AMET error: Unknown column 'd.O3_8hrmax_ob' in 'field list'

Hi all,
I have successfully installed the AMETv1.5 but encountered the following error which is:
“Error in .local(conn, statement, …) :
could not run statement: Unknown column ‘d.O3_8hrmax_ob’ in ‘field list’
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Execution halted”

Before posting this, I did notice that there was the same issue reported before (AMET AQ Example Error - #2 by lizadams). However, I am not clear on what means to re-run the load database steps, before running the analysis scripts. Does it mean that we should do “./aqProject_pre_and_post.csh >& log.populate” again after we download the AMET data?

Any clarifications would be helpful!
@lizadams @wyat.appel

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I have put the downloaded air quality data to the path of /home/kw/AMET_v15/obs/AQ/2016 and the combine file is placed on /home/kw/AMET_v15/model_data/AQ/aqExample .
The run_timeseries.csh file has been attached.
run_timeseries.csh (5.8 KB)

I am having the same issue - were you able to figure this out?


If you’re getting this error when trying to run an analysis script it likely means that there are no O3 8hrmax data loaded into the database for your particular project. Likely, something in the loading process failed and you’re data never populated the database. The error is essentially saying it doesn’t see a column called O3_8hrmax_ob in the database. That column would be created when the data are loaded.

So, go back to the log file for your data loading step for your project and see if there are errors in there. If there are and you can’t figure out how to fix the error, let me know.


unfortunately I didn’t figure this out thus I finally turn to write my own python codes for conducting model validation.


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Found it! I forgot to set AMETBASE in one of the configuration steps. Thanks for your help!

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