C*********************************************************************** C Portions of Models-3/CMAQ software were developed or based on * C information from various groups: Federal Government employees, * C contractors working on a United States Government contract, and * C non-Federal sources (including research institutions). These * C research institutions have given the Government permission to * C use, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of their * C work in Models-3/CMAQ to the public and to permit others to do * C so. EPA therefore grants similar permissions for use of the * C Models-3/CMAQ software, but users are requested to provide copies * C of derivative works to the Government without restrictions as to * C use by others. Users are responsible for acquiring their own * C copies of commercial software associated with Models-3/CMAQ and * C for complying with vendor requirements. Software copyrights by * C the MCNC Environmental Modeling Center are used with their * C permissions subject to the above restrictions. * C*********************************************************************** C RCS file, release, date & time of last delta, author, state, [and locker] C $Header: /project/work/rep/TOOLS/src/combine/module_evaluator.F,v 2005/07/27 12:55:20 sjr Exp $ C*********************************************************************** C C MODULE: evaluates species expressions C C*********************************************************************** MODULE evaluator Real, Private, Allocatable :: parseBuffer(:,:) Integer, Parameter, Private :: EXP_LEN = 1024 Integer, Private :: idate Integer, Private :: itime Integer, Private :: ilayer Integer, Private :: isize CONTAINS C subroutine to evaluate species expression at date C returns buffer array values Subroutine evaluate(expression,jdate,jtime,jlayer,jsize,buffer) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) expression Integer jdate, jtime Integer jlayer Integer jsize Real buffer(jsize) ! local variables Character*(EXP_LEN) expresscp Character*(EXP_LEN) express Integer nparen Integer depth, maxdepth Integer i, n, pos1, pos2 Character*(5) nstring Logical KSWIT ! set module variables idate = jdate itime = jtime ilayer = jlayer isize = jsize ! make copy of expression to modify expresscp = expression ! check for scientific notation (E+,E-,e+,e-) and replace with 10.0^ call rmSciNot( expresscp ) ! find number of parentheses and depth nparen = 0 depth = 0 maxdepth = 0 Do i=1,len_trim(expresscp) if( expresscp(i:i).eq.'(' ) then nparen = nparen + 1 depth = depth + 1 endif if( expresscp(i:i).eq.')' ) then depth = depth - 1 endif if( depth.gt.maxdepth ) maxdepth = depth enddo ! check for unbalanced parentheses if( depth.ne.0 ) then write(*,'(/'' unbalanced parentheses in expression''/a)') trim(expresscp) stop endif ! allocate memory for parseBuffer if needed if( nparen.gt.0 ) then if( Allocated(parseBuffer) .and. & SIZE(parseBuffer,DIM=2).lt.nparen ) then deAllocate(parseBuffer) endif if( .NOT.Allocated(parseBuffer) ) then Allocate( parseBuffer(isize,nparen) ) endif parseBuffer = 0.0 endif ! find depth of parentheses depth = maxDepth Do n=1,nparen ! build buffer number as string write(nstring, '(i5)') n Call leftTrim(nstring) ! try to find parentheses at depth Call findDepth( expresscp, depth, pos1, pos2 ) if( pos1.eq.0 ) then depth = depth - 1 Call findDepth( expresscp, depth, pos1, pos2 ) endif ! if parentheses found, evaluate sub expression if( pos1.gt.0 ) then ! extract expression within parentheses and ! evaluate to parsebuffer(1:isize,n) express = expresscp(pos1+1:pos2-1) call eval1(express, parsebuffer(1:isize,n) ) ! replace expression within parentheses with "buffer[n]" express = '' if( pos1.gt.1 ) express = expresscp(1:pos1-1) express = TRIM(express) // 'buffer[' // TRIM(nstring) // & ']' // TRIM(expresscp(pos2+1:)) expresscp = express endif enddo call eval1(expresscp, buffer) end Subroutine evaluate C subroutine to replace scientific notation strings Subroutine rmSciNot(expression) IMPLICIT NONE Character*(*) expression Character*(2) estring(4) Character*(7) pstring(4) Integer n, i, pos, pos1, pos2 Data estring/'E+','e+','E-','e-'/ Data