C*********************************************************************** C Portions of Models-3/CMAQ software were developed or based on * C information from various groups: Federal Government employees, * C contractors working on a United States Government contract, and * C non-Federal sources (including research institutions). These * C research institutions have given the Government permission to * C use, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of their * C work in Models-3/CMAQ to the public and to permit others to do * C so. EPA therefore grants similar permissions for use of the * C Models-3/CMAQ software, but users are requested to provide copies * C of derivative works to the Government without restrictions as to * C use by others. Users are responsible for acquiring their own * C copies of commercial software associated with Models-3/CMAQ and * C for complying with vendor requirements. Software copyrights by * C the MCNC Environmental Modeling Center are used with their * C permissions subject to the above restrictions. * C*********************************************************************** C RCS file, release, date & time of last delta, author, state, [and locker] C $Header: /project/work/rep/TOOLS/src/combine/combine.F,v 2005/07/27 12:55:20 sjr Exp $ PROGRAM COMBINE C*********************************************************************** C This program combines variables from a set of IOAPI input files C to an output file. The file assigned to environmental variable C SPECIES_DEF defines the new species variables and how they C are constructed. C C Environmental variables used C SPECIES_DEF --> Species definition file defining the new C variables of the output file C INFILE1 --> input file number 1, (max of 9) C OUTFILE --> IOAPI output file name C GENSPEC --> Indicates to generate a species definition file C from INFILE1 C C record type descriptions in SPECIES_DEF file C / records are comment lines C # records can be used to define parameters C #start YYYYDDD HHMMSS (default is start of INFILE1) C #end YYYYDDD HHMMSS (default is end of dataset) C #layer KLAY (default is all layers) C C All other records are read as variable definition records C C format of variable definition records (comma seperated fields) C field 1: variable name (maximun of 16 characters) C field 2: units (maximum of 16 characters) C field 3: formular expression (maximun of 512 characters) C C C Note: Formular expressions supports operators +-*/ and are C evaluated from left to right using precedence order of */+-. C Order of evaluation can be forced by use of parentheses. C When part of an experssion is enclosed in parentheses, that C part is evaluated first. Variables from input file are C defined by their name followed by it's file number enclosed C in brackets. C C C*********************************************************************** USE SPEC_DEF USE M3FILES USE EVALUATOR USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE C...External functions LOGICAL FLUSH3 C...Local Variables Integer status Character*(256) specFile Integer logdev, istat Integer n, isize Logical kswit Real, Allocatable :: buffer(:) C...start IOAPI LOGDEV = INIT3() WRITE( *, '('' API Started'')' ) C...get environment variables for input file names Call NAMEVAL( 'SPECIES_DEF', specFile ) C...check GENSPEC to generate new species definition file if( ENVYN('GENSPEC', 'Generate new species definition file', & .FALSE., status) ) then Call GENSPEC( specFile ) Stop Endif C...read and load species definition file Call readSpec( specFile, status ) if( status.ne.0 ) then Write(*,'(''**ERROR** Cannot open or read SPECIES_DEF file:'',a)') & TRIM(specFile) Stop endif C...open M3FILES Call OPEN_M3FILES() if( N_M3FILES.eq.0 ) then Write(*,'(''**ERROR** Cannot open IOAPI file:'',a)') & M3FILENAME(1) Stop endif C... build description of output file TSTEP3D = TSTEP SDATE3D = startDate STIME3D = startTime NVARS3D = numSpec if( Klayer .gt. 0) then NLAYS3D = 1 NLAYS = 1 endif do n = 1, numSpec VNAME3D( n ) = specName( n ) UNITS3D( n ) = specUnits( n ) VDESC3D( n ) = specDesc( n ) VTYPE3D( n ) = M3REAL enddo C...try to create new file. if error, open file as old if( .NOT. OPEN3( 'OUTFILE', 3, 'COMBINE' ) ) THEN if( .NOT. OPEN3( 'OUTFILE', 2, 'COMBINE' ) ) THEN WRITE( *, '(''**ERROR** while openning OUTFILE'')' ) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif endif C...fill Description Common Block if( .NOT. DESC3( 'OUTFILE' ) ) THEN WRITE( *, '(''**ERROR** WHILE RUNNING DESC3 ON OUTFILE'')' ) KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif C...compare grid values with input file KSWIT = .true. IF ( NROWS .NE. NROWS3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( NCOLS .NE. NCOLS3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( NLAYS .NE. NLAYS3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( TSTEP .NE. TSTEP3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( XCELL .NE. XCELL3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( YCELL .NE. YCELL3D ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( ABS(XORIG-XORIG3D) .gt. 0.1 ) KSWIT = .false. IF ( ABS(YORIG-YORIG3D) .gt. 0.1 ) KSWIT = .false. if( .NOT.KSWIT ) then WRITE( *, '(''**ERROR** Inconsistenece file parameters'', & '' for OUTFILE'')' ) write(*,'(''NROWS='',2i8)') NROWS, NROWS3D write(*,'(''NCOLS='',2i8)') NCOLS, NCOLS3D write(*,'(''NLAYS='',2i8)') NLAYS, NLAYS3D write(*,'(''TSTEP='',2i8)') TSTEP, TSTEP3D write(*,'(''XCELL='',2f16.2)') XCELL, XCELL3D write(*,'(''YCELL='',2f16.2)') YCELL, YCELL3D write(*,'(''XORIG='',2f16.2)') XORIG, XORIG3D write(*,'(''YORIG='',2f16.2)') YORIG, YORIG3D KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif c...allocate memory for buffer array isize = NCOLS3D * NROWS3D * NLAYS3D Allocate( buffer( isize ), stat=istat ) if( istat.ne.0 ) then write(*,'(''**ERROR** Cannot allocate array of size'',i12)') isize stop endif C...start time loop Do write(*, '('' Copying Variables at time:'',i7,'':'',i6)' ) & startDate, startTime DO n = 1, numSpec Call evaluate(specExpression(n), startDate, startTime, & Klayer, isize, buffer) ! write species record to outfile if(.NOT.WRITE3('OUTFILE', specName(n), startDate, & startTime, buffer) ) THEN write( *, '('' **Error** Cannot write to OUTFILE at'',2i8)') & startDate, startTime KSWIT = SHUT3() stop endif KSWIT = flush3('OUTFILE') enddo ! if no time step, exit after one step if( TSTEP.le.0 ) exit ! advance to next step call NEXTIME ( startDate, startTime, TSTEP ) if( SECSDIFF(startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime) .lt. 0 ) & exit enddo C... shut down netcdf KSWIT = SHUT3() WRITE(*,'('' API Shut down'')') STOP END