SMOKE compilation error

Hi all,
I am trying to compile the SMOKE4.7 on linux. And I have already installed the IOAPI3.2 and other libraries. But I still encounter the following issue when I invoke make in the directory.
Could you please help me with this issue?

[xyyang@bsn002 src]$ make
cd /GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/smoke/src/…/Linux2_x86_64ifort; ar rv libemmod.a modar2pt.o modbeis3.o modbiog.o modcntrl.o moddayhr.o modelev.o modemfac.o modgrid.o modinfo.o modlists.o modmbset.o modmerge.o modmet.o modmobil.o modmvsmrg.o modrepbn.o modreprt.o modsourc.o modspro.o modstcy.o modsurg.o modtag.o modtmprl.o modxref.o modgrdlib.o
r - modar2pt.o
r - modbeis3.o
r - modbiog.o
r - modcntrl.o
r - moddayhr.o
r - modelev.o
r - modemfac.o
r - modgrid.o
r - modinfo.o
r - modlists.o
r - modmbset.o
r - modmerge.o
r - modmet.o
r - modmobil.o
r - modmvsmrg.o
r - modrepbn.o
r - modreprt.o
r - modsourc.o
r - modspro.o
r - modstcy.o
r - modsurg.o
r - modtag.o
r - modtmprl.o
r - modxref.o
r - modgrdlib.o
cd /GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/smoke/src/…/Linux2_x86_64ifort; ifort -auto -warn notruncated_source -Bstatic -static-intel -I/GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/ioapi/ioapi/fixed_src -I/GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/smoke/src/inc -I/GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/ioapi/Linux2_x86_64ifort -extend-source 132 -zero -O3 -unroll -stack_temps -safe_cray_ptr -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -traceback -xHost -DAUTO_ARRAYS=1 -DF90=1 -DFLDMN=1 -DFSTR_L=int -DIOAPI_NO_STDOUT=1 -DAVOID_FLUSH=1 -DBIT32=1 -c /GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/smoke/src/lib/wrorlout.f
./CONST3.EXT(46): error #5082: Syntax error, found ‘&’ when expecting one of:
& PI6 = PI / 6.0 , &
compilation aborted for /GFPS8p/xyyang/gs/smokenew/subsys/smoke/src/lib/wrorlout.f (code 1)
make: *** [wrorlout.o] Error 1

Best regards,

@lizadams @bbaek @hogrefe.christian

The I./O API and its INCLUDE-file source codes conforms to the Fortran-Standard as regards line-formatting (there are two variants, “fixed” with the traditional col 7-72 F77-style formatting, and “free” with a different set of col 1-132 formatting). There is an explicit “both forms” format espoused by the Standard; the I/O API INCLUDE-files use this both-forms source-code format.

CMAQ an SMOKE, however, use a non-Standard “fixed-132” source-code format, which is not compatible with the I/O API INCLUDE files. Therefore, there is a

make fixed_src

command in the I/O API Makefile which will generate a new fixed_src directory, together with “fixed-132” source-code INCLUDE files equivalent to the normal ones. You need to do this command to generate these INCLUDE files, and to use them (as you seem to do) in your compile-command.

Hi Carlie,
Thanks a lot for your information. The issue has been solved.
