#! /bin/csh -f # ===================== SITECMP_v5.2 Run Script ===================== # Usage: run.sitecmp.csh >&! sitecmp_V52.log & # # To report problems or request help with this script/program: # http://www.epa.gov/cmaq (EPA CMAQ Website) # http://www.cmascenter.org # =================================================================== # ================================================================== #> Runtime Environment Options # ================================================================== #> Choose compiler and set up CMAQ environment with correct #> libraries using config.cmaq. Options: intel | gcc | pgi setenv compiler gcc #intel cd ../../.. source ./config_cmaq.csh #> Set the model version set VRSN = v52 #> Set the build directory if this was not set above #> (this is where the executable is located by default). if ( ! $?BINDIR ) then setenv BINDIR ${CMAQ_HOME}/POST/sitecmp/scripts/BLD_sitecmp_${VRSN}_${compilerString} endif #> Set the name of the executable. setenv EXEC sitecmp_${VRSN}.exe # ===================================================================== #> SITECMP Configuration Options # ===================================================================== # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ START NETWORK SPECIFIC SECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #> The following environment variables will change depending on what #> observation network is being matched with CMAQ output. #> This sample run script is set up for hourly data from AQS. #> See the README.md file in this folder for the settings to use for #> the following networks: IMPROVE, CASTNET, CSN (formally STN), NADP #> SEARCH, AIRMON #> Set TABLE TYPE setenv TABLE_TYPE CASTNET #> Specify the variable names used in your observation inputs #> and model output files for each of the species you are analyzing below. #> #> variable format: #> Obs_expression, Obs_units, [Mod_expression], [Mod_unit], [Variable_name] #> #> The expression is in the form: #> [factor1]*Obs_name1 [+][-] [factor2]*Obs_name2 ... setenv AERO_1 "PM25,ug/m3,ATOTIJ,ug/m3,PM_TOT" # PM2.5 Total Mass setenv AERO_2 "PM25,ug/m3,PMIJ_FRM,ug/m3,PM_FRM" # PM2.5 Total Mass (I+J with FRM adjustment) setenv AERO_3 "PM10,ug/m3,ATOTIJK,ug/m3,PM10" # PM10 Total Mass setenv AERO_4 "Isoprene,ppb,ISOP,ppb,Isoprene" # Isoprene setenv AERO_5 "Ethylene,ppb,ETH,ppb,Ethylene" # Ethene (Ethylene) setenv AERO_6 "Ethane,ppb,ETHA,ppb,Ethane" # Ethane setenv AERO_7 "Toluene,ppb,TOL,ppb,Toluene" # Toluene setenv AERO_8 "Acetaldehyde,ppb,ALD2,ppb,Acetaldehyde" # Acetaldehyde setenv AERO_9 "Formaldehyde,ppb,FORM,ppb,Formaldehyde" # Formaldehyde setenv AERO_10 "OC+OC_Blank,ug/m3,AOCIJ,ug/m3,OC" # OC blank adjusted Mass setenv AERO_11 "EC,ug/m3,AECIJ,ug/m3,EC" # EC Mass setenv AERO_12 "OC+OC_Blank+EC,ug/m3,AOCIJ+AECIJ,,TC" # Total Carbon setenv AERO_13 "Na,ug/m3, ANAIJ,,Na" # sodium setenv AERO_14 "Cl,ug/m3, ACLIJ,,Cl" # chlorine setenv AERO_15 "Na+Cl,ug/m3,ACLIJ+ANAIJ,,NaCl" # sodium chloride setenv AERO_16 "SO4,ug/m3,ASO4IJ,ug/m3,SO4" # PM2.5 Total Mass setenv AERO_17 "NO3,ug/m3,ANO3IJ,ug/m3,NO3" # PM2.5 Total Mass setenv AERO_18 "NH4,ug/m3,ANH4IJ,ug/m3,NH4" # PM2.5 Total Mass ## PM2.5 Sharp Cutoff Species ## Requires preprocessing using setenv AERODIAM file setenv AERO_19 "PM25,ug/m3,PM25_TOT,ug/m3,PM25_TOT" # PM2.5 Total Mass with sharp cutoff setenv AERO_20 "PM25,ug/m3,PM25_FRM,,PM25_FRM" # PM2.5 Total Mass (cutoff with FRM adjustment) setenv AERO_21 "SO4,ug/m3, PM25_SO4,,PM25_SO4" # sulfate (sharp cutoff) setenv AERO_22 "NO3,ug/m3, PM25_NO3,,PM25_NO3" # nitrate (sharp cutoff) setenv AERO_23 "NH4,ug/m3, PM25_NH4,,PM25_NH4" # ammonium (sharp cutoff) setenv AERO_24 "OC+OC_Blank,ug/m3, PM25_OC,,PM25_OC" # Organic Carbon (sharp cutoff) setenv AERO_25 "EC,ug/m3, PM25_EC,,PM25_EC" # Elemental Carbon (sharp cutoff) setenv AERO_26 "OC+OC_Blank+EC,ug/m3,PM25_OC+PM25_EC,,PM25_TC" # Total Carbon (sharp cutoff) # setenv AERO6 species # ## note we use Sodium Ion instead of sodium (XRF) becasue XRF is not reliable for sodium # ## all other elemental concentrations (including Cl and K) come from XRF setenv AERO_27 "Fe,ug/m3, AFEJ,,Fe" # iron setenv AERO_28 "Al,ug/m3,AALJ,,Al" # aluminum setenv AERO_29 "Si,ug/m3, ASIJ,,Si" # silicon setenv AERO_30 "Ti,ug/m3, ATIJ,,Ti" # titanium setenv AERO_31 "Ca,ug/m3,ACAJ,,Ca" # calcium setenv AERO_32 "Mg,ug/m3,AMGJ,,Mg" # magnesium setenv AERO_33 "K,ug/m3,AKJ,,K" # potassium setenv AERO_34 "Mg,ug/m3,AMNJ,,Mn" # manganese setenv AERO_35 "2.2*Al+2.49*Si+1.63*Ca+2.42*Fe+1.94*Ti,ug/m3,ASOILJ,,soil" setenv AERO_36 "PM25-SO4-NO3-NH4-OC-EC-[Na]-[Cl]-2.2*Al-2.49*Si-1.63*Ca-2.42*Fe-1.94*Ti , ug/m3, AUNSPEC1IJ,,OTHER" # PM Other setenv AERO_37 "0.8*OC,ug/m3, ANCOMIJ,,NCOM" # PM Other setenv AERO_38 "PM25-SO4-NO3-NH4-OC-EC-[Na]-[Cl]-2.2*Al-2.49*Si-1.63*Ca-2.42*Fe-1.94*Ti-0.8*OC,ug/m3, AUNSPEC2IJ,,OTHER_REM" # PM Other no NCOM #>> End Species List <<# # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ END NETWORK SPECIFIC SECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #> define time window setenv SDATE "2020-06-01" #> beginning date (July 1, 2011) setenv EDATE "2020-06-02" #> ending date (July 2, 2011) setenv START_TIME 0 setenv END_TIME 230000 #> Convert SDATE and EDATE to Julian day. #> (required format for sitecmp START_DATE and END_DATE environment variables) setenv START_DATE `date -ud "${SDATE}" +%Y%j` setenv END_DATE `date -ud "${EDATE}" +%Y%j` #> define the PRECIP variable setenv PRECIP RT #> adjust for daylight savings setenv APPLY_DLS N #> set missing value string setenv MISSING '-999' #> Projection sphere type (use type 20 to match WRF/CMAQ) setenv IOAPI_ISPH 20 #> Number of hours to add when retrieving time steps from M3_FILE_n files during processing. #> This should only be non-zero if the M3_FILE_n files were pre-processed with a utility like m3tshift (default 0). setenv TIME_SHIFT 0 ############################################################# # Input files ############################################################# #> ioapi input files containing VNAMES (max of 10) setenv M3_FILE_1 /projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/data/cctmout/COMBINE_ACONC_AQF5X_202006.nc #${CMAQ_DATA}/POST/COMBINE_ACONC_201107.nc #[Add location of input file, e.g. COMBINE_ACONC file.] #> SITE FILE containing site-id, longitude, latitude, time zone (tab delimited) #> This file can be downloaded from the CMAS Center Data clearinghouse #> under the heading "2000-2014 North American Air Quality Observation Data": #> https://www.cmascenter.org/download/data.cfm #> AQS site file is located in AMET12_SITE_FILES.tar.gz setenv SITE_FILE /projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/POST/sitecmp/scripts/AQS_full_site_list.csv #AQS_sites.txt #> input table containing site-id, time-period, and data fields #> AQS obs data in the format needed for sitecmp are available #> from the CMAS Center Data clearinghouse under the heading "2000-2014 North American Air Quality Observation Data": #> https://www.cmascenter.org/download/data.cfm #> Hourly AQS observations are located in AMET12_OBSDATA_YYYY.tar.gz for year YYYY. setenv IN_TABLE /projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/POST/sitecmp/scripts/AQS_hourly_data_2020.csv ############################################################# # Output files ############################################################# #> output table (comma delimited text file importable to Excel) setenv OUT_TABLE /projects/HAQ_LAB/mrasel/cmaq/Build_CMAQ/CMAQ_DDM/data/cctmout/AQS_Hourly_CMAQ_${VRSN}.csv #> Executable call: ${BINDIR}/${EXEC} exit()