Start Model Run At Sat Oct 14 21:55:40 EDT 2023 Compiler is set to gcc NETCDF_LIB_DIR: Undefined variable. setenv WORKDIR /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6 setenv OUTDIR /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES setenv INPDIR /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input setenv LOGDIR /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/LOGS setenv NMLpath /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc echo echo Working Directory is /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6 Working Directory is /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6 echo Build Directory is /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc Build Directory is /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc echo Output Directory is /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES Output Directory is /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES echo Log Directory is /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/LOGS Log Directory is /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/LOGS echo Executable Name is CCTM_v533.exe Executable Name is CCTM_v533.exe setenv NEW_START FALSE set EQUATES_RESTART = TRUE set START_DATE = 2013-01-02 set END_DATE = 2014-01-01 set STTIME = 000000 set NSTEPS = 240000 set TSTEP = 010000 if ( mpi == serial ) then @ NPCOL = 9 @ NPROW = 12 @ NPROCS = 9 * 12 setenv NPCOL_NPROW 9 12 endif setenv EXECUTION_ID CMAQ_CCTMv533_`id -u -n`_`date -u +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%N` id -u -n date -u +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%N echo echo ---CMAQ EXECUTION ID: CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706 --- ---CMAQ EXECUTION ID: CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706 --- set CLOBBER_DATA = TRUE if ( ! -e /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/LOGS ) then setenv PRINT_PROC_TIME Y setenv STDOUT T setenv GRID_NAME 12US1 setenv GRIDDESC /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/GRIDDESC set NZ = 35 set NX = `grep -A 1 ${GRID_NAME} ${GRIDDESC} | tail -1 | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d' ' -f6` grep -A 1 12US1 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/GRIDDESC tail -1 cut -d -f6 sed s/ */ /g set NY = `grep -A 1 ${GRID_NAME} ${GRIDDESC} | tail -1 | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d' ' -f7` grep -A 1 12US1 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/GRIDDESC tail -1 cut -d -f7 sed s/ */ /g set NCELLS = `echo "${NX} * ${NY} * ${NZ}" | bc -l` echo 459 * 299 * 35 bc -l setenv CONC_SPCS CO SO2 O3 NO2 FORM NH3 AECI AECJ setenv CONC_BLEV_ELEV 1 35 setenv AVG_CONC_SPCS ALL setenv ACONC_BLEV_ELEV 1 1 setenv AVG_FILE_ENDTIME N setenv CTM_MAXSYNC 300 setenv CTM_MINSYNC 60 setenv SIGMA_SYNC_TOP 0.7 setenv CTM_ADV_CFL 0.95 setenv CTM_OCEAN_CHEM Y setenv CTM_WB_DUST N setenv CTM_WBDUST_BELD BELD3 setenv CTM_LTNG_NO Y setenv KZMIN Y setenv CTM_MOSAIC N setenv CTM_FST N setenv PX_VERSION Y setenv CLM_VERSION N setenv NOAH_VERSION N setenv CTM_ABFLUX Y setenv CTM_BIDI_FERT_NH3 T setenv CTM_HGBIDI N setenv CTM_SFC_HONO Y setenv CTM_GRAV_SETL Y setenv CTM_BIOGEMIS Y setenv VERTEXT N setenv VERTEXT_COORD_PATH /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/lonlat.csv setenv IOAPI_LOG_WRITE F setenv FL_ERR_STOP N setenv PROMPTFLAG F setenv IOAPI_OFFSET_64 YES setenv IOAPI_CHECK_HEADERS N setenv CTM_EMISCHK N setenv EMISDIAG F setenv EMISDIAG_SUM F setenv CTM_CKSUM Y setenv CLD_DIAG N setenv CTM_PHOTDIAG N setenv NLAYS_PHOTDIAG 1 setenv CTM_PMDIAG N setenv CTM_APMDIAG Y setenv APMDIAG_BLEV_ELEV 1 1 setenv CTM_SSEMDIAG N setenv CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG N setenv CTM_DEPV_FILE Y setenv VDIFF_DIAG_FILE N setenv LTNGDIAG N setenv B3GTS_DIAG N setenv CTM_WVEL N set rtarray = set TODAYG = 2013-01-02 set TODAYJ = `date -ud "${START_DATE}" +%Y%j` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%Y%j set START_DAY = 2013002 set STOP_DAY = `date -ud "${END_DATE}" +%Y%j` date -ud 2014-01-01 +%Y%j set NDAYS = 0 while ( 2013002 < = 2014001 ) set TODAYYEAR = `echo $TODAYJ | cut -c 1-4` cut -c 1-4 echo 2013002 set ICpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/icbc set BCpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/icbc set EMISpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/merged_nobeis_norwc set EMISpath2 = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/rwc set IN_PTpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis set IN_LTpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural set METpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip set OMIpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc set LUpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/surface set SZpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/surface set NDAYS = `echo "${NDAYS} + 1" | bc -l` echo 0 + 1 bc -l set YYYYMMDD = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y%m%d` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%Y%m%d set YYYYMM = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y%m` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%Y%m set YYYY = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%Y` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%Y set YYMMDD = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%y%m%d` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%y%m%d set MM = `date -ud "${TODAYG}" +%m` date -ud 2013-01-02 +%m set YYYYJJJ = 2013002 set YESTERDAY = `date -ud "${TODAYG}-1days" +%Y%m%d` date -ud 2013-01-02-1days +%Y%m%d set YESTERYEAR = `echo $YESTERDAY | cut -c 1-4` cut -c 1-4 echo 20130101 echo echo Set up input and output files for Day 2013-01-02. Set up input and output files for Day 2013-01-02. setenv CTM_APPL v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102 if ( ! -d /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES ) mkdir -p /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES cp /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.cfg /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102.cfg if ( FALSE == true || FALSE == TRUE ) then if ( TRUE == true || TRUE == TRUE ) then set ICpath = /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES setenv ICFILE setenv INIT_MEDC_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ setenv SOILINP /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ else set BCFILE = set OMIfile = OMI_1979_to_2019.dat set OPTfile = PHOT_OPTICS.dat setenv GRID_BDY_2D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/GRIDBDY2D_20130102.nc4 setenv GRID_CRO_2D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/GRIDCRO2D_20130102.nc4 setenv GRID_CRO_3D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/GRIDCRO3D_20130102.nc4 setenv GRID_DOT_2D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/GRIDDOT2D_20130102.nc4 setenv MET_CRO_2D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/METCRO2D_20130102.nc4 setenv MET_CRO_3D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/METCRO3D_20130102.nc4 setenv MET_DOT_3D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/METDOT3D_20130102.nc4 setenv MET_BDY_3D /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/METBDY3D_20130102.nc4 setenv LUFRAC_CRO /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/mcip/LUFRAC_CRO_20130102.nc4 setenv EMISSCTRL_NML /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/EmissCtrl_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml setenv CMAQ_MASKS /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/surface/12US1_surf.ncf set EMDATES = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/emis_dates/smk_merge_dates_201301.txt set intable = `grep "^${YYYYMMDD}" $EMDATES` grep ^20130102 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/emis_dates/smk_merge_dates_201301.txt set Date = `echo $intable[1] | cut -d, -f1` echo 20130102, cut -d, -f1 set aveday_N = `echo $intable[2] | cut -d, -f1` echo 20130108, cut -d, -f1 set aveday_Y = `echo $intable[3] | cut -d, -f1` cut -d, -f1 echo 20130102, set mwdss_N = `echo $intable[4] | cut -d, -f1` echo 20130108, cut -d, -f1 set mwdss_Y = `echo $intable[5] | cut -d, -f1` cut -d, -f1 echo 20130102, set week_N = `echo $intable[6] | cut -d, -f1` echo 20130109, cut -d, -f1 set week_Y = `echo $intable[7] | cut -d, -f1` echo 20130102, cut -d, -f1 set all = `echo $intable[8] | cut -d, -f1` cut -d, -f1 echo 20130102 setenv N_EMIS_GR 1 set EMISfile = emis_mole_all_20130102_12US1_nobeis_norwc_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv GR_EMIS_001 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/merged_nobeis_norwc/emis_mole_all_20130102_12US1_nobeis_norwc_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_001 GRIDDED_EMIS setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_001 F set EMISfile = emis_mole_rwc_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv GR_EMIS_002 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/rwc/emis_mole_rwc_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv GR_EMIS_LAB_002 GR_RES_FIRES setenv GR_EM_SYM_DATE_002 F setenv N_EMIS_PT 10 set STKCASEE = 12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013 set STKCASEG = 12US1_WR413_MYR_2013 setenv STK_GRPS_001 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptnonipm/stack_groups_ptnonipm_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_002 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptegu/stack_groups_ptegu_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_003 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/othpt/stack_groups_othpt_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.ncf setenv STK_GRPS_004 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptagfire/stack_groups_ptagfire_20130102_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_005 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire/stack_groups_ptfire_20130102_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_006 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire_grass/stack_groups_ptfire_grass_20130102_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_007 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire_othna/stack_groups_ptfire_othna_20130102_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_008 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/pt_oilgas/stack_groups_pt_oilgas_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_009 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/cmv_c1c2_12/stack_groups_cmv_c1c2_12_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_GRPS_010 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/cmv_c3_12/stack_groups_cmv_c3_12_12US1_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_001 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptnonipm/inln_mole_ptnonipm_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_002 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptegu/inln_mole_ptegu_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_003 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/othpt/inln_mole_othpt_20130108_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_004 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptagfire/inln_mole_ptagfire_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_005 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire/inln_mole_ptfire_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_006 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire_grass/inln_mole_ptfire_grass_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_007 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/ptfire_othna/inln_mole_ptfire_othna_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_008 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/pt_oilgas/inln_mole_pt_oilgas_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_009 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/cmv_c1c2_12/inln_mole_cmv_c1c2_12_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_010 