pstring/'*(10.0^', '*(10.0^', '/(10.0^', '/(10.0^'/ do n=1,4 do while( index(expression, estring(n)) .gt. 0 ) pos = index(expression, estring(n)) ! search for start of number starting at pos-1 and working back pos1 = pos-1 do i=pos-1,1,-1 if( index('0123456789.',expression(i:i)) .eq. 0 ) then EXIT endif pos1 = i enddo ! search for end of number starting at pos+2 do i=pos+2,pos+12 if( index('0123456789.',expression(i:i)) .eq. 0 ) then pos2=i EXIT endif enddo if( pos1 .eq. 1 ) then expression = '(' // expression(1:pos-1) // pstring(n) // expression(pos+2:pos2-1) & // '))' // expression(pos2:) endif if( pos1 .gt. 1 ) then expression = expression(1:pos1-1) // '(' // expression(pos1:pos-1) // & pstring(n) // expression(pos+2:pos2-1) // '))' // expression(pos2:) endif enddo enddo return end Subroutine rmSciNot C subroutine to find location of parentheses depth Subroutine findDepth(expression, depth, pos1, pos2) IMPLICIT NONE Character*(*) expression Integer depth, pos1, pos2 Integer i, dep pos1 = 0 pos2 = 0 dep = 0 ! try to find parentheses at depth Do i = 1, len_trim(expression) if( expression(i:i).eq.'(' ) then dep = dep+1 if(dep.eq.depth) pos1 = i endif if( expression(i:i).eq.')' ) then if(dep.eq.depth) then pos2 = i return endif dep = dep-1 endif enddo return end Subroutine findDepth C subroutine to return buffer array value Subroutine getBuffer(field, buffer) IMPLICIT NONE Character*(*) field Real buffer(isize) Integer pos1, pos2, nbuf, status Character*(10) string Character*(10) func Logical KSWIT Logical SHUT3 Call leftTrim(field) ! parse field to find buffer number pos1 = index(field, '[') pos2 = index(field, ']',.true.) if(pos1.le.0 .or. pos1.ge.pos2) then write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid syntax in field: '',a)') trim(field) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif if(field(pos2+1:) .ne. ' ') then write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid syntax in field: '',a)') trim(field) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif string = field(pos1+1:pos2-1) read(string,'(i10)',iostat=status) nbuf if(status .ne. 0) then write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid syntax in field: '',a)') trim(field) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif buffer = parsebuffer(1:isize,nbuf) ! check for function pos1 = index(field, 'buffer[') Call UCASE(field) if( pos1.gt.1 ) then func = field(1:pos1-1) if( func.eq.'LOG' ) then buffer = LOG(buffer) return endif if( func.eq.'EXP' ) then buffer = EXP(buffer) return endif if( func.eq.'SQRT' ) then buffer = SQRT(buffer) return endif if( func.eq.'ABS' ) then buffer = ABS(buffer) return endif write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid function name: '',a)') trim(func) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif return end Subroutine getBuffer C subroutine to evaluate species expression (parses conditional statment if needed) C X = (y[1]>10) ? 10 : y[1] C Subroutine eval1(expression, buffer) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) expression Real buffer(isize) ! functions Integer getFldCount ! local variables Logical, Allocatable :: flags(:) Real, Allocatable :: value1(:) Real, Allocatable :: value2(:) Character*(EXP_LEN) field Character operator Integer nmajor Integer i Logical badopr ! parse major fields (?:) nmajor = getFldCount(expression, '?:') ! if conditional if( nmajor.eq.3 ) then Allocate( flags(isize), value1(isize), value2(isize) ) badopr = .false. call getFld( expression, '?:', 1, operator, field ) if(operator.ne.'?') badopr = .true. call eval1b( field, flags) call getFld( expression, '?:', 2, operator, field ) if(operator.ne.'