An error occurred while running megan31 fert models:stop 'bio_emiss abort'

Hi all,
I am learning and testing megan31 and have completed three modules: Lai / ecotype / grwform.
When I try to run prepmegan4cmaq_ fert. x, I got the error message: stop bio_emiss abort.
I checked it out fert.log But I don’t know what the problem is. I hope I can get some hints.

 wrf_file: MAP_PROJ is not polar stereographic
 wrf_file: CEN_LON =    110.817413
 wrf_file: CEN_LAT =    37.7843323
 wrf_file: STAND_LON =    112.330002
 wrf_file: TRUELAT1 =    25.0000000
 wrf_file: TRUELAT2 =    47.0000000
 wrf_file: DX =    3000.00000

 proj_init: projection =  1
 proj_init: proj%hemi    =    1.00000000
 proj_init: proj%rebydx  =    2123.33325
 proj_init: proj%polei,j =    114.499680       2906.11963
 proj_init: west-east,south-north =   141  240

 wrf domain corners
 --- ------ -------
 sw corner @ ( 108.54730    , 34.448158    )
 se corner @ ( 113.21362    , 34.505753    )
 ne corner @ ( 113.29285    , 41.069546    )
 nw corner @ ( 108.20862    , 41.007008    )

 wrf_file: grid dimensions
 wrf_file: ids,ide,jds,jde
     1   141     1   240

 Reading megan2 bio emiss file
 megan2_bioemiss:  nlon_megan, nlat_megan =          720         360
 megan2_bioemiss: data_dx,dx,has_area_map =    55588.7344       3000.00000     F
 megan2_bioemiss: file has a new grid

 megan2_bioemiss: model lon limits =     108.2086181640625        113.2928466796875
 megan2_bioemiss: model lat limits =     34.44815826416016        41.07315826416016

 megan2_bioemiss: megan lon limits =    -179.7500000000000        179.7500000000000
 megan2_bioemiss: megan lat limits =    -89.75000000000000        89.75000000000000

 megan2_bioemiss: count of points <,> data min,max lat =            0
 xndx_megan =          576         588
 megan2_bioemiss: count of points < data min lat =            0
 megan2_bioemiss: count of points > data max lat =            0
 yndx_megan =          249         263

Are you modeling teh area around Hothot, Baotou, Dongsheng, and Yuin in China, rather a bit to the west of Beijing? That’s where your latitude-bounds put you… for which there seems to be no data in your input-data.

Thank you for your reply, but the data I tested is the worldwide soil nitrogen emission module inputs downloaded by UCI BAI.

Dear @xenos_an,
I am facing the same issue and I was wondering if you found a way to make it work.
I run the program in debug mode and this is what it says:

           1          12 ./input/wrfout_d02_2020-12-24_00:00:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      /home/amir/megan32/MEGAN32_Prep_Code_Jan_2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
          13          94         238         190
 wrf_file: MAP_PROJ is not polar stereographic
 wrf_file: CEN_LON =    53.8499985    
 wrf_file: CEN_LAT =    31.8499832    
 wrf_file: STAND_LON =    53.9319992    
 wrf_file: TRUELAT1 =    32.2280006    
 wrf_file: TRUELAT2 =    0.00000000    
 wrf_file: DX =    12000.0000    
 proj_init: projection =  3
 proj_init: proj%hemi    =    1.00000000    
 proj_init: proj%rebydx  =    530.833313    
 proj_init: proj%polei,j =    0.00000000       0.00000000    
 proj_init: west-east,south-north =   237  189
 wrf domain corners
 --- ------ -------
 sw corner @ ( 38.793961    , 21.139252    )
 se corner @ ( 68.906036    , 21.139252    )
 ne corner @ ( 68.906036    , 41.448868    )
 nw corner @ ( 38.793961    , 41.448868    )
 wrf_file: grid dimensions
 wrf_file: ids,ide,jds,jde
     1   237     1   189
 month=           1
 Reading megan2 bio emiss file
 megan2_bioemiss:  nlon_megan, nlat_megan =          288         192
 megan2_bioemiss: data_dx,dx,has_area_map =    104774.289       12000.0000     F
 megan2_bioemiss: file has a new grid
 megan2_bioemiss: model lon limits =     38.79396057128906        68.90603637695312    
 megan2_bioemiss: model lat limits =     21.13925170898438        41.44886779785156    
 megan2_bioemiss: megan lon limits =    -180.0000000000000        178.7500000000000    
 megan2_bioemiss: megan lat limits =    -90.00000000000000        90.00000000000000    
 megan2_bioemiss: count of points <,> data min,max lat =            0
 xndx_megan =          176         201
 megan2_bioemiss: count of points < data min lat =            0
 megan2_bioemiss: count of points > data max lat =            0
 yndx_megan =          118         141
 megan2_bioemiss: bilinear interp diagnostics
 megan2_bioemiss: ix
         176         177
 megan2_bioemiss: ax
   3.51684578E-02  0.964831531    
 megan2_bioemiss: megan lons
   38.7500000       40.0000000    
 megan2_bioemiss: wrf lon =    38.7939606    
 megan2_bioemiss: jy
         118         119
 megan2_bioemiss: by
  0.931094110       6.89058900E-02
 megan2_bioemiss: megan lats
   20.2617798       21.2041893    
 megan2_bioemiss: wrf lat =    21.1392517    
STOP diagnostics

I have found the solution to this error so I am posting it here just in case someone needs it.
The problem is with grid resolution of some of MEGAN input files (like soil_nitrogen_* and soil_fert_*). In order to solve the issue you need to regrid the input files to a finer grid using any means that you are familiar with. I used the following cdo commands:

cdo -f nc -sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 -random,r7200x3600

where lat1,2 and lon1,2 are the bounds of your modeling area. This creates a template nc file with 0.01 degree resolution. Next regrid your files using the following command:

cdo -remapcon,