CMAQ5.4 megan inline all species except NO are zero

In the MIOG file that diagnose inline megan emission, the values of all species except NO are zero. setenv B3GTS_DIAG Y

This file is for BEIS mass diagnostics. Try using DESID to output MEGAN emissions.

I have add the configuration in the CMAQ_Control_DESID.nml. But the outcome was still zero except NO.

What is the name of the output file(s) where you are seeing the zero values? As Jeff pointed out the CCTM_B3GTS file is a BEIS diagnostic file and does not contain MEGAN diagnostics.

If you could please post your entire run script that may help us diagnose the issue you are having. Thank you!

In the output file Here is my runn script. Please help me point out the issue. Thank you very much!

run.cctm.v54.csh (26.6 KB)

That run script looks reasonable. Can you check that MEGAN_EFS file has values for the emission factors?

MEGAN is just (emission factor * activity) for everything except soil NO, so my first suspicion is that EFS file.

Thank you very much. I found the issue. The problem related to LAIV calculation process. My LAIV data is monthly. However, in the prepmegan4cmaq_lai.f90, LAIV data is per 8-days. I have uncommented the related code in th repmegan4cmaq_lai.f90., and fixed it. But the laiv46 in the gennerated LAIV file is still zero.

Thanks for sharing this. I know that some versions of the preprocessor are brittle when it comes to changing the LAI inputs, and CMAQ expects MEGAN LAI to be 8-daily. You could try setting:

     setenv USE_MEGAN_LAI N

This will make MEGAN use the LAIv from your MCIP files. Then it would be consistent with LAIv that’s used for the rest of CMAQ, and for bulk totals I haven’t noticed any concerning sensitivity to this.

Thank you for your reply. I have tested the setting and the outcome is resonable.