3D plume for point sources

Dear all,

We are working on SMOKE simulations to prepare emissions for CAMx using the 2016 platform. We noticed that there are 3D scripts for processing 4 fire sectors. Is it possible to create similar scripts to convert all other point sources into 3D plume for CAMx? We would like to create all 3D files and merge them into one big one. Thanks!


If you wish to have everything in 3D, the other point sectors would need to be run through SMOKE with plume rise turned on (INLINE_MODE = off) similar to how fires were run, so that everything is pre-layered going into the conversion scripts. Then the CAMx 3-D fire conversion script should be able to be used for the other sectors. Although having all in 3D may not matter if most of the sources would end up in layer 1 anyway.