, sf_urban_physics = 0, bl_pbl_physics = 7, bldt = 0, cu_physics = 0, cudt = 0 icloud = 1, num_land_cat = $NUM_LAND_USE_TYPE, / &fdda / &dynamics hybrid_opt = 0, w_damping = 0, diff_opt = 1, km_opt = 4, diff_6th_opt = 0, diff_6th_factor = 0.12, damp_opt = 3, base_temp = 290. zdamp = 5000., dampcoef = 1, khdif = 0, kvdif = 0, non_hydrostatic = .true., moist_adv_opt = 1, scalar_adv_opt = 1, gwd_opt = 0, epssm = 1, / &bdy_control spec_bdy_width = 5, spec_zone = 1, relax_zone = 4, specified = .true., spec_exp = 0.0, nested = .false., / &grib2 / &namelist_quilt nio_tasks_per_group = 0, nio_groups = 1, / End_Of_Namelist rm -f wrfbdy_d01 wrffdda_d01 wrfsfdda_d01 wrfinput_d01 wrflowinp_d01 ln -sf $METpath/wrfbdy_d01 wrfbdy_d01 ln -sf $METpath/wrffdda_d01 wrffdda_d01 ln -sf $METpath/wrfsfdda_d01 wrfsfdda_d01 if (${WRF_RSTFLAG} == .false.) then ln -sf $METpath/wrfinput_d01 wrfinput_d01 endif ln -sf $METpath/wrflowinp_d01 wrflowinp_d01 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up and run WRF-EM executable. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( -f wrf.exe ) rm -f wrf.exe if ( -f ETAMPNEW_DATA ) rm -f ETAMPNEW_DATA if ( -f GENPARM.TBL ) rm -f GENPARM.TBL if ( -f landFilenames ) rm -f landFilenames if ( -f LANDUSE.TBL ) rm -f LANDUSE.TBL if ( -f RRTM_DATA ) rm -f RRTM_DATA if ( -f SOILPARM.TBL ) rm -f SOILPARM.TBL if ( -f tr49t67 ) rm -f tr49t67 if ( -f tr49t85 ) rm -f tr49t85 if ( -f tr67t85 ) rm -f tr67t85 if ( -f VEGPARM.TBL ) rm -f VEGPARM.TBL ln -s $WRF_DIR/main/wrf.exe wrf.exe ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/ETAMPNEW_DATA ETAMPNEW_DATA ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/GENPARM.TBL GENPARM.TBL ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/landFilenames landFilenames ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/LANDUSE.TBL LANDUSE.TBL ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/RRTM_DATA RRTM_DATA ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/RRTMG_SW_DATA RRTMG_SW_DATA ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/RRTMG_LW_DATA RRTMG_LW_DATA ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/SOILPARM.TBL SOILPARM.TBL ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/tr49t67 tr49t67 ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/tr49t85 tr49t85 ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/tr67t85 tr67t85 ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/VEGPARM.TBL VEGPARM.TBL ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/ozone_plev.formatted ozone_plev.formatted ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/ozone_lat.formatted ozone_lat.formatted ln -s $WRF_DIR/test/em_real/ozone.formatted ozone.formatted # =================================================================== #> Execution Portion # =================================================================== #> Print attributes of the executable # if ( $CTM_DIAG_LVL != 0 ) then # ls -l $BLD/$EXEC # size $BLD/$EXEC # unlimit # limit # endif #> Print Startup Dialogue Information to Standard Out echo echo "CMAQ Processing of Day $YYYYMMDD Began at `date`" echo #> Executable call for single PE, uncomment to invoke #( /usr/bin/time -p $BLD/$EXEC ) |& tee buff_${EXECUTION_ID}.txt #> Executable call for multi PE, configure for your system # set MPI = /usr/local/intel/impi/ # set MPIRUN = $MPI/mpirun # ( /usr/bin/time -p mpirun -np $NPROCS $OUTDIR/$EXEC ) |& tee buff_${EXECUTION_ID}.txt # /usr/bin/time -p mpirun -np $NPROCS $OUTDIR/$EXEC ls -al wrf.exe date time mpirun -np $NPROCS ./wrf.exe date #> Harvest Timing Output so that it may be reported below # set rtarray = "${rtarray} `tail -3 buff_${EXECUTION_ID}.txt | grep -Eo '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?' | head -1` " # rm -rf buff_${EXECUTION_ID}.txt #> Abort script if abnormal termination if ($wrf_cmaq_option > 1) then if ( ! -e $OUTDIR/CCTM_CGRID_${CTM_APPL}.nc ) then echo "" echo "**************************************************************" echo "** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. **" echo "** This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue **" echo "** exists with writing output. The runscript will now **" echo "** abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days. **" echo "**************************************************************" break endif #> Print Concluding Text echo echo "CMAQ Processing of Day $YYYYMMDD Finished at `date`" echo echo "\\\\\=====\\\\\=====\\\\\=====\\\\\=====/////=====/////=====/////=====/////" echo endif # =================================================================== #> Finalize Run for This Day and Loop to Next Day # =================================================================== #> Save Log Files and Move on to Next Simulation Day #mv CTM_LOG_???.${CTM_APPL} $OUTDIR #> WRF-CMAQ LOGS are combined into WRF_LOGS no CTM_LOGS_* will be generated if ( ! -e $OUTDIR/${TODAYJ}) then mkdir $OUTDIR/${TODAYJ} endif mv rsl.* $OUTDIR/${TODAYJ} if (($wrf_cmaq_option == 1) || ($wrf_cmaq_option == 3)) then mv MET* $OUTDIR/${TODAYJ} mv GRI* $OUTDIR/${TODAYJ} endif if ( $CTM_DIAG_LVL != 0 ) then mv CTM_DIAG_???.${CTM_APPL} $OUTDIR endif #> The next simulation day will, by definition, be a restart setenv NEW_START false #> Increment both Gregorian and Julian Days set TODAYG = `date -ud "${TODAYG}+1days" +%Y-%m-%d` #> Add a day for tomorrow set TODAYJ = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y%j` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYJJJ end #Loop to the next Simulation Day # =================================================================== #> Generate Timing Report # =================================================================== set RTMTOT = 0 foreach it ( `seq ${NDAYS}` ) set rt = `echo ${rtarray} | cut -d' ' -f${it}` set RTMTOT = `echo "${RTMTOT} + ${rt}" | bc -l` end set RTMAVG = `echo "scale=2; ${RTMTOT} / ${NDAYS}" | bc -l` set RTMTOT = `echo "scale=2; ${RTMTOT} / 1" | bc -l` echo echo "==================================" echo " ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****" echo "==================================" echo "Start Day: ${START_DATE}" echo "End Day: ${END_DATE}" echo "Number of Simulation Days: ${NDAYS}" echo "Domain Name: ${GRID_NAME}" #echo "Number of Grid Cells: ${NCELLS} (ROW x COL x LAY)" #echo "Number of Layers: ${NZ}" echo "Number of Processes: ${NPROCS}" echo " All times are in seconds." echo echo "Num Day Wall Time" set d = 0 set day = ${START_DATE} foreach it ( `seq ${NDAYS}` ) # Set the right day and format it set d = `echo "${d} + 1" | bc -l` set n = `printf "%02d" ${d}` # Choose the correct time variables set rt = `echo ${rtarray} | cut -d' ' -f${it}` # Write out row of timing data echo "${n} ${day} ${rt}" # Increment day for next loop set day = `date -ud "${day}+1days" +%Y-%m-%d` end echo " Total Time = ${RTMTOT}" echo " Avg. Time = ${RTMAVG}" exit