Controlling ELMO Output

Linking to this CMAS forum post which helped me find the answer. This was related to the new (v5.4) release, and the need to correctly define ELMO and AELMO output files in runscripts. My issue was from adapting a runscript originally for an older version of CMAQ.


See the example runscripts shipped with CMAQv5.4 (e.g., run_cctm_2010_4CALIF1.csh). User needs to ensure that the CTM_ELMO_1 and CTM_AELMO_1 environment variables are set properly.

  setenv CTM_ELMO_1      "$OUTDIR/CCTM_ELMO_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v"       #> On-Hour Particle Diagnostics
  setenv CTM_AELMO_1     "$OUTDIR/CCTM_AELMO_${CTM_APPL}.nc -v"      #> Hourly Avg. Particle Diagnostics

There are a few other things required to correctly run ELMO, as explained in that runscript:

  #> The following namelist configures aggregated output (via the Explicit and Lumped 
  #> Air Quality Model Output (ELMO) Module), domain-wide budget output, and chemical 
  #> family output.
  setenv MISC_CTRL_NML ${BLD}/CMAQ_Control_Misc.nml


set OUT_FILES = (${FLOOR_FILE} ${S_CGRID} ${CTM_CONC_1} ${A_CONC_1} ${MEDIA_CONC}         \
             $CTM_WET_DEP_1 $CTM_WET_DEP_2 $CTM_ELMO_1 $CTM_AELMO_1             \
             $CTM_RJ_1 $CTM_RJ_2 $CTM_RJ_3 $CTM_SSEMIS_1 $CTM_DUST_EMIS_1 $CTM_IPR_1 $CTM_IPR_2       \
             $CTM_IPR_3 $CTM_BUDGET $CTM_IRR_1 $CTM_IRR_2 $CTM_IRR_3 $CTM_DRY_DEP_MOS                 \