Compiler is set to gcc set ICON_SRC = /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src setenv REPOROOT /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src set Mechs = /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/CCTM/src/MECHS set VRSN = v53 set INPT = profile set EXEC = ICON_v53_profile.exe set CFG = ICON_v53_profile.cfg set CompileBLDMAKE set CopySrc set ModCommon = common set ModType = profile set ModMech = prof_data/cb05_ae6_aq set Mechanism = cb05e51_ae6_aq/ set Tracer = trac0 set FC = mpif90 set FP = mpif90 setenv BLDER /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe set xLib_Base = /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc set xLib_1 = ioapi/modules set xLib_2 = ioapi/include_files set xLib_4 = ioapi/lib set FSTD = -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising set DBG = -Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace set F_FLAGS = -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 set F90_FLAGS = -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 set CPP_FLAGS = set LINK_FLAGS = -fopenmp set LIB1 = -lioapi set LIB2 = -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lpnetcdf if ( ! -e /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3 || ! -e /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc ) then echo Model repository base path: /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3 Model repository base path: /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3 echo library path: /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc library path: /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc if ( 0 ) then set BLD_OS = `uname -s` uname -s if ( Linux != Linux ) then set Bld = /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc if ( ! -e /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc ) then if ( ! -d /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc ) then endif cd /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc if ( 1 ) then /bin/cp: No match. /bin/cp -fp /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/CCTM/src/MECHS/trac0/Species_Table_TR_0.nml /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc else set Cfile = ICON_v53_profile.cfg.bld set quote = " echo echo model ICON_v53_profile.exe; echo echo repo /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src; echo echo mechanism cb05e51_ae6_aq/; echo echo lib_base /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc; echo echo lib_1 ioapi/modules; echo echo lib_2 ioapi/include_files; echo echo lib_4 ioapi/lib; echo set text = ""; echo cpp_flags ""; echo echo f_compiler mpif90; echo echo fstd "-O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising"; echo echo dbg "-Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace"; echo echo f_flags "-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32"; echo echo f90_flags "-ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32"; echo echo link_flags "-fopenmp"; echo echo ioapi "-lioapi"; echo echo netcdf "-lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lpnetcdf "; echo set text=// mechanism: echo // mechanism: cb05e51_ae6_aq/ echo // project repository: /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src echo set text = common echo // required common echo Module common; echo set text = profile, m3conc, tracer echo // options are profile, m3conc, tracer echo Module profile; echo set text = cb05, saprc99, saprc07t echo // options are cb05, saprc99, saprc07t echo Module prof_data/cb05_ae6_aq; echo if ( 0 ) then unalias mv rm if ( 1 || ! -f /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe ) then cd /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/UTIL/bldmake/scripts ./bldit_bldmake.csh endif set Blder = /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe -serial -verbose cd /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/PREP/icon/scripts/BLD_ICON_v53_profile_gcc if ( 0 ) then if ( 1 ) then /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe -serial -verbose ICON_v53_profile.cfg.bld REPOROOT set to:/home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src Model set to ICON_v53_profile.exe Repository set to /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src Mechanism set to cb05e51_ae6_aq/ LIB_BASE set to /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc LIB_1 set to ioapi/modules LIB_2 set to ioapi/include_files LIB_4 set to ioapi/lib CPP_FLAGS set to F_COMPILER set to mpif90 FSTD set to -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising DBG set to -Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace f_flags set to -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 f90_flags set to -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 LINK_FLAGS set to -fopenmp IOAPI set to -lioapi NETCDF set to -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lpnetcdf **Warning** LINKER not defined, using [F_COMPILER] **Warning** CPP not defined, using [F_COMPILER] **Warning** F_FLAGS not defined, using [f_FLAGS] Compiling *.F files will fail with preprocessing required. **Warning** F90_FLAGS not defined, using [f90_FLAGS] Compiling *.F90 files will fail with preprocessing required. Building file list for module common file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/CGRID_SPCS.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/findex.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/gc_spc_map.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/get_envlist.f added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/HGRD_DEFN.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/icon.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/IC_PARMS.