Hi, I am trying to create my own domain over my study area in SMOKE and run the emission sectors. The domain is at 4km resolution and 50 grid cells for both x and y. I first edited the griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7.txt under ge_dat/gridding, what I edited is add the following lines at the end of the griddesc file:
‘LAM_40N97W’, -1848000., -842000., 4.D3, 4.D3, 50, 50, 1
Then I edited the directory_definitions.csh under home/CASE/scripts, here are the changes I made:
Grid name
setenv REGION “MyDomain 4km”
setenv REGION_ABBREV “4MyDomain” # affects filename labeling
setenv REGION_IOAPI_GRIDNAME “MyDomain” # should match GRIDDESC
After this I went to the nonpoint sector and edited the Annual_rail_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh, here are the changes I made with this file:
setenv RUN_MONTHS “8”
setenv EPI_STDATE_TIME “${BASE_YEAR}-08-01 00:00:00.0”
setenv EPI_ENDATE_TIME “${BASE_YEAR}-08-10 23:59:00.0”
setenv SRGPRO “${GE_DAT}/gridding/surrogates/CONUS4_2017NEI_04mar2021/USA_100_NOFILL.txt”
After all of the above changes, I run the Annual_rail_12US1_2017gb_17j.csh
Then I got those errors:
ERROR: Grid origins not compatible between SaltonSea in
grid description file and initialized values.
ERROR: Grid parameters for SaltonSea in
grid description file are inconsistent with initialized values.
Any thoughts on those errors? Thanks