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/cmv_c3_12/inln_mole_cmv_c3_12_20130102_12US1_cmaq_cb6_WR413_MYR_2013.nc4 setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_001 PT_NONEGU setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_002 PT_EGU setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_003 PT_OTHER setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_004 PT_AGFIRES setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_005 PT_FIRES setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_006 PT_RXFIRES setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_007 PT_OTHFIRES setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_008 PT_OILGAS setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_009 PT_CMV_C1C2 setenv STK_EMIS_LAB_010 PT_CMV_C3 setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_001 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_002 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_003 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_004 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_005 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_006 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_007 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_008 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_009 T setenv STK_EM_SYM_DATE_010 T if ( Y == Y ) then setenv LTNGNO InLine setenv USE_NLDN N if ( N == Y ) then setenv LTNGPARMS_FILE /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/LTNG_AllParms_12US1.ncf endif if ( Y == Y ) then set IN_BEISpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural setenv GSPRO /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/gspro_biogenics.txt setenv B3GRD /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/b3grd_12US1_2016fh_16j.ncf setenv BIOSW_YN Y setenv BIOSEASON /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/bioseason.cmaq.WR413_MYR_2002-2017_12US1.ncf setenv SUMMER_YN Y setenv PX_VERSION Y endif if ( N == Y ) then setenv OCEAN_1 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/12US1_surf.ncf if ( Y == Y ) then setenv E2C_SOIL /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/epic/2013r1_EPIC0509_12US1_soil.nc4 setenv E2C_CHEM /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/emis/epic/2013r1_EPIC0509_12US1_time20130102.nc4 setenv E2C_LU /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/beld4_12US1_2011.nc4 endif setenv CTM_PROCAN N if ( 1 ) then if ( N == Y || N == T ) then endif setenv CTM_ISAM N if ( 1 ) then if ( N == Y || N == T ) then endif setenv STM_SO4TRACK N if ( 1 ) then if ( N == Y || N == T ) then endif setenv CTM_DDM3D N set NPMAX = 1 setenv SEN_INPUT /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/sensinput.dat setenv DDM3D_HIGH N if ( FALSE == true || FALSE == TRUE ) then setenv DDM3D_RST Y set S_ICpath = /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES set S_ICfile = endif setenv DDM3D_BCS F set S_BCpath = /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/icbc/CMAQv53_TS_108NHEMI_SHAKEOUT set S_BCfile = setenv CTM_NPMAX 1 setenv CTM_SENS_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv A_SENS_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_SWETDEP_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_SDRYDEP_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_NPMAX 1 setenv INIT_SENS_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ setenv BNDY_SENS_1 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/icbc/CMAQv53_TS_108NHEMI_SHAKEOUT/ setenv S_CGRID /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ setenv CTM_CONC_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv A_CONC_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv MEDIA_CONC /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DEPV_DIAG /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv B3GTS_S /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv SOILOUT /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ setenv CTM_WET_DEP_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_WET_DEP_2 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_PMDIAG_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_APMDIAG_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_RJ_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_RJ_2 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_RJ_3 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_SSEMIS_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DUST_EMIS_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IPR_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IPR_2 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IPR_3 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IRR_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IRR_2 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_IRR_3 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_MOS /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DRY_DEP_FST /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DEPV_MOS /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_DEPV_FST /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_VDIFF_DIAG /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_VSED_DIAG /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_LTNGDIAG_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_LTNGDIAG_2 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv CTM_VEXT_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v setenv FLOOR_FILE /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/FLOOR_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102.txt set log_test = `cat buff.txt` cat buff.txt rm -f buff.txt set OUT_FILES = ( /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/FLOOR_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102.txt /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v ) if ( 1 ) then if ( N == Y || N == T ) then endif if ( 1 ) then if ( N == Y || N == T ) then endif set OUT_FILES = `echo $OUT_FILES | sed "s; -v;;g" ` sed s; -v;;g echo /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/FLOOR_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102.txt /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ -v set out_test = `cat buff.txt` cat buff.txt rm -f buff.txt if ( TRUE == true || TRUE == TRUE ) then echo echo Existing Logs and Output Files for Day 2013-01-02 Will Be Deleted Existing Logs and Output Files for Day 2013-01-02 Will Be Deleted foreach file ( ) foreach file ( ) /bin/rm: No match. else setenv CTM_STDATE 2013002 setenv CTM_STTIME 000000 setenv CTM_RUNLEN 240000 setenv CTM_TSTEP 010000 setenv INIT_CONC_1 /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ setenv BNDY_CONC_1 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/2013/icbc/ setenv OMI /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/OMI_1979_to_2019.dat setenv OPTICS_DATA /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/PHOT_OPTICS.dat setenv gc_matrix_nml /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/GC_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml setenv ae_matrix_nml /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/AE_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml setenv nr_matrix_nml /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/NR_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml setenv tr_matrix_nml /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/Species_Table_TR_EQUATES_12US1.nml setenv CSQY_DATA /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CSQY_DATA_cb6r3_ae7_aq if ( ! ( -e /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CSQY_DATA_cb6r3_ae7_aq ) ) then if ( ! ( -e /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/PHOT_OPTICS.dat ) ) then if ( 1 != 0 ) then ls -l /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.exe -rwxr-xr-x. 1 haohe zt-haohe-prj 139095560 Mar 17 2023 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.exe size /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.exe text data bss dec hex filename 6228604 132567632 139764024 278560260 109a7e04 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.exe unlimit limit cputime unlimited filesize unlimited datasize unlimited stacksize unlimited coredumpsize unlimited memoryuse 36864000 kbytes vmemoryuse unlimited descriptors 131072 memorylocked unlimited maxproc 2061083 maxlocks unlimited maxsignal 2061083 maxmessage 819200 maxnice 0 maxrtprio 0 maxrttime unlimited endif echo echo CMAQ Processing of Day 20130102 Began at `date` date CMAQ Processing of Day 20130102 Began at Sat Oct 14 21:55:40 EDT 2023 echo tee buff_CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706.txt /usr/bin/time -p mpirun --bind-to core:overload-allowed -np 108 /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/CCTM_v533.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The library attempted to open the following supporting CUDA libraries, but each of them failed. CUDA-aware support is disabled. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory libcuda.dylib: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /usr/lib64/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory /usr/lib64/libcuda.dylib: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory If you are not interested in CUDA-aware support, then run with --mca opal_warn_on_missing_libcuda 0 to suppress this message. If you are interested in CUDA-aware support, then try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of to get passed this issue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_APPL | v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES_20130102 ================================================================================ | | | The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model | | Version 5.3.3 | | | | Built and Maintained by the | | Office of Research and Development | | United States Environmental Protection Agency | | | | | | | | Source Code: | | Documentation: | | | | The CMAQ Model is tested and released with cooperation from | | the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center via | | contract support. CMAS is managed by the Institute for the | | Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | | CMAS URL: ( | | | ================================================================================ This program uses the EPA-AREAL/MCNC-EnvPgms/BAMS Models-3 I/O Applications Programming Interface, [I/O API] which is built on top of the netCDF I/O library (Copyright 1993, 1996 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata Program) and the PVM parallel-programming library (from Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC, (C) 1992-2013 Carlie J. Coats, Jr., (C) 2003-2012 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC, and (C) 2014-2016 UNC Institute for the Environment. Released under the GNU LGPL License, version 2.1. See URL for conditions of use. ioapi-3.2: $Id: init3.F90 320 2016-02-26 15:55:00Z coats $ netCDF version 4.8.1 of Aug 2 2022 11:52:35 $ =========================================== |>--- ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE REPORT ---<| =========================================== |> Grid and High-Level Model Parameters: +========================================= --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLD | (default) OUTDIR | /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES NEW_START | F ISAM_NEW_START | Y (default) GRID_NAME | 12US1 CTM_TSTEP | 10000 CTM_RUNLEN | 240000 CTM_PROGNAME | DRIVER (default) CTM_STDATE | 2013002 CTM_STTIME | 0 NPCOL_NPROW | 9 12 CTM_MAXSYNC | 300 CTM_MINSYNC | 60 |> Multiprocess control, output and error checking: +==================================================== --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT_PROC_TIME | T FL_ERR_STOP | F CTM_CKSUM | T AVG_FILE_ENDTIME | F AVG_CONC_SPCS | ALL CONC_SPCS | CO SO2 O3 NO2 FORM NH3 AECI AECJ ACONC_BLEV_ELEV | 1 1 CONC_BLEV_ELEV | 1 35 IOAPI_LOG_WRITE | F VERTEXT | F VERTEXT_COORD_PA | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/lonlat.csv