I ran the benchmark run for CMAQ_Cracmm Mechanism and now I am trying to use combine for post-processing.
I keep receiving this error :
ERROR Invalid syntax for field: PNA[2]!Peroxy
ERROR Cannot read PNA from INFILE2
should I change the combined script for Cracmm?
Hi Farzan,
One option is to skip the combine process and use the ELMO module within CMAQ to output the variables needed for AMET to the ELMO or AELMO output file.
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# Appendix F: Explicit and Lumped Model Output (ELMO)
The ELMO module makes aerosol diagnostic parameters as well as aggregated and highly processed aerosol metrics available directly in CMAQ output files rather than requiring follow-up post-processing steps.
### F.1 Output concentration and diagnostic variables
The ELMO Module streamlines the definition, calculation, and maintenance of gas and particulate concentrations, as well as over 200 aggregate and diagnostic variables, listed in Fig. 1.
With ELMO, aggregate and diagnostic variables are registered in the [ELMO_DATA.F](../../../CCTM/src/driver/ELMO_DATA.F), their calculations are prescribed in [ELMO_PROC.F](../../../CCTM/src/driver/ELMO_PROC.F), and CMAQ calculates them online.
Thus, CMAQ can output higher-level parameters without needing to run any particular post-processing tool.
As a result, users may choose to limit their output to just the variables they are most interested in (perhaps just O<sub>3</sub> and PM2.5, for example). Or they may elect to output a more complex selection of scalar and aggregate variables.
Post-processing is still needed to concatenate days of output together onto monthly, seasonal, or annual files.
<a id=FigureF-1></a> 
**Figure F-1. Comprehensive list of diagnostic and aggregate variables currently available in ELMO. The table headings are just for presentation. They are not equivalent to ELMO Keywords, which are discussed in section F.4**
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There are also two namelist files for the cracmm mechanism that need to be used. I’ve updated the CRACMM run scripts to use these namelist files available here: