COsT/EMF difficult dowlaod

Bonjour; Je n arrive pas a charger les données (tels que Chemical spéciation profiles) dans le manger DATESETS en dehors de All;
Merci cordialement

Admin note: Please write your messages in English / Veuillez écrire vos messages en anglais

Google translate of the original message: “Hello; I am unable to load data (such as Chemical speciation profiles) into the manger” [typo - manager?] “DATESETS outside of All; Thank you Best regards”

Hello; I am unable to load data (such as Chemical speciation profiles)
into the manager” [typo - manager?] “DATESETS outside of All,when i
use the COsT/EMF
Thank you
Best regards”

It’s not clear if you’re trying to import your own datasets into the EMF or trying to view existing datasets.

If you’re importing your own dataset, please post the error message that you’re seeing.

If you’re viewing existing datasets, the default CoST/EMF database only comes with a small number of datasets to demonstrate the system: a few inventories and the outputs of control strategy runs. There aren’t any chemical speciation profile datasets loaded initially.

Thank for response,I come back to you
Sincerly yaye