Hello Everyone,
I have just installed the SMOKE 4.9 package as per the instructions and everything seems to run. However, when I look at the biogenic log file (attached) it appears there is a problem opening a binary file. It is not clear to me from the log what the problem may be. I don’t think it is related to the Missing environment variable EXECUTION_ID message but…?
I am able to properly form bgts_l.20200101.nf, b4gts_s.20200101.ncf and soilout.20200102.ncf but not besi4_norm_emis,12US12.ncf or b3grd.2016v3.2022Apr20.12US1.ncf (though I am not expecting to form this given the provided met data is only for Jan 1, 2020).
It seems things are working but the improperly opened binary file seems to be indicating otherwise?
Since the output files were created successfully (I’m assuming Tmpbeis4 completed normally), I’m not sure there’s any program error happening. From the screenshot, it’s hard to say where the strange characters are in the log file.