model CCTM_v52.exe; repo /data/work/airs1/CMAQ/V5.2/CCTM/src; mechanism saprc07tc_ae6_aq; lib_base /data/work/airs1/CMAQ/V5.2/lib/x86_64/pgi; lib_1 ioapi/modules; lib_2 ioapi/include_files; lib_3 "mpi -I."; lib_4 ioapi/lib; cpp_flags " -Dparallel -DSUBST_BARRIER=SE_BARRIER -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MAX=SE_GLOBAL_MAX -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MIN=SE_GLOBAL_MIN -DSUBST_GLOBAL_MIN_DATA=SE_GLOBAL_MIN_DATA -DSUBST_GLOBAL_TO_LOCAL_COORD=SE_GLOBAL_TO_LOCAL_COORD -DSUBST_GLOBAL_SUM=SE_GLOBAL_SUM -DSUBST_GLOBAL_LOGICAL=SE_GLOBAL_LOGICAL -DSUBST_LOOP_INDEX=SE_LOOP_INDEX -DSUBST_SUBGRID_INDEX=SE_SUBGRID_INDEX -DSUBST_HI_LO_BND_PE=SE_HI_LO_BND_PE -DSUBST_SUM_CHK=SE_SUM_CHK -DSUBST_INIT_ARRAY=SE_INIT_ARRAY -DSUBST_COMM=SE_COMM -DSUBST_MY_REGION=SE_MY_REGION -DSUBST_SLICE=SE_SLICE -DSUBST_GATHER=SE_GATHER -DSUBST_DATA_COPY=SE_DATA_COPY -DSUBST_IN_SYN=SE_IN_SYN"; f_compiler mpif90; fstd "-O3"; dbg "-O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -traceback -Ktrap=fp"; f_flags "-Mfixed -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px"; f90_flags "-Mfree -Mextend -mcmodel=medium -tp px"; c_compiler gcc; c_flags "-O2 -DFLDMN -I"; link_flags "-openmp"; ioapi "-lioapi"; netcdf "-lnetcdf -lnetcdff"; mpich "-lmpich "; include SUBST_PE_COMM ./PE_COMM.EXT; include SUBST_CONST ./CONST.EXT; include SUBST_FILES_ID ./FILES_CTM.EXT; include SUBST_EMISPRM ./EMISPRM.EXT; // Parallel / Include message passing definitions include SUBST_MPI ./mpif.h; // options are stenex or se_noop Module STENEX/se; // parallel executable; stenex and pario included Module PARIO; // options are par, par_nodistr and par_noop Module par/mpi; // options are wrf and yamo Module driver/wrf; // options are cartesian Module grid/cartesian; // options are yamo Module init/yamo; // options are gencoor_wrf and gencoor Module couple/gencoor_wrf; // options are yamo Module hadv/yamo; // options are wrf and yamo Module vadv/wrf; // options are multiscale Module hdiff/multiscale; // options are acm2 Module vdiff/acm2; // options are m3dry Module depv/m3dry; // options are emis Module emis/emis; // options are beis3 Module biog/beis3; // options are smoke Module plrise/smoke; // options are cgrid_spcs_nml and cgrid_spcs_icl Module spcs/cgrid_spcs_nml; // options are inline and table Module phot/inline; // gas chemistry solvers // options are smvgear, ros3, and ebi_; see 'gas chemistry mechanisms' for Module gas/ebi_saprc07tc_ae6_aq; // gas chemistry mechanisms // options are cb05e51_ae6_aq, cb05e51_ae6nvPOA_aq, cb05eh51_ae6_aq, cb05mp51_ae6_aq, cb05tucl_ae6_aq, cb05tump_ae6_aq, cb6r3_ae6_aq, cb6r3_ae6nvPOA_aq, racm2_ae6_aq, saprc07tb_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6nvPOA_aq, saprc07tic_ae6i_aq, saprc07tic_ae6i_aqkmti, saprc07tic_ae6invPOA_aq Module MECHS/saprc07tc_ae6_aq; // tracer modules // options are trac0, trac1 Module MECHS/trac0; // options are aero6 Module aero/aero6; // options are acm_ae6, acm_ae6_kmt, and acm_ae6_mp Module cloud/acm_ae6; // compile for inline process analysis Module procan/pa; // options are util Module util/util;