Dear all,
I am running the wrf-cmaq twoway model in CMAQ version 5.4.
To compare the effect of aerosol feedback in winter and summer, I am running one month each for January and July 2020, adjusting the feedback option. When I set NPROCS to 24 and ran a total of 4 cases, I got the error “Floating point exception for CFRAC_3D” in the two summer cases.
So I set NPROCS to 28 and ran the summer sf (feedback on) case and found that it worked fine without the error.
However, I tried setting NPROCS up to 36 (maximum number of CPUs) for the nf (feedback off) case and found that the model always stopped at the same time with the same error. What could be the problem?
I’ve attached the error code below.
Processing Day/Time [YYYYDDD:HHMMSS]: 2020186:054000
Which is Equivalent to (UTC): 5:40:00 Saturday, July 4, 2020
Time-Step Length (HHMMSS): 000500
Beginning Emissions
Calling Real Emissions at Date: 2020186 and time: 54230
After VDIFF : Gas 2.250E-01 | Aer 6.738E+09 | Non 6.313E-04
After COUPLE : Gas 1.918E+03 | Aer 1.940E+14 | Non 5.302E+00
ATTENTION: Applying fix to aerosol Boundary Conditions for aerosol modes.
Set verbose_rdbcon preprocessor flag to learn more.
After HADV : Gas 1.918E+03 | Aer 1.902E+14 | Non 5.343E+00
After ADV : Gas 1.918E+03 | Aer 1.902E+14 | Non 5.342E+00
After HDIFF : Gas 1.918E+03 | Aer 1.902E+14 | Non 5.342E+00
After DECOUPLE : Gas 2.250E-01 | Aer 6.612E+09 | Non 6.361E-04
COL, ROW, LAY = 26 1 27
TA, PRES = 2.2171E+02 1.8352E+04
QV, QC, QI, QS = -4.4278E-07 2.1908E-09 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
ESW, ESI, QVSW, QVSI = 5.1303E+00 3.1842E+00 1.7394E-04 1.0794E-04
WEIGH, QVS_WEIGH = 0.0000E+00 1.7394E-04
SUBSAT, RHUM, RHGRID, ARG = 1.7438E-04 -2.5457E-03 1.0000E+00 -1.5215E-05
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine CAL_CFRAC_3D on PE 010
Floating point exception for CFRAC_3D
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine CAL_CFRAC_3D on PE 010
Floating point exception for CFRAC_3D
Date&time specified as 0