gc_matrix_nml | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/GC_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml ae_matrix_nml | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/AE_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml nr_matrix_nml | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/NR_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml tr_matrix_nml | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/data/2003_2019_Wildfire/cctm_input/natural/Species_Table_TR_EQUATES_12US1.nml |> Chemistry and Photolysis: +============================= --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_PHOTDIAG | F CORE_SHELL_OPTIC | F (default) OPTICS_MIE_CALC | F (default) GEAR_ATOL | 0.100E-08 (default) GEAR_RTOL | 0.100E-02 (default) RB_RTOL | 0.100E-02 (default) RB_ATOL | 0.100E-06 (default) |> Aerosols: +============= --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_AVISDIAG | F (default) CTM_ZERO_PCSOA | F (default) CTM_AOD | F (default) CTM_PMDIAG | F CTM_APMDIAG | T APMDIAG_BLEV_ELE | 1 1 AVG_PMDIAG_SPCS | (default) STM_SO4TRACK | F |> Cloud Processes: +==================== --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLD_DIAG | F |> Air-Surface Exchange Processes: +=================================== --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PX_VERSION | T CTM_ABFLUX | T CTM_MOSAIC | F CTM_SFC_HONO | T CLM_VERSION | F NOAH_VERSION | F CTM_STAGE | F (default) CTM_DEPV_FILE | T CTM_HGBIDI | F CTM_BIDI_FERT_NH | T CTM_WBDUST_BELD | BELD3 |> Transport Processes: +======================== --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_VDIFF_DIAG_F | F (default) SIGMA_SYNC_TOP | 0.700E+00 ADV_HDIV_LIM | 0.900E+00 (default) CTM_ADV_CFL | 0.950E+00 KZMIN | T CTM_WVEL | F CTM_GRAV_SETL | T |> Emissions Parameters: +========================= --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMISSCTRL_NML | /scratch/zt1/project/haohe-prj/user/haohe/CMAQv5.3.3/CCTM/scripts6/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/EmissCtrl_cb6r3_ae7_aq.nml CTM_EMLAYS | 0 (default) N_EMIS_GR | 1 N_EMIS_TR | 0 (default) CTM_EMISCHK | F CTM_BIOGEMIS | T BIOG_SPRO | DEFAULT (default) BIOSW_YN | T B3GTS_DIAG | F CTM_MGEMDIAG | F (default) CTM_OCEAN_CHEM | T CTM_WB_DUST | F CTM_DUSTEM_DIAG | F CTM_SSEMDIAG | F CTM_LTNG_NO | T LTNG_ASSIM_DT | 0 (default) LTNGNO | InLine USE_NLDN | F LTNGDIAG | F MOLSNCG | 0.350E+03 (default) MOLSNIC | 0.350E+03 (default) N_EMIS_PT | 10 IPVERT | 0 (default) EMISDIAG | F EMIS_SYM_DATE | F (default) |> Process Analysis Parameters: +================================ --Env Variable-- | --Value-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_PROCAN | F PA_BCOL_ECOL | (default) PA_BROW_EROW | (default) PA_BLEV_ELEV | (default) MET_TSTEP | 10000 (default) MET data determined based on WRF ARW version 4.1.1 -=- MPP Processor-to-Subdomain Map -=- Number of Processors = 108 ____________________________________________________ | | | PE #Cols Col_Range #Rows Row_Range | |__________________________________________________| | | | 0 51 1: 51 25 1: 25 | | 1 51 52: 102 25 1: 25 | | 2 51 103: 153 25 1: 25 | | 3 51 154: 204 25 1: 25 | | 4 51 205: 255 25 1: 25 | | 5 51 256: 306 25 1: 25 | | 6 51 307: 357 25 1: 25 | | 7 51 358: 408 25 1: 25 | | 8 51 409: 459 25 1: 25 | | 9 51 1: 51 25 26: 50 | | 10 51 52: 102 25 26: 50 | | 11 51 103: 153 25 26: 50 | | 12 51 154: 204 25 26: 50 | | 13 51 205: 255 25 26: 50 | | 14 51 256: 306 25 26: 50 | | 15 51 307: 357 25 26: 50 | | 16 51 358: 408 25 26: 50 | | 17 51 409: 459 25 26: 50 | | 18 51 1: 51 25 51: 75 | | 19 51 52: 102 25 51: 75 | | 20 51 103: 153 25 51: 75 | | 21 51 154: 204 25 51: 75 | | 22 51 205: 255 25 51: 75 | | 23 51 256: 306 25 51: 75 | | 24 51 307: 357 25 51: 75 | | 25 51 358: 408 25 51: 75 | | 26 51 409: 459 25 51: 75 | | 27 51 1: 51 25 76: 100 | | 28 51 52: 102 25 76: 100 | | 29 51 103: 153 25 76: 100 | | 30 51 154: 204 25 76: 100 | | 31 51 205: 255 25 76: 100 | | 32 51 256: 306 25 76: 100 | | 33 51 307: 357 25 76: 100 | | 34 51 358: 408 25 76: 100 | | 35 51 409: 459 25 76: 100 | | 36 51 1: 51 25 101: 125 | | 37 51 52: 102 25 101: 125 | | 38 51 103: 153 25 101: 125 | | 39 51 154: 204 25 101: 125 | | 40 51 205: 255 25 101: 125 | | 41 51 256: 306 25 101: 125 | | 42 51 307: 357 25 101: 125 | | 43 51 358: 408 25 101: 125 | | 44 51 409: 459 25 101: 125 | | 45 51 1: 51 25 126: 150 | | 46 51 52: 102 25 126: 150 | | 47 51 103: 153 25 126: 150 | | 48 51 154: 204 25 126: 150 | | 49 51 205: 255 25 126: 150 | | 50 51 256: 306 25 126: 150 | | 51 51 307: 357 25 126: 150 | | 52 51 358: 408 25 126: 150 | | 53 51 409: 459 25 126: 150 | | 54 51 1: 51 25 151: 175 | | 55 51 52: 102 25 151: 175 | | 56 51 103: 153 25 151: 175 | | 57 51 154: 204 25 151: 175 | | 58 51 205: 255 25 151: 175 | | 59 51 256: 306 25 151: 175 | | 60 51 307: 357 25 151: 175 | | 61 51 358: 408 25 151: 175 | | 62 51 409: 459 25 151: 175 | | 63 51 1: 51 25 176: 200 | | 64 51 52: 102 25 176: 200 | | 65 51 103: 153 25 176: 200 | | 66 51 154: 204 25 176: 200 | | 67 51 205: 255 25 176: 200 | | 68 51 256: 306 25 176: 200 | | 69 51 307: 357 25 176: 200 | | 70 51 358: 408 25 176: 200 | | 71 51 409: 459 25 176: 200 | | 72 51 1: 51 25 201: 225 | | 73 51 52: 102 25 201: 225 | | 74 51 103: 153 25 201: 225 | | 75 51 154: 204 25 201: 225 | | 76 51 205: 255 25 201: 225 | | 77 51 256: 306 25 201: 225 | | 78 51 307: 357 25 201: 225 | | 79 51 358: 408 25 201: 225 | | 80 51 409: 459 25 201: 225 | | 81 51 1: 51 25 226: 250 | | 82 51 52: 102 25 226: 250 | | 83 51 103: 153 25 226: 250 | | 84 51 154: 204 25 226: 250 | | 85 51 205: 255 25 226: 250 | | 86 51 256: 306 25 226: 250 | | 87 51 307: 357 25 226: 250 | | 88 51 358: 408 25 226: 250 | | 89 51 409: 459 25 226: 250 | | 90 51 1: 51 25 251: 275 | | 91 51 52: 102 25 251: 275 | | 92 51 103: 153 25 251: 275 | | 93 51 154: 204 25 251: 275 | | 94 51 205: 255 25 251: 275 | | 95 51 256: 306 25 251: 275 | | 96 51 307: 357 25 251: 275 | | 97 51 358: 408 25 251: 275 | | 98 51 409: 459 