#!/bin/csh -f # ======================= ICONv5.3 Run Script ======================== # Usage: run.icon.csh >&! icon_v53.log & # # To report problems or request help with this script/program: # http://www.cmascenter.org # ==================================================================== # ================================================================== #> Runtime Environment Options # ================================================================== #> Choose compiler and set up CMAQ environment with correct #> libraries using config.cmaq. Options: intel | gcc | pgi setenv compiler gcc #> Source the config_cmaq file to set the run environment pushd ../../../ source ./config_cmaq.csh $compiler popd #> Check that CMAQ_DATA is set: if ( ! -e $CMAQ_DATA ) then echo " $CMAQ_DATA path does not exist" exit 1 endif echo " "; echo " Input data path, CMAQ_DATA set to $CMAQ_DATA"; echo " " #> Set General Parameters for Configuring the Simulation set VRSN = v53 #> Code Version set APPL = SE53BENCH #> Application Name set ICTYPE = regrid #> Initial conditions type [profile|regrid] #> Set the working directory: set BLD = ${CMAQ_HOME}/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_${VRSN}_${compilerString}9.1.0 set EXEC = ICON_${VRSN}.exe cat $BLD/ICON_${VRSN}.cfg; echo " "; set echo #> Horizontal grid definition setenv GRID_NAME SE53BENCH #> check GRIDDESC file for GRID_NAME options #setenv GRIDDESC $CMAQ_DATA/$APPL/met/mcip/GRIDDESC #> grid description file setenv GRIDDESC /home/zhouminghui/Downloads/wrf_output_file/mcip/2020_01SE1/GRIDDESC setenv IOAPI_ISPH 20 #> GCTP spheroid, use 20 for WRF-based modeling #> I/O Controls setenv IOAPI_LOG_WRITE F #> turn on excess WRITE3 logging [ options: T | F ] setenv IOAPI_OFFSET_64 YES #> support large timestep records (>2GB/timestep record) [ options: YES | NO ] setenv EXECUTION_ID $EXEC #> define the model execution id # ===================================================================== #> ICON Configuration Options # # ICON can be run in one of two modes: # 1) regrids CMAQ CTM concentration files (IC type = regrid) # 2) use default profile inputs (IC type = profile) # ===================================================================== setenv ICON_TYPE ` echo $ICTYPE | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" ` # ===================================================================== #> Input/Output Directories # ===================================================================== set OUTDIR = $CMAQ_HOME/data/icon #> output file directory # ===================================================================== #> Input Files # # Regrid mode (IC = regrid) (includes nested domains, windowed domains, # or general regridded domains) # CTM_CONC_1 = the CTM concentration file for the coarse domain # MET_CRO_3D_CRS = the MET_CRO_3D met file for the coarse domain # MET_CRO_3D_FIN = the MET_CRO_3D met file for the target nested domain # # Profile Mode (IC = profile) # IC_PROFILE = static/default IC profiles # MET_CRO_3D_FIN = the MET_CRO_3D met file for the target domain # # NOTE: SDATE (yyyyddd) and STIME (hhmmss) are only relevant to the # regrid mode and if they are not set, these variables will # be set from the input MET_CRO_3D_FIN file # ===================================================================== #> Output File # INIT_CONC_1 = gridded IC file for target domain # ===================================================================== set DATE = "2020-01-18" set YYYYJJJ = `date -ud "${DATE}" +%Y%j` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYJJJ set YYMMDD = `date -ud "${DATE}" +%y%m%d` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYMMDD set YYYYMMDD = `date -ud "${DATE}" +%Y%m%d` #> Convert YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYMMDD # setenv SDATE ${YYYYJJJ} # setenv STIME 000000 if ( $ICON_TYPE == regrid ) then setenv CTM_CONC_1 /home/zhouminghui/CMAQ5.3/CCTM/scripts/output_test_root/CCTM_CONC_v53_gcc9.1.0_Bench_2016_12SE1_20160701.nc setenv MET_CRO_3D_CRS /home/zhouminghui/Downloads/wrf_output_file/mcip/2020_01SE1/METCRO3D.12US1.35L.${YYMMDD} setenv MET_CRO_3D_FIN /home/zhouminghui/Downloads/wrf_output_file/mcip/2020_01SE1/METCRO3D_200118.nc setenv INIT_CONC_1 "$OUTDIR/ICON_${VRSN}_${APPL}_${ICON_TYPE}_${YYYYMMDD} -v" endif if ( $ICON_TYPE == profile ) then setenv IC_PROFILE $BLD/avprofile_cb6r3m_ae7_kmtbr_hemi2016_v53beta2_m3dry_col051_row068.csv setenv MET_CRO_3D_FIN /work/MOD3DATA/SE53BENCH/met/mcip/METCRO3D_${YYMMDD}.nc setenv INIT_CONC_1 "$OUTDIR/ICON_${VRSN}_${APPL}_${ICON_TYPE}_${YYYYMMDD} -v" endif #>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( ! -d "$OUTDIR" ) mkdir -p $OUTDIR ls -l $BLD/$EXEC; size $BLD/$EXEC unlimit limit #> Executable call: time $BLD/$EXEC exit()