# Makefile generated for serial execution using program bldmake # # Generation date [04/13/2020 14:13:22] # Configuration file [/opt/CMAQ_REPO/POST/combine/scripts/BLD_combine_v531_gcc/combine_v531.cfg] # Using GIT repository [/opt/CMAQ_REPO/POST/combine] # Full Compiler Paths when Makefile was Built: # FC = /usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpif90 # CC = /usr/bin/cc # Library Paths: # $(LIB)/ioapi/include_files -> iopai_inc_gcc # $(LIB)/ioapi/lib -> ioapi_lib_gcc # $(LIB)/mpi -> mpi_lib_gcc # $(LIB)/netcdf -> netcdf_lib_gcc # $(LIB)/netcdff -> netcdff_lib_gcc # # Command-Line Options: # DEBUG = TRUE or true -- turn on debug flags # OR debug = true or TRUE -- turn on debug flags # Can set either variable by using the setenv command for # a debugging session with multiple compilations # #------------------------------------------------- .SUFFIXES: .F .f .c .F90 .f90 EXEC = combine_v531.exe IODIR = /opt/ioapi-3.2 IOINC = ${IODIR}/ioapi/fixed_src IOLIB = ${IODIR}/${BIN} # Architecture dependent stuff # Assumes FC is an f90 include ${IODIR}/ioapi//Makeinclude.$(BIN) include_path = ${MODI}$(IOLIB) -I$(IOINC) -I/usr/include FLAGS = -mcmodel=medium -O3 ${MFLAGS} $(ARCHFLAGS)$(FOPTFLAGS) f_FLAGS = ${E132} $(FLAGS) $(include_path) f90_FLAGS = $(FLAGS) $(include_path) F_FLAGS = $(f_FLAGS) F90_FLAGS = $(f90_FLAGS) C_FLAGS = -I. -mcmodel=medium -O3 ${MFLAGS} LINKER = $(FC) LINK_FLAGS = ${OMPLIBS} CPP = $(FC) cpp_flags = $(include_path) LIBRARIES = -L$(IOLIB) -lioapi -lnetcdff -lnetcdf OBJS = \ module_file.o \ module_evaluator.o \ module_specdef.o \ combine.o \ utils.o $(EXEC): $(OBJS) $(LINKER) $(LINK_FLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBRARIES) -o $@ .F.o: $(FC) -c $(F_FLAGS) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< .f.o: $(FC) -c $(F_FLAGS) $< .F90.o: $(FC) -c $(F90_FLAGS) $(CPP_FLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< .f90.o: $(FC) -c $(F90_FLAGS) $< .c.o: $(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< clean: rm -f $(OBJS) *.mod # dependencies combine.o: module_specdef.o module_file.o module_evaluator.o module_evaluator.o: module_file.o module_specdef.o: module_file.o