25 251: 275 | | 99 51 1: 51 24 276: 299 | |100 51 52: 102 24 276: 299 | |101 51 103: 153 24 276: 299 | |102 51 154: 204 24 276: 299 | |103 51 205: 255 24 276: 299 | |104 51 256: 306 24 276: 299 | |105 51 307: 357 24 276: 299 | |106 51 358: 408 24 276: 299 | |107 51 409: 459 24 276: 299 | |__________________________________________________| [] 107 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-common-cuda.txt / dlopen failed [] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages ================================ |>--- TIME INTEGRATION ---<| ================================ Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:000000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.7 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.3 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.5 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 2.4 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.5 seconds AERO completed... 2.3 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 23.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:000500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.5 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.0 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:001000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:001500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.0 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.5 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:002000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.5 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:002500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.2 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:003000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:003500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.8 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:004000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.7 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.7 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:004500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.0 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.7 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.7 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:005000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.6 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.7 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:005500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 0:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 54.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 2.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.6 seconds CLDPROC completed... 22.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 8.3 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 91.6 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 48.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:010000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 16.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.6 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 24.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:010500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 11.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.4 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.5 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:011000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.4 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.6 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:011500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.0 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.3 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.4 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:012000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.1 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.2 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:012500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:013000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.3 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.9 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:013500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:014000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:014500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:015000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:015500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 1:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 55.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 3.0 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 23.0 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 8.6 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 93.1 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 49.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:020000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 16.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 23.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:020500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:021000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:021500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:022000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.9 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:022500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.3 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.9 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:023000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.1 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:023500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:024000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.3 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.0 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:024500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:025000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:025500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 2:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 55.7 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 2.