The US EPA’s Fluid Modeling Facility has an opening for a postdoc or postmaster ORISE fellow located in RTP, NC.
Details on the posting and applications can be submitted through Zintillect:
The research project is focused on the near-source area, including building affected dispersion (e.g., building downwash) and dispersion of mobile source emissions (near-road barrier and depressed roadway effects), and boundary layer characterizations in urban areas, and will focus on the development and improvement of the EPA’s AERMOD dispersion model, which is used in all 50 states for a wide variety of air quality evaluations, including air quality permitting, transportation hot-spot conformity, air toxics evaluations, National Environmental Policy Act demonstrations, and health impact studies.
The research participant may be involved with the following activities:
- Evaluating and analyzing pollutant patterns resulting from
- Meteorological wind tunnel studies;
- Computation fluid dynamics simulations;
- Field studies;
- Plume dispersion modeling;
- Developing near-field dispersion modeling approaches with a specific focus on the AERMOD dispersion model
Questions may be directed to Chris Owen at ( or David Heist at (