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/lat_lon.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/lr_interp.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/lst_spc_map.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/ngc_spc_map.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/opn_ic_file.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/runtime_vars.mod added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/setup_logdev.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/subhdomain.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/UTILIO_DEFN.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/common/VGRD_DEFN.F added to make list Building file list for module profile file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/profile/prof_driver.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/profile/prof_icout.F added to make list file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/profile/prof_vinterp.F added to make list Building file list for module prof_data/cb05_ae6_aq file /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_REPO5.3/PREP/icon/src/prof_data/cb05_ae6_aq/ic_profile_CB05.dat added to make list Determining global module files file CGRID_SPCS.F determined to be global file HGRD_DEFN.F determined to be global file IC_PARMS.F determined to be global file UTILIO_DEFN.F determined to be global file VGRD_DEFN.F determined to be global Generating Makefile Compilers defined CPP Flags defined Libraries defined Includes defined Objects defined Make rules defined file,nfields-1 CGRID_SPCS.F 3 modName 2 RUNTIME_VARS ------------- modName,modFile 3 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 gc_spc_map.F 3 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F file,nfields-1 HGRD_DEFN.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 icon.F 6 modName,modFile 2 HGRD_DEFN HGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 VGRD_DEFN VGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 4 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 5 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F modName,modFile 6 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 lat_lon.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 lr_interp.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 lst_spc_map.F 4 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F modName,modFile 4 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 ngc_spc_map.F 4 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F modName,modFile 4 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 opn_ic_file.F 6 modName,modFile 2 HGRD_DEFN HGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 VGRD_DEFN VGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 4 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 5 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F modName,modFile 6 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 setup_logdev.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 subhdomain.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 UTILIO_DEFN.F 3 modName 2 M3UTILIO ------------- modName 3 PARUTILIO ------------- file,nfields-1 VGRD_DEFN.F 2 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F file,nfields-1 prof_driver.F 4 modName,modFile 2 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 CGRID_SPCS CGRID_SPCS.F modName,modFile 4 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 prof_icout.F 5 modName,modFile 2 HGRD_DEFN HGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 VGRD_DEFN VGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 4 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 5 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F file,nfields-1 prof_vinterp.F 5 modName,modFile 2 HGRD_DEFN HGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 3 VGRD_DEFN VGRD_DEFN.F modName,modFile 4 UTILIO_DEFN UTILIO_DEFN.F modName,modFile 5 IC_PARMS IC_PARMS.F USE/MODULE dependencies defined Makefile generated mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files CGRID_SPCS.F mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files VGRD_DEFN.F mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files findex.F mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files gc_spc_map.F mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files get_envlist.f mpif90 -c -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/modules -I /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/lib/x86_64/gcc/ioapi/include_files icon.F icon.F:88.20: INTEGER NPROCS ! number of processors 1 icon.F:59.9: USE CGRID_SPCS ! CGRID mechanism species 2 Error: Symbol 'nprocs' at (1) conflicts with symbol from module 'runtime_vars', use-associated at (2) icon.F:101:22: NPROCS = 1; MYPE = 0 1 Error: Name 'mype' at (1) is an ambiguous reference to 'mype' from module 'hgrd_defn' icon.F:114:41: IF ( .NOT. HGRD_INIT ( NPROCS, MYPE ) ) THEN 1 Error: Name 'mype' at (1) is an ambiguous reference to 'mype' from module 'hgrd_defn' icon.F:117:9: END IF 1 Error: Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1) Makefile:96: recipe for target 'icon.o' failed make: *** [icon.o] Error 1 **ERROR** while running make command else endif mv Makefile Makefile.gcc mv: 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.gcc' are the same file ln -s Makefile.gcc Makefile ln: failed to create symbolic link 'Makefile': File exists if ( 1 != 0 ) then echo *** failure in /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe -serial -verbose *** *** failure in /home/colethatcher/CMAQ_5.3/UTIL/bldmake/bldmake_gcc.exe -serial -verbose *** exit 1