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 23.8 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 8.7 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 93.8 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 48.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:030000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.0 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 15.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 23.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:030500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.0 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:031000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.2 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:031500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.9 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:032000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:032500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.5 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:033000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:033500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.1 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:034000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.4 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.2 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.4 seconds AERO completed... 2.2 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:034500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds HADV completed... 13.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:035000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:035500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 3:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 56.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds HADV completed... 2.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 23.0 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 8.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 94.3 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 47.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:040000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 17.0 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 24.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:040500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.4 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:041000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:041500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:042000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.6 seconds ZADV completed... 0.4 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:042500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds HADV completed... 13.4 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.0 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:043000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.1 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:043500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:044000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 14.0 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.0 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:044500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.9 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.5 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:045000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.3 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:045500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 4:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 55.9 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds HADV completed... 2.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 23.0 seconds CHEM completed... 2.4 seconds AERO completed... 8.3 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 93.0 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 47.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:050000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 16.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.4 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.2 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 24.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:050500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:05:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:051000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:10:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.2 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.7 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.4 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:051500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:15:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 14.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.9 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:052000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:20:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.6 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds HADV completed... 13.5 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.5 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.8 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:052500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:25:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.4 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.2 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.1 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:053000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:30:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.8 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.3 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:053500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:35:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.4 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.1 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.4 seconds CHEM completed... 