Concentration plot using AMET v1.4

I have modeling outputs (.avrg files) for the 2016 year which I converted to .nc files and the used COMBINE tool to get only one file for that year.

How can I plot an average concentration plot (like the attached plot) for the whole U.S. and only one State (ex. Arkansas) for the PM2.5 and other pollutants using AMET v1.4? [ an example plot what I am looking is
concentration plot
Texas’s Regional Haze plot- Attached)

AMET does not produce tile plots such as the ones you posted since all of its analysis and plotting functions work off of observation/model pairs produced by sitecmp and sitecmp_dailyo3.

To generate tile plots, you can use VERDI or you can work with software packages like R, python, NCL, or MATLAB. To generate I/O API files with various temporal averages (e.g. seasonal averages) from your annual file with hourly data, you could use m3tproc that is part of m3tools.

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Sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for the response. I am having similar issues that are No data starting at... in M3TPROC mentioned here.

I can see from the comment on that link, that bug is already fixed. How do I get that tool to work?. I have installed ioapi3.2 (with m3tools) early this year. To get updated m3tproc, Do I need a fresh install of the ioapi3.2, Or I can install m3tproc separately (If it is , would you please provide me link to know how to download and built it?