Does anyone have a namelist.wps that matches the 4 KM EPA spatial surrogates? Can't get grids to match

Hello all,

I am having similar problems as this question where the answer is that the domains must match up: Setting up a new domain in SMOKE

My problem is that I am not able to make these domains match. I have these spatial surrogates:

#GRID CONUS4k -2736000.000000 -2088000.000000 4000.000000 4000.000000 1332 1008 1 LAMBERT meters 33.000000 45.000000 -97.000000 -97.000000 40.000000

and this GRIDDESC:
’ ’
2 33.000 45.000 -97.000 -97.000 40.000
’ ’
‘LAM_40N97W’ -2474000.000 -1674000.000 4000.000 4000.000 1237 837 1
’ ’

We’ve arrived at this error because of the error from the SMOKE source code (/SMOKE/subsys/smoke/src/lib/chkgrid.f) where (X0 - XORIG)/XCELL (w/ XCELL = 4000) which shows our origins are not compatible.

Is there a way to find the correct x_ref and y_ref? Our grid is consistently .5 cells off. (Basically – can we reverse engineer the namelist to get the grids to match up?)

Or better yet, does anyone have a namelist.wps that matches the 4 KM EPA spatial surrogates?

Thank you so much.

To use the list of existing surrogates from EP, your modeling projection first must share the same projection from EPA’s surrogates as well as covered under the surrogates domain. SMOKE can zoom in your domain as long as they share the same map projection and covered. You can use some of functions from IOAPI like XY2XY to figure out your projection coordinates. Check out the list of IOAPI grid/domain functions.