AMET AQ Example Error


I have succefully set up AMET so that it was able to run the WRF example however I run into the issue where when running this AQ example I get this warning. I have rerun through the installation guide but I cant seem to spot the source. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached the log file.

Warning message:
In FUN(X[[i]], …) :
failed to assign RegisteredNativeSymbol for toeplitz to toeplitz since toeplitz is already defined in the ‘spam’ namespace
[1] “SELECT,d.stat_id,,s.lon,d.ob_dates,d.ob_datee,d.ob_hour,d.month , d.SO4_ob, d.SO4_mod ,d.POCode,s.state from aqExample as d, site_metadata as s WHERE d.SO4_ob is not NULL and‘IMPROVE’ and s.stat_id=d.stat_id and d.ob_dates BETWEEN 20160701 and 20160731 and d.ob_datee BETWEEN 20160701 and 20160731 and ob_hour between 0 and 23 ORDER BY stat_id,ob_dates,ob_hour”
Error in .local(conn, statement, …)

: scatterplot.txt (2.1 KB)

In your log file is the following:
BETWEEN 20160701 and 20160731 and d.ob_datee BETWEEN 20160701 and 20160731 and ob_hour between 0 and 23 ORDER BY stat_id,ob_dates,ob_hour"
Error in .local(conn, statement, …) :
could not run statement: Unknown column ‘d.SO4_ob’ in ‘field list’
Calls: query_dbase … db_Query -> dbSendQuery -> dbSendQuery -> .local -> .Call
Execution halted

This may indicate that the observation data that you are trying to use to create the plot for doesn’t contain the SO4_ob values.

Can you share the name of the script that you ran when you obtained this error?

Have you downloaded the AMET-AQ Observation Data available from this link?

I am running the run_scatterplot.csh script by using this command as detailed in the quick start guide “./run_scatterplot.csh |& tee scatterplot.log”

I have downloaded the data and place it in the aqExample folder but still get the same result

If you just downloaded the air quality observational data, then you may need to re-run the load database steps, before running the analysis scripts.

Thank you for the help. After re-running the load database steps it works.

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