?') badopr = .true. call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '?:', 3, operator, field ) if(operator.ne.':') badopr = .true. call eval2( field, value2) if( badopr ) then Write(*,'(/''**Error** Syntax error encountered in conditional expression: '',a)') trim(expression) stop endif ! set buffer values do i=1,isize if( flags(i) ) then buffer(i) = value1(i) else buffer(i) = value2(i) endif enddo Deallocate (flags, value1, value2) return endif ! if no conditional if( nmajor.eq.1 ) then call eval2( trim(expression), buffer ) return endif ! syntax error Write(*,'(/''**Error** Syntax error encountered at: '',a)') trim(expression) stop end Subroutine eval1 C subroutine to evaluate condition expression (called from eval1) Subroutine eval1b(expression, flags) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) expression Logical flags(isize) ! functions Integer getFldCount ! local variables Real, Allocatable :: value1(:) Real, Allocatable :: value2(:) Character*(EXP_LEN) field Character operator Integer nflds Integer i ! verify that expression contains a parse major fields (<=>) nflds = getFldCount(expression, '<=>') if( nflds.eq.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**Error** Syntax error encountered in conditional: '',a)') trim(expression) stop endif ! parse conditional expression Allocate( value1(isize), value2(isize) ) ! determine conditional operator is <= if( index(expression,'<=').gt.0 ) then call getFld( expression, '<=', 1, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '<=', 3, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value2) flags = ( value1 .le. value2 ) Deallocate (value1, value2) return endif ! determine conditional operator is >= if( index(expression,'>=').gt.0 ) then call getFld( expression, '>=', 1, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '>=', 3, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value2) flags = ( value1 .ge. value2 ) Deallocate (value1, value2) return endif ! determine conditional operator is > if( index(expression,'>').gt.0 ) then call getFld( expression, '>', 1, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '>', 2, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value2) flags = ( value1 .gt. value2 ) Deallocate (value1, value2) return endif ! determine conditional operator is < if( index(expression,'<').gt.0 ) then call getFld( expression, '<', 1, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '<', 2, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value2) flags = ( value1 .lt. value2 ) Deallocate (value1, value2) return endif ! determine conditional operator is = if( index(expression,'=').gt.0 ) then call getFld( expression, '=', 1, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value1) call getFld( expression, '=', 2, operator, field ) call eval2( field, value2) flags = ( value1 .eq. value2 ) Deallocate (value1, value2) return endif ! syntax error Write(*,'(/''**Error** Syntax error encountered: '',a)') trim(expression) stop end Subroutine eval1b C subroutine to evaluate species expression (parses major fields (+-)) Subroutine eval2(expression, buffer) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) expression Real buffer(isize) ! functions Integer getFldCount ! local variables Real, Allocatable :: value(:) Character*(EXP_LEN) field Character operator Integer nmajor Integer n buffer = 0.0 Allocate ( value(isize) ) ! parse major fields (+-) nmajor = getFldCount(expression, '+-') ! loop thru and parse each major field and evaluate do n=1,nmajor call getFld( expression, '+-', n, operator, field ) if( field.eq.' ' ) then value = 0 else call eval3( field, value) endif if( operator.eq.'+' ) then buffer = buffer + value else buffer = buffer - value endif enddo Deallocate (value) return end Subroutine eval2 C routine to compute a field of the expression (parses minor fields (*/^)) Subroutine eval3(expression, value) IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments CHARACTER*(*) expression Real value(isize) Logical SHUT3 ! local variables Real, allocatable :: specValue(:) Integer getFldCount Character*(EXP_LEN) field Character operator Integer n, nflds, status Integer pos1, pos2, fnum Character*(16) funcName Character*(16) specName real constant Logical KSWIT Allocate ( specValue(isize) ) nflds = getFldCount(trim(expression), '*/^') value = 1.0 do n=1,nflds call getFld( trim(expression), '*/^', n, operator, field ) ! check for buffer array if( index(field,'buffer[') .gt.0 ) then Call getBuffer(field, specValue) if( operator.eq.'*' ) value = value * specValue if( operator.eq.'/' ) value = value / specValue if( operator.eq.'