Compiling MEGAN3.2: ERROR: IF clause requires a scaler LOGICAL expression

Hi Reza,
Again, MEGAN 3.2 Error While Running and Compiling - #5 by f.garcia this has helped me solve the problem that you have mentioned.

One of the posts says " Then I did something which don’t think is the right approach to these problems, but it worked. I changed “LFIRST” from logical to integer and changed the code to this:

        if((sdate+2000000).eq.jdate.and.(stime*100).eq.jtime) then
          lfirst = 100
          lfirst = 50
        if (lfirst==100) then

LFIRST is only used in this part of the code so I don’t think that there will be a problem with this change (I really have no idea whether I am write or wrong here)."

Hope it works for you too.