C*********************************************************************** C Portions of Models-3/CMAQ software were developed or based on * C information from various groups: Federal Government employees, * C contractors working on a United States Government contract, and * C non-Federal sources (including research institutions). These * C research institutions have given the Government permission to * C use, prepare derivative works, and distribute copies of their * C work in Models-3/CMAQ to the public and to permit others to do * C so. EPA therefore grants similar permissions for use of the * C Models-3/CMAQ software, but users are requested to provide copies * C of derivative works to the Government without restrictions as to * C use by others. Users are responsible for acquiring their own * C copies of commercial software associated with Models-3/CMAQ and * C for complying with vendor requirements. Software copyrights by * C the MCNC Environmental Modeling Center are used with their * C permissions subject to the above restrictions. * C*********************************************************************** C RCS file, release, date & time of last delta, author, state, [and locker] C $Header: /project/work/rep/TOOLS/src/combine/utils.F,v 2005/07/27 12:55:20 sjr Exp $ C*********************************************************************** C Returns the nth field of record C*********************************************************************** Subroutine getFld( record, delimiter, nth, del, field ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) record CHARACTER*(*) delimiter CHARACTER del Integer nth CHARACTER*(*) field Integer nfields Integer i, pos1 pos1 = 1 nfields = 0 del = delimiter(1:1) field = '' Do i=1, LEN(record) if( index( delimiter,record(i:i) ) .gt. 0 ) then nfields = nfields+1 if( nfields .eq. nth ) then if(pos1.le.i) field = record(pos1:i-1) call LeftTrim(field) call RightTrim(field) return Endif del = record(i:i) pos1 = i+1 Endif Enddo nfields = nfields+1 ! check if last field if( nfields .eq. nth ) then field = record(pos1:) Endif Call LeftTrim(field) Call RightTrim(field) Return End C*********************************************************************** C Returns the number of parsed fields in record C*********************************************************************** INTEGER FUNCTION getFldCount(record, delimiter) & result(nfields) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) record CHARACTER*(*) delimiter Integer i Logical isDel nfields = 0 if( LEN_TRIM(record).gt.0 ) nfields = 1 Do i=1,LEN(record) isDel = ( index(delimiter, record(i:i)) .gt. 0 ) if( isDel ) then nfields = nfields+1 cycle endif enddo Return end C*********************************************************************** C routine to remove leading blank spaces from Character String C*********************************************************************** Subroutine LeftTrim( STRING ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) STRING Integer I Do I=1,LEN(STRING) if(STRING(I:I) .ne. CHAR(32)) Then STRING = STRING(I:) RETURN EndIf EndDo Return End Subroutine LeftTrim C*********************************************************************** C routine to remove trailing white spaces from Character String C*********************************************************************** Subroutine RightTrim( STRING ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) STRING Integer I Do I=LEN(STRING),1,-1 if(STRING(I:I) .lt. CHAR(32)) STRING(I:I) = CHAR(32) if(STRING(I:I) .gt. CHAR(32)) Exit EndDo Return End Subroutine RightTrim C*********************************************************************** C Routine to change character string to upper characters C*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE UCASE ( STR ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER STR*( * ) INTEGER I INTEGER K DO I = 1, LEN(STR) K = ICHAR(STR(I:I)) IF ( ( K .GE. 97 ) .AND. ( K .LE. 122 ) ) & STR( I:I ) = CHAR( K - 32 ) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE UCASE