Error: No source-cell intersections found, for 4NE2 using NEI2017 EMF run script


I am trying to run onroad in SMOKE using NEI2017 4NE2 domain in griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7.txt

I got below error about surrogate, may be related with SRGREF:
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006113
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006115

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 Reading surrogate     100 to define the size of gridding matrix

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine GRDMAT
 No source-cell intersections found.

I modified the paths for SRGDESC and SRGPRO in default 12US1 EMF run script.
setenv SRGDESC “{GE_DAT}/gridding/srgdesc_4US3.txt" setenv SRGPRO "{GE_DAT}/gridding/surrogates/CONUS4_2017NEI_18mar2020/USA_100_NOFILL.txt”

I am not sure do I need to modify MGREF to solve this error.
I will be thankful for any suggestion.

Thank you.

The error “No source-cell intersections found” means that there were no inventory emissions within the surrogate domain.

It would be helpful to see your run script and the smkinven log.

Also, which sector are you trying to run?

Thank you for your reply.
run script: Monthly_onroad_ca_adj_RPD_12US1_2017gb_17j


limit stacksize unlimited

setenv SECTOR “onroad_ca_adj”

if ($?SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR) then

Definitions for case name, directory structures, etc, that are used

by every sector in the case

Anything defined in directory_definitions can be overridden here

if desired

source …/directory_definitions.csh

setenv RUN_MONTHS “7”

Emissions modeling year

(i.e. meteorological year, not necessarily the inventory year"

setenv BASE_YEAR “2017”
setenv EPI_STDATE_TIME “{BASE_YEAR}-06-24 00:00:00.0" setenv EPI_ENDATE_TIME "{BASE_YEAR}-07-01 23:59:00.0”

Inputs for all sectors

setenv AGREF “{GE_DAT}/gridding/agref_us_2017platform_24apr2020_nf_v2.txt" setenv ARTOPNT "{GE_DAT}/artopnt_2002detroit_20aug2019_v2.txt”
setenv ATPRO_HOURLY “{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_hourly_6nov2014_24jul2017_v5" setenv ATPRO_HOURLY_NCF "{GE_DAT}/temporal/Gentpro_TPRO_HOUR_HOURLY_BASH_NH3.agNH3_bash_17j_12US1_smk37_newFIPS.ncf”
setenv ATPRO_MONTHLY “{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_monthly_6nov2014_30nov2018_nf_v9" setenv ATPRO_WEEKLY "{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_weekly_6nov2014_09sep2016_v2”
setenv ATREF “{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptref_general_2017platform_21apr2020_nf_v2" setenv COSTCY "{GE_DAT}/costcy_for_2017platform_24apr2020_nf_v1.txt”
setenv EFTABLES “CASEINPUTS/onroad/eftables_aq/rateperdistance_smoke_aq_cb6_saprc_1Aug2019_2017v1nei-20191228_1049_1.csv" setenv GRIDDESC "{GE_DAT}/gridding/griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7.txt”
setenv GSCNV “{GE_DAT}/speciation/gscnv_CB6R3_AE7_Spec_5_0_27mar2020_nf_v1.txt" #setenv GSPROTMP_A "{GE_DAT}/speciation/gspro_cmaq_cb6ae7_2017gb_17j_01may2020.txt”
#setenv GSREFTMP_A “{GE_DAT}/speciation/gsref_cmaq_cb6ae7_2017gb_17j_nf.txt" setenv HOLIDAYS "{GE_DAT}/temporal/holidays_13feb2017_v1.txt”
#setenv INVTABLE “${GE_DAT}/invtable_2014platform_integrate_21dec2018_v3.txt”
setenv MRGDATE_FILES “INSTALL_DIR/smoke4.7/scripts/smk_dates/2017/smk_merge_dates_201701.txt" setenv MTPRO_HOURLY "{GE_DAT}/temporal/mtpro_hourly_MOVES_2014v2_15jan2020_nf_v1”
setenv MTPRO_MONTHLY “{GE_DAT}/temporal/mtpro_monthly_MOVES_03aug2016_v1" setenv MTPRO_WEEKLY "{GE_DAT}/temporal/mtpro_weekly_MOVES_2014v2_15jan2020_nf_v1”
setenv MTREF “{GE_DAT}/temporal/mtref_onroad_MOVES_2017NEI_16jan2020_nf_v1" setenv NAICSDESC "{GE_DAT}/smkreport/naicsdesc_02jan2008_v0.txt”
setenv ORISDESC “{GE_DAT}/smkreport/orisdesc_04dec2006_v0.txt" setenv PELVCONFIG "{GE_DAT}/point/pelvconfig_elevate_everything_17apr2020_v0.txt”
setenv PSTK “{GE_DAT}/point/pstk_13nov2018_v1.txt" setenv PTPRO_HOURLY "{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_hourly_6nov2014_24jul2017_v5”
setenv PTPRO_MONTHLY “{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_monthly_6nov2014_30nov2018_nf_v9" setenv PTPRO_WEEKLY "{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptpro_general_2011platform_tpro_weekly_6nov2014_09sep2016_v2”
setenv PTREF “{GE_DAT}/temporal/amptref_general_2017platform_21apr2020_nf_v2" #setenv REPCONFIG_GRID "{GE_DAT}/smkreport/repconfig/repconfig_area_inv_grid_2016beta_07feb2019_v0.txt”
#setenv REPCONFIG_INV “{GE_DAT}/smkreport/repconfig/repconfig_area_inv_2016beta_07feb2019_v0.txt" setenv SCCDESC "{GE_DAT}/smkreport/sccdesc_2014platform_21apr2020_nf_v5.txt”
setenv SECTORLIST “CASESCRIPTS/sectorlist_2017gb" setenv SRGDESC "{GE_DAT}/gridding/srgdesc_4US3.txt”#rgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt"
setenv SRGPRO “${GE_DAT}/gridding/surrogates/CONUS4_2017NEI_18mar2020/USA_100_NOFILL.txt”

