Evaluation DESID Category for issues or questions related to utilizing the DESID Control namelists to perform some basic manipulation of their emission streams. Infrastructure For topics on how CMAQ is currently organized and distributed on github, maintained on EPA compute servers and shared with the CMAS Community. Meteorology For topics related to CMAQ meteorology. Chemistry and Aerosols For deep diving into the Chemistry and Aerosol formulations of the CMAQ model. Hardware For topics related to hardware recommendations, cluster configurations, processor speeds, etc. Benchmark Issues and Errors Share your questions and experience in using CMAQ input and output benchmark datasets, including run-time results, and quality assurance of output data, and impact of libraries and compilers. Land Surface For issues/questions related to land surface modeling algorithms in CMAQ. Post-processing For topics related to CMAQ post-processing tools and software (AMET, Python, R). Run Time Errors and Issues Having trouble running CMAQ? Review existing topics that have been posted under this category, and if you can’t find something similar, create a new topic and attach your log file and run configuration settings to get help. Documentation We welcome questions and suggestions on CMAQ documentation. Within the CMAQ GitHub repository (, this includes the CMAQ User’s Guide, Tutorials, Developer’s Guide and Release Notes found under the DOCS folder as well as sample scripts and files that are provided throughout the code base. Ancillary Inputs Use this category to report issues with using ancillary inputs (other than Emissions or Meterology) to CMAQ. CMAQ-PREP Category to discuss issues related to tools in the CMAQ/PREP directory ICON BCON MCIP Compiling For topics related to compiling CMAQ and the libraries that it depends on including MPI, netCDF, I/O API.