ERROR ABORT in subroutine GRDMAT

I hope to get your help. When I run SMOKE3.5, grdmat.point The log error is as follows:
File “GRIDDESC” opened for input on unit: 96

NOTE: Grid settings initialized using d3 in
grid description file.
NOTE: Output grid “d3” set; described as
No description available
Value for IOAPI_ISPH: ‘12’
INITSPHERES: input sphere WGS 84
Value for IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1: ‘d3’

*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine GRDMAT
No source-cell intersections found.

“No source-cell intersections found” is the key message here. No inventory emission sources were found within your specified domain.There needs to be at least one source within your domain in order for grdmat to run.

Thank you for your answer. I was able to run perfectly without changing the ratio of vertical layer settings in the MCI script. Since I changed it, it has been like this
set CTMLAYS = "1.000, 0.993, 0.985, 0.970, 0.950, 0.910, 0.860, 0.800,
0.700, 0.600, 0.500, 0.400, 0.300, 0.200, 0.100, 0.000 "
Afterwards, I called smoke with the output mcipout, but when I ran smoke, it showed this error. After converting the latitude and longitude of the point source, it seems that it is indeed not within the range of the GRIDDESC settings it outputs. Will this change really affect its grid alignment. I use this conversion LamCon_35N_103W for the latitude and longitude of the point source.

Is there anyway you can confirm that the latitude and longitude of the point source lies inside your domain? Posting your GRIDDESC and the point coordinates may help others see what is happening. Layers shouldn’t affect this, but you are using an older version of SMOKE. Also, check out the setting WEST_HSPHERE in the user manual to make sure your points are being properly represented.

Thank you for your answer. I never thought it was a WRF issue before, and now I suspect that I forgot to change the grid range when using a lower version, because I found that the previously run and current ranges seem different.

In my MCIP, there is a grid number setting for GRIDDESC (D3), but I didn’t pay attention to it before. Later, I changed the grid settings for WRF and the Lambert true latitude settings for projection, making his grid range consistent with my MCIP and the range of Mega, and successfully resolved the issue.