Aerosol bulk name as emission species name in the DESID chemical mapping control

The default mappings of POA emissions to CMAQ species are described in the default DESID chemical mapping control file. However, instead of using this default mapping, we put emissions of POA components (e.g. ALVPO1) in the emission file, and put lines like a following one in the control file.

 ! Region      | Stream Label  |Emission | CMAQ-        |Phase/|Scale |Basis |Op
 !  Label      |               |Species  | Species      |Mode  |Factor|      |
    'EVERYWHERE', 'ALL'         ,'ALVPO1' ,'ALVPO1'     ,'FINE',1.   ,'MASS','a',

It worked in CMAQ v5.3.3, and ALVPO1 emissions in the emission file were mapped to ALVPO1I and ALVPO1J.

However, CMAQ v5.4 shows a following message, and ALVPO1 emissions in the emission file are ignored.

       The emission variable field applied was a chemical family. The specific
       family member(s) that did not appear on requested emission stream(s)
       inputs was:

I think that is because aerosol bulk names (e.g. ALVPO1) are treated as family names. The user guide says “if a chemical familiy is defined for use in an emission scaling rule, the user should be careful about confirming that the members of that family are present on the emission input file or the CMAQ model species list, depending on which the user is trying to modify.”

Does that mean aerosol bulk names should not be used as emission species name in the DESID chemical mapping control file in CMAQ v5.4?

Thanks so much for describing your case. Unfortunately, you are correct that aerosol bulk names should not be used as emissions variables in this particular context. We have not encountered this use case, but I will flag it as an issue and think about how best to support it. There two somewhat conflicting features:

  1. Families (e.g. NOX) are useful as emission species names to modify multiple species at once.
  2. It is useful to predefine bulk aerosol names as families.

One way out may be to mandate a prefix or suffix for families.
I recommend, for now, changing the name of the emission variable on the file if you can. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello Ben,

Thank you for your reply.

I changed variable names on the file and then a run went well.

Thank you.