Using: Raster Spatial Allocator Version 4.1, 10/2013 Rows=246 Cols=396 Total gird cells=97416 xmin=-2412000.000000 ymin=-1620000.000000 xcell=12000 ycell=12000 proj4=+proj=lcc +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-97 proj type = 1 Grid name: 12US2 MCIP file directory: /fg/p2235/MCIP/12US2/2010123118/ Deposition is: Default NDepSelect = 1 Start date is: 20110101 End date is: 20110101 EPIC site file is: /efs/dynamic/ncast/batch_run/runs/12US2/run_2010123118/2010123118/../../FESTC/SOIL/EPICSites_Info.csv Output data directory is: /efs/dynamic/ncast/batch_run/runs/12US2/run_2010123118/2010123118/../../FESTC/EPIC/ Reading EPIC site location file: /efs/dynamic/ncast/batch_run/runs/12US2/run_2010123118/2010123118/../../FESTC/SOIL/EPICSites_Info.csv... File header: GRIDID,XLONG,YLAT,ELEVATION,SLOPE_P,HUC8,REG10,STFIPS,CNTYFIPS,GRASS,CROPS,TOTAL,COUNTRY,CNTY_PROV Finished reading: 39795 lines, 39794 sites inside the domain, 0 sites outside the domain timeSteps = 1 Start Time: 20110101 End Time: 20110101 DaySteps: 1 Reading MCIP and CMAQ files for day: 20110101... Date Strings can be: 20110101, 110101, 2011001, or 11001 Found daily file: /fg/p2235/MCIP/12US2/2010123118/METCRO2D_12US2_20110101 Reading MCIP file: /fg/p2235/MCIP/12US2/2010123118/METCRO2D_12US2_20110101 Obtaining all dimension IDs in input NetCDF file... MCIP file has: 6 dims, 35 variables, 33 global attributes, 0 unlimited variable ID MCIP file dimension: dimName = TSTEP dimSize = 25 MCIP file dimension: dimName = DATE-TIME dimSize = 2 MCIP file dimension: dimName = LAY dimSize = 1 MCIP file dimension: dimName = VAR dimSize = 34 MCIP file dimension: dimName = ROW dimSize = 246 MCIP file dimension: dimName = COL dimSize = 396 Getting IOAPI file grid information... Rows=246 Cols=396 Total gird cells=97416 xmin=-2412000.000000 ymin=-1620000.000000 xmax=0.000000 ymax=0.000000 xcell=12000.00000000 ycell=12000.00000000 proj4=+proj=lcc +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=33.000 +lat_2=45.000 +lat_0=40.000 +lon_0=-97.000 Variable name = TFLAG var_type = 4 ndims=3 Dimensions: 25 34 2 Total size = 1700 Obtained variable: TFLAG varID = 0 mcipDay = 2011001 varDims = 3 Day time step index range: 0 to 23 Time Step: 10000 ( int HHMMSS) 60.000000 (Minutes) Variable name = RGRND var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: RGRND julianDateStr=2011001 step1=0 step2=23 numVars=1 varName=RGRND var_ndimes=4 minDep=999999.000000 maxDep=-999999.000000 Wrote Radiation in output NetCDF file Variable name = TEMP2 var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: TEMP2 julianDateStr=2011001 step1=0 step2=23 numVars=1 varName=TEMP2 var_ndimes=4 minDep=999999.000000 maxDep=-999999.000000 Wrote Daily max T in output NetCDF file Wrote Daily min T in output NetCDF file Variable name = RN var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: RN Variable name = RC var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: RC julianDateStr=2011001 step1=0 step2=23 numVars=2 varName=RN var_ndimes=4 minDep=999999.000000 maxDep=-999999.000000 Wrote Daily total precipitation in output NetCDF file Output Zero or Default deposition arrays Wrote Daily total Dry_Oxidized_ND in output NetCDF file Wrote Daily total Dry_Reduced_ND in output NetCDF file Wrote Daily total Wet_Oxidized_ND in output NetCDF file Wrote Daily total Wet_Reduced_ND in output NetCDF file Wrote Daily total Wet_Organic_ND in output NetCDF file Variable name = Q2 var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: Q2 Variable name = PRSFC var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: PRSFC julianDateStr=2011001 step1=0 step2=23 numVars=3 varName=Q2 var_ndimes=4 minDep=999999.000000 maxDep=-999999.000000 Wrote Daily average relative humidity in output NetCDF file Variable name = WSPD10 var_type = 5 ndims=4 Dimensions: 25 1 246 396 Total size = 2435400 Obtained variable: WSPD10 julianDateStr=2011001 step1=0 step2=23 numVars=1 varName=WSPD10 var_ndimes=4 minDep=999999.000000 maxDep=-999999.000000 Wrote Daily average windspeed in output NetCDF file Finished extracting daily MCIP and CMAQ file data to EPIC input files. Finished writing epic daily time step output file: /efs/dynamic/ncast/batch_run/runs/12US2/run_2010123118/2010123118/../../FESTC/EPIC/ Writing duplicated daily weather files in daily_dup directory... Finished creating new duplicated year daily files under daily_dup in output directory. Writing EPICW2YR.2YR file for all generated EPIC daily weather files... Finished creating file: /efs/dynamic/ncast/batch_run/runs/12US2/run_2010123118/2010123118/../../FESTC/EPIC/EPICW2YR.2YR Finishing extracting 1 days MCIP and CMAQ files for EPIC modeling.