EPA Office/Lab and Location: A research opportunity is available at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development (ORD), Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling (CEMM), Atmospheric and Environmental Systems Modeling Division (AESMD) located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Scientists in the CEMM AESMD develop and apply large scale comprehensive atmospheric systems to study various aspects of air pollution.
Research Project: The USEPA has embarked on the Advanced Air Quality Model System (AAQMS) project to enable modeling of air quality from global to regional to local scales. The system will have three configurations: 1. Global meteorology with seamless mesh refinement and online (coupled) atmospheric chemistry; 2. Regional (limited area) online meteorology and chemistry; and 3. Offline (sequential) regional meteorology and chemistry. A team of scientists in AESMD is developing a global online configuration which includes the Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (MPAS-A), developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), coupled with the latest version of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQv5.3) model developed at the U.S. EPA. . This multiyear development and evaluation effort offers many opportunities to learn new skills and gain valuable research experience collaborating with a team of experienced atmospheric modeling scientists.
The main focus of this research project will be a continuation of the Advanced Air Quality Model System (AAQMS) development which enables modeling of air quality from global to regional to local scales.
Research activities may include: adding new features in the modelling system thorough model evaluation studying and implementing aerosol radiative effect with respect to long wave radiation applying the model in real case study Learning Objectives: The research participant will have the opportunity to learn about aerosol radiative effect, model coupling mechanics, systemic model evaluation as well as air quality impact in a local, regional, and/or global scale. The research participant will gain experience with coding, AMET and Python tools, and will have a great opportunity to collaborate and interact with other scientists in the group.
Mentor(s): The mentor for this opportunity is David Wong ( If you have questions about the nature of the research please contact the mentor(s).