^' ) value = value ** specValue cycle endif ! check for species argument (special functions) if( index(field,'[') .gt.0 ) then ! parse field between [ ] and check if number or species name pos1 = index(field, '[') pos2 = index(field, ']',.true.) specName = field(pos1+1:pos2-1) read(specName,'(i6)',iostat=status) fnum if( status.eq.0 ) then !! number found Call readSpecies(field, specValue) if( operator.eq.'*' ) value = value * specValue if( operator.eq.'/' ) value = value / specValue if( operator.eq.'^' ) value = value ** specValue cycle else !! species argument found funcName = field(1:pos1-1) Call UCASE(funcName) status = -1 if( funcName .eq. 'AVG' ) Call avgSpecies( specName , specValue, status ) if( funcName .eq. 'SDEV' ) Call sdevSpecies( specName , specValue, status ) if( funcName .eq. 'MAX' ) Call maxSpecies( specName , specValue, status ) if( funcName .eq. 'MIN' ) Call minSpecies( specName , specValue, status ) if( status.eq.0 ) then if( operator.eq.'*' ) value = value * specValue if( operator.eq.'/' ) value = value / specValue if( operator.eq.'^' ) value = value ** specValue endif endif cycle endif !! contains '[' !try to read field as number read(field,'(f20.0)',iostat=status) constant if( status.eq.0 ) then if( operator.eq.'*' ) value = value * constant if( operator.eq.'/' ) value = value / constant if( operator.eq.'^' ) value = value ** constant else Write(*,'(''**Error** Invalid field encountered:'',a)') field KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif enddo Deallocate (specValue) return end Subroutine eval3 C Routine to read species value array for given date and time Subroutine readSpecies( field, specValue) USE M3FILES USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) field Real specValue(isize) ! local variables Integer pos1, pos2, status Character*(16) specName Character*(16) fileName Character*(10) numfld Integer fnum Logical KSWIT ! parse field into species name and file number pos1 = index(field, '[') pos2 = index(field, ']',.true.) specName = field(1:pos1-1) if(pos1.le.0 .and. pos1.ge.pos2) then Write(*,'(''**ERROR** Invalid file number for species '',a)') trim(specName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif ! parse file number numfld = field(pos1+1:pos2-1) ! read file number from numfld read(numfld,*,iostat=status) fnum if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid file number for species: '',a)') trim(specName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif !status = -1 !! check to read the output file if( fnum.eq.0 ) then status = 0 fileName = 'OUTFILE' if(.NOT.READ3( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, & itime, specValue)) status = -1 endif !! check to read an input file if( fnum.gt.0 ) then status = 0 fileName = 'INFILE' // trim(field(pos1+1:pos2-1)) Call ReadValues( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, itime, isize, & specValue, status) endif !! check read status if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Invalid syntax for field: '',a)') trim(field) Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Cannot read '',a,'' from '',a)') & trim(specName), trim(fileName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif return end Subroutine readSpecies ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C Routine to compute average species value at each cell from all input files Subroutine avgSpecies( specName, specValue, status) USE M3FILES USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) specname Real specValue(isize) Integer status ! local variables Integer n, i Character*(16) fileName Real, Allocatable :: values(:,:) Logical KSWIT ! allocate arrays Allocate( values(isize, N_M3FILES) ) ! read species values from all input files do n = 1, N_M3FILES if( n.le.9 ) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I1 )' ) n if( n.ge.10) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I2 )' ) n status = 0 Call ReadValues( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, itime, isize, & values(:,n), status) !! check read status if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Cannot read '',a,'' from '',a)') & trim(specName), trim(fileName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif enddo !! read loop !! compute averages do i = 1, isize specValue(i) = 0.0 do n = 1, N_M3FILES specValue(i) = specValue(i) + values(i,n) enddo specValue(i) = specValue(i) / N_M3FILES enddo ! deallocate arrays DeAllocate( values ) status = 0 return End Subroutine avgSpecies ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C Routine to find minimum species value at each cell from all input files Subroutine minSpecies( specName, specValue, status) USE M3FILES USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) specname Real specValue(isize) Integer status ! local variables Integer n, i Character*(16) fileName Real, Allocatable :: values(:,:) Logical KSWIT ! allocate arrays Allocate( values(isize, N_M3FILES) ) ! read species values from all input files do n = 1, N_M3FILES if( n.le.9 ) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I1 )' ) n if( n.ge.10) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I2 )' ) n status = 0 Call ReadValues( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, itime, isize, & values(:,n), status) !! check read status if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Cannot read '',a,'' from '',a)') & trim(specName), trim(fileName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif enddo !! read loop !! find minimums do i = 1, isize specValue(i) = values(i,1) do n = 2, N_M3FILES if(values(i,n) .lt. specValue(i)) specValue(i) = values(i,n) enddo enddo ! deallocate arrays DeAllocate( values ) status = 0 return End Subroutine minSpecies ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C Routine to find maximum species value at each cell from all input files Subroutine maxSpecies( specName, specValue, status) USE M3FILES USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) specname Real specValue(isize) Integer status ! local variables Integer n, i Character*(16) fileName Real, Allocatable :: values(:,:) Logical KSWIT ! allocate arrays Allocate( values(isize, N_M3FILES) ) ! read species values from all input files do n = 1, N_M3FILES if( n.le.9 ) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I1 )' ) n if( n.ge.10) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I2 )' ) n status = 0 Call ReadValues( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, itime, isize, & values(:,n), status) !! check read status if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Cannot read '',a,'' from '',a)') & trim(specName), trim(fileName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif enddo !! read loop !! find minimums do i = 1, isize specValue(i) = values(i,1) do n = 2, N_M3FILES if(values(i,n) .gt. specValue(i)) specValue(i) = values(i,n) enddo enddo ! deallocate arrays DeAllocate( values ) status = 0 return End Subroutine maxSpecies cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C Routine to compute the standard deviation value at each cell from all input files Subroutine sdevSpecies( specName, specValue, status) USE M3FILES USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE ! arguments Character*(*) specname Real specValue(isize) Integer status ! local variables Integer n, i Character*(16) fileName Real xtotal, x2total , var Real, Allocatable :: values(:,:) Logical KSWIT !! if the number of files == 1, then set standard deviation values to zero if( N_M3FILES .le. 0 ) then specValue = 0.0 status = 0 return endif ! allocate arrays Allocate( values(isize, N_M3FILES) ) ! read species values from all input files do n = 1, N_M3FILES if( n.le.9 ) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I1 )' ) n if( n.ge.10) write(fileName, '( ''INFILE'', I2 )' ) n status = 0 Call ReadValues( fileName, specName, ilayer, idate, itime, isize, & values(:,n), status) !! check read status if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(/''**ERROR** Cannot read '',a,'' from '',a)') & trim(specName), trim(fileName) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif enddo !! read loop !! find minimums do i = 1, isize xtotal = 0.0 x2total = 0.0 do n = 1, N_M3FILES xtotal = xtotal + values(i,n) x2total = x2total + values(i,n)**2 enddo var = (N_M3FILES*x2total - xtotal**2) / (N_M3FILES * (N_M3FILES-1)) specValue(i) = SQRT(var) enddo ! deallocate arrays DeAllocate( values ) status = 0 return End Subroutine sdevSpecies END MODULE evaluator