Running MCIP5.4

@wong.david-c @cjcoats @cgnolte @lizadams @tlspero @bbaek @Akhila @hogrefe.christian


I’m trying to run Megan 2.1 using the user guide. I have installed ioapi, netcdf libraries and built the Megan code. The section 3.1.1 specifies to make changes to the paths and run the make command. I have errors while running the makefile. The mcip file that I have is MCIP5.4 which I downloaded it from github repository, where as in the user guide it is mentioned to use the tar file mcip_v3.6.tar.gz.

This is from the user guide:
Installing the MCIP:
Untar mcip_v3.6.tar.gz downloaded from
Go to src directory to make changes in Makefile to include correct paths for

Type “make” to compile all the programs. After a successful compilation, you should see a file named “mcip.exe”.

There are many errors as follows:
/CMAQ/PREP/mcip/src/chkwpshdr.f90:114:(.text+0x437): undefined reference to graceful_stop_' /CMAQ/PREP/mcip/src/metvars2ctm.f90:422: more undefined references to graceful_stop_’ follow
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [Makefile:153: mcip.exe] Error 1

I need help resolving these errors and I also want to know is this because of the version difference or because mcip5.4 is a repository and mcip3.6 which is required is a tar file? Is it possible to download mcip_v3.6.tar.gz and get a location from where I can download mcip_v3.6.tar.gz file?

Your help for resolving these errors would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

MEGANv3.2 is currently included in CMAQ. I don’t know whether MEGANv2.1 will work directly with MCIPv5.4. However, MCIPv5.4 certainly should be able to compile.
Please try a make clean followed by make >& make.log. If the compilation fails, post your make.log file. If you are not able to post your entire file, at least include the portion of the compile line that led to the error, not just the error message itself.

Hi @gcr!

You should not use MCIPv3.6. Please continue to use MCIPv5.4.

@lizadams, can you please check the instructions that the user referenced that have them going to MCIPv3.6?
