Cctm-log could not read VD_NO2 from MET_CRO_2D

Variable “VD_NO2” not in file MET_CRO_2D
ERROR ABORT in subroutine RDDEPV on PE 000
could not read VD_NO2 from MET_CRO_2D

For many years, I think since v4.7 around 2010, CMAQ has computed deposition velocities online, rather than via MCIP. If you are trying to use a very old version of CMAQ, you will have to use a very old version of MCIP to go along with it.


The option to calculate dry deposition velocities in MCIP was removed with MCIPv4.0, which was released 9 years ago. Please update your MCIP code.



Actually, @cgnolte is correct. It is your CMAQ code that is outdated. Please update your CMAQ code.


Hello, I encountered the same problem, the version I uesd is CMAQv5.2-DDM, and MCIPv4.3.

—>> WARNING in subroutine RDDEPV:INTERPX
Variable “VD_NO2” not in file MET_CRO_2D
M3WARN: DTBUF 0:03:45 Jan. 2, 2018 (2018002:000345)

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine RDDEPV on PE 002
 Could not read  VD_NO2           from MET_CRO_2D

PM3EXIT: DTBUF 0:03:45 Jan. 2, 2018
Date and time 0:03:45 Jan. 2, 2018 (2018002:000345)

I’m confused that there is no “VD_NO2” variable in the test data provided in the website (, but it didn’t give this error.
Can you help me? Thank you for your time.
lu_an.csh (27.0 KB)

In your run script, remove or comment out this line:

setenv CTM_ILDEPV N          #> calculate in-line deposition velocities [ default: Y ]

The capability to compute deposition velocities in MCIP was removed a long time ago, but the CMAQ option to attempt to read them was not removed until relatively recently.

Thanks for your advice.