2.2 seconds AERO completed... 2.1 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 20.2 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:054000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:40:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.1 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 13.3 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.4 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 19.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:054500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:45:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.6 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:055000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:50:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 1.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 12.2 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 0.3 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 1.9 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 18.5 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:055500 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:55:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 55.7 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds HADV completed... 3.0 seconds ZADV completed... 0.3 seconds HDIFF completed... 0.3 seconds DECOUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds PHOT completed... 0.0 seconds CLDPROC completed... 23.0 seconds CHEM completed... 2.0 seconds AERO completed... 8.7 seconds Master Time Step Processing completed... 93.2 seconds =--> Data Output completed... 47.7 seconds Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2013002:060000 Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 6:00:00 Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013 Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500 VDIFF completed... 2.3 seconds COUPLE completed... 0.0 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** An error occurred in MPI_Barrier [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** reported by process [1988427777,107] [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** MPI_ERR_OTHER: known error not in list [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort, [compute-a8-32:3044769] *** and potentially your MPI job) [] pml_ucx.c:907 Error: mca_pml_ucx_send_nbr failed: -25, Connection reset by remote peer [] pml_ucx.c:907 Error: mca_pml_ucx_send_nbr failed: -25, Connection reset by remote peer [] pml_ucx.c:907 Error: mca_pml_ucx_send_nbr failed: -25, Connection reset by remote peer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpirun noticed that process rank 83 with PID 3044673 on node compute-a8-32 exited on signal 9 (Killed). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] 2 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-errors.txt / mpi_errors_are_fatal real 2282.89 user 9652.32 sys 8379.23 set rtarray = `tail -3 buff_CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706.txt | grep -Eo '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?' | head -1` tail -3 buff_CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706.txt head -1 grep -Eo [+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)? rm -rf buff_CMAQ_CCTMv533_haohe_20231015_015540_259156706.txt if ( ! -e /home/haohe/scratch/output6/CCTM_v533_cb6r3_ae7_aq_WR413_MYR_STAGE_EQUATES/ ) then echo echo ************************************************************** ************************************************************** echo ** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. ** ** Runscript Detected an Error: CGRID file was not written. ** echo ** This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue ** ** This indicates that CMAQ was interrupted or an issue ** echo ** exists with writing output. The runscript will now ** ** exists with writing output. The runscript will now ** echo ** abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days. ** ** abort rather than proceeding to subsequent days. ** echo ************************************************************** ************************************************************** break set RTMTOT = 0 foreach it ( `seq ${NDAYS}` ) seq 1 set rt = `echo ${rtarray} | cut -d' ' -f${it}` echo 2282.89 cut -d -f1 set RTMTOT = `echo "${RTMTOT} + ${rt}" | bc -l` bc -l echo 0 + 2282.89 end set RTMAVG = `echo "scale=2; ${RTMTOT} / ${NDAYS}" | bc -l` bc -l echo scale=2; 2282.89 / 1 set RTMTOT = `echo "scale=2; ${RTMTOT} / 1" | bc -l` bc -l echo scale=2; 2282.89 / 1 echo echo ================================== ================================== echo ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT ***** ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT ***** echo ================================== ================================== echo Start Day: 2013-01-02 Start Day: 2013-01-02 echo End Day: 2014-01-01 End Day: 2014-01-01 echo Number of Simulation Days: 1 Number of Simulation Days: 1 echo Domain Name: 12US1 Domain Name: 12US1 echo Number of Grid Cells: 4803435 (ROW x COL x LAY) Number of Grid Cells: 4803435 (ROW x COL x LAY) echo Number of Layers: 35 Number of Layers: 35 echo Number of Processes: 108 Number of Processes: 108 echo All times are in seconds. All times are in seconds. echo echo Num Day Wall Time Num Day Wall Time set d = 0 set day = 2013-01-02 foreach it ( `seq ${NDAYS}` ) seq 1 set d = `echo "${d} + 1" | bc -l` bc -l echo 0 + 1 set n = `printf "%02d" ${d}` printf %02d 1 set rt = `echo ${rtarray} | cut -d' ' -f${it}` echo 2282.89 cut -d -f1 echo 01 2013-01-02 2282.89 01 2013-01-02 2282.89 set day = `date -ud "${day}+1days" +%Y-%m-%d` date -ud 2013-01-02+1days +%Y-%m-%d end echo Total Time = 2282.89 Total Time = 2282.89 echo Avg. Time = 2282.89 Avg. Time = 2282.89 exit