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CLASSPATH=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/mpi.jar:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/daal/lib/daal.jar:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/mpi.jar:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/mpi.jar:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/daal/lib/daal.jar SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT=local LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 SSH_CONNECTION= 49307 22 SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES=1 MODULESHOME=/usr/share/Modules PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/advisor_2020.2.0.606470/include/pkgconfig/lib64:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/vtune_profiler_2020.2.0.610396/include/pkgconfig/lib64:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mkl/bin/pkgconfig:/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mkl/bin/pkgconfig LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV=base SLURM_STEP_TASKS_PER_NODE=1 INFOPATH=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/documentation_2020/en/debugger/gdb-ia/info/ SLURM_STEP_NODELIST=node-18 CC=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicc XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/2022013 SMK_HOME=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/SMOKE SLURM_CPU_BIND=quiet,mask_cpu:0x000FF0000FF0 CMAQ_LIBRARIES=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/LIBRARIES OMPI_MCA_btl=self,sm,tcp I_MPI_ROOT=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.254/linux/mpi BASH_FUNC_module()=() { eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*` } _=./run.jproc HOSTTYPE=x86_64-linux VENDOR=unknown OSTYPE=linux MACHTYPE=x86_64 GROUP=civil_ambiental HOST=node-18.local ET=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat PROFILES=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/PROFILES.dat TOMS=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/not_available O2ABS=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/O2_JPL06-2 O3ABS=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/O3O1D_JPL06-2 CSQY=/hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot JPROC_TOMSEXIST=N -rwxr-xr-x 1 ca.moreno12 civil_ambiental 16219184 Feb 22 17:23 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/JPROC_d1a_Linux3_x86_64intel Running for 2018031 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018031 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Jan. 31, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018032 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018032 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 1, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018033 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018033 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 2, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018034 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018034 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 3, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018035 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018035 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 4, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018036 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018036 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 5, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018037 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018037 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 6, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018038 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018038 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 7, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018039 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018039 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 8, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018040 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018040 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 9, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018041 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018041 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 10, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018042 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018042 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 11, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018043 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018043 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 12, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018044 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018044 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 13, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018045 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018045 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 14, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018046 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018046 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 15, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018047 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018047 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 16, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018048 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018048 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 17, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018049 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018049 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 18, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018050 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018050 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 19, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018051 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018051 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 20, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018052 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018052 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 21, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018053 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018053 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 22, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018054 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018054 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 23, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018055 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018055 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 24, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018056 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018056 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 25, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018057 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018057 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 26, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018058 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018058 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 27, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018059 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018059 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 Feb. 28, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file Running for 2018060 ... Program JPROC This program calculates photolytic rate constants for atmospheric molecules specified by the chemical mechanism reader. J-values are output in a TABLE format, dimensioned by hour angle, latitudinal band, and vertical height. The contents of the table have been modulated by climatological profiles of temperture, pressure, and ozone. In addition, if Total Ozone Column Measurements are available, the ozone profile is scaled to the measured TOC value. Value for JPROC_STDATE: 2018060 ...Time and Date to be processed: 0:00:00 March 1, 2018 Value for JPROC_TOMSEXIST: N returning FALSE ...No TOMS data specified for this run. Climatological O3 column data will be used... ...Opening File on UNIT 99 /hpcfs/home/ca.moreno12/CMAQ_v5.3.1/CMAQ_v4.7.1/scripts/jproc/data/raw/phot/ETirradiance.dat ...Data for 131 wavelengths read from file *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine READCSQY Could not open NO2_SAPRC99 data file