Speciation Tool 5.0 Public Release Announcement (October 1, 2020)

Dear CMAS Air Quality Community,

The Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) center at the UNC Institute for the Environment, in cooperation with the U.S. EPA and Ramboll US Corporation, is pleased to announce the release of Speciation Tool 5.0. The release includes the following updates:

  • Creates chemical speciation profiles needed to convert emission inventory pollutants (e.g., VOC, PM2.5) to model species for air quality modeling (e.g., using CMAQ and CAMx).
  • Outputs the chemical speciation profiles in formats used by SMOKE (i.e., GSPRO and GSCNV files).
  • Includes chemical speciation data from the EPA SPECIATE 5.0 database.
  • Includes VOC mechanism mappings for several gas-phase mechanisms, namely CB6, CB05, SAPRC07T, CRI and RACM2, as implemented in CMAQ and CAMx. See Table 1 of User’s Guide for a complete list and details of supported chemical mechanisms.
  • VOC mechanism mappings consider volatility to determine whether each compound is mapped to reactive model species (e.g. CB6) or intermediate-volatility model species (IVOC) or non-volatile model species (NVOL).
  • Optionally maps IVOC and NVOL compounds to the CMAQ Volatility Basis Set (VBS) scheme.
  • Includes mappings of primary PM2.5 and PM10 to the CMAQ (AE6 and AE7) and CAMx (CF2) aerosol schemes.
  • Can create CMAQ AE6 speciation profiles from raw PM2.5 profiles in SPECIATE.

Documentation and source code downloads, and detail release notes can be accessed through new Speciation Tool CMAS home page, and the Speciation Tool GitHub Repository.

Please report any bugs or problems through CMAS forum.

Best regards,

B.H. Baek, Ph.D.
SMOKE Model Developer/CMAS Center
Research Assistant Professor
Institute for the Environment / CMAS
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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