CMAQ combine module 1.3km

Hello Hyeongseok,

thanks for posting the file headers.

The differences in XCELL and YCELL are sufficiently small that your updated grid consistency check in post #3 should no longer trigger the “valid = .false” action.

However, looking at the two lines with the “!width of cell” and “!height of cell” comments again, it seems both lines (adapted from post #14 in the other thread I linked) have unbalanced parenthesis, aside from the fact that the second line should check for YCELL instead of XCELL. In these lines, “((XCELL-XCELL3D)**2” should either be “((XCELL-XCELL3D)**2)” or “(XCELL-XCELL3D)**2” (or YCELL on the second line).

Are you sure you were able to successfully recompile combine after making these code changes, and your run script was using the updated executable in your latest tests?

As noted in one of the other threads, another brute force solution to your specific case would be to comment out these checks altogether, recompile the executable, and use it for this case, but you would not want to use that executable for any other case where you want to perform the grid consistency check. But the relative grid consistency check should work.