Hello every one! I performed SST update in WRF, and used the WRF output for MEGAN, but an error occurred when run.emproc.
*** ERROR ABORT in subroutine SOILNOX
TAIR= 196.23 out of range at (C,R)= 77, 72
I’m not sure what the problem is. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.
Your TAIR value might be out of range. I don’t think 196 makes sense in Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin. Where is that number coming from? If you turn off MEGAN does the model remain stable?
Thank you for your response! I’m using the offline MEGAN, and it seems the issue is with WRF. After performing the SST update, I’ve found anomalous temperature values (196) in the data, which leads to errors in MEGAN,but I don’t know why such temperature anomalies are occurring…When I disable the SST update, MEGAN runs stably.