Inputs specific to this sector

setenv AVGSPD_SCCXREF “{GE_DAT}/onroad/AVGSPD_SCCXREF_RPD_15jul2019_v0.csv" setenv SPDIST "{GE_DAT}/onroad/SPDIST_2017NEI_20200108_07may2020_v1”
setenv SCCXREF “{GE_DAT}/onroad/MOVES2014_SCCXREF_RPD_02feb2018_v6.csv" setenv GSREF "{GE_DAT}/speciation/gsref_MOVES2014_dummy_nei_2014v1_platform_17jan2017_v0.txt”
setenv GSPRO “{GE_DAT}/speciation/gspro_MOVES2014_CB6_08aug2019_nf_v3.txt" setenv CFPRO "{GE_DAT}/onroad/cfpro_2017gb_hapcap_onroad_ca_adj_11may2020_v0”
setenv REPCONFIG_GRID “{GE_DAT}/smkreport/repconfig/repconfig_onroad_invgrid_2011platform_18aug2014_v1.txt" setenv MEPROC "{GE_DAT}/onroad/meproc_MOVES2014_RPD_AQ_27jun2017_v8”
setenv MRCLIST “{GE_DAT}/onroad/mrclist_RPD_2017nei_AQ_20191228_20200206_merged_22jun2020_v0" setenv METMOVES "{GE_DAT}/onroad/SMOKE_DAILY_2017nei_12US1_2017001-2018001.ncf”
setenv MCXREF “{GE_DAT}/onroad/MCXREF_2017nei_18mar2020_v1" setenv MFMREF "{GE_DAT}/onroad/MFMREF_2017nei_27mar2020_v1”
setenv REPCONFIG_INV “${GE_DAT}/smkreport/repconfig/repconfig_onroad_inv_2011platform_11may2011_v0.txt”
setenv EMISINV_A “CASEINPUTS/onroad_ca_adj/VMT_2017NEI_final_from_CDBs_month_redist_27mar2020_nf_v5.csv" setenv MGREF "{GE_DAT}/gridding/mgref_onroad_us_2014platform_18sep2018_v5.txt”
setenv INVTABLE “${GE_DAT}/invtable_MOVES2014_27jun2017_v4.txt”

Inputs specific to this rate

setenv EMISINV_B “$CASEINPUTS/onroad_ca_adj/SPEED_2017NEI_from_CDBs_27mar2020_nf_v6.csv”

Parameters for all sectors

#setenv FILL_ANNUAL “N”
setenv INLINE_MODE “only”
setenv IOAPI_ISPH “20”
#setenv L_TYPE “mwdss”
#setenv M_TYPE “mwdss”
#setenv MRG_REPCNY_YN “Y”
#setenv MRG_REPSTA_YN “N”
setenv OUTZONE “0”
setenv PLATFORM “v8”
setenv RAW_DUP_CHECK “N”
setenv SMK_AVEDAY_YN “N”
setenv SMK_DEFAULT_SRGID “100”
setenv SMK_MAXERROR “10000”
#setenv SMK_MAXWARNING “10”
setenv SMK_PING_METHOD “0”
setenv SPC “$EMF_SPC”

Sector-specific parameters

setenv USE_REF_SCC_YN “Y”
setenv USE_LINUX2 “Y”
setenv TEMP_BUFFER_BIN “10”
setenv SMK_MAXWARNING “200”
setenv M_TYPE “all”
setenv L_TYPE “all”
setenv MRG_REPSRC_YN “Y”
setenv MRG_REPSCC_YN “Y”
setenv MRG_REPCNY_YN “Y”
setenv MRG_REPSTA_YN “N”

Rate-specific parameters

setenv FILL_ANNUAL “Y”

setenv DAYS_PER_RUN “1”



 This program uses the EPA-AREAL/MCNC-EnvPgms/BAMS Models-3      
 I/O Applications Programming Interface, [I/O API] which is      
 built on top of the netCDF I/O library (Copyright 1993, 1996    
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata         
 Program) and the PVM parallel-programming library (from         
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory).                                 
 Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC,                                   
 (C) 1992-2013 Carlie J. Coats, Jr.,                             
 (C) 2003-2012 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC, and   
 (C) 2014-2016 UNC Institute for the Environment.                
 Released under the GNU LGPL  License, version 2.1.  See URL     
 for conditions of use.                                          
 ioapi-3.2: $Id: init3.F90 98 2018-04-05 14:35:07Z coats $
 Version with PARMS3.EXT/PARAMETER::MXVARS3= 2048
 netCDF version 4.6.3-development of Jan  3 2019 15:31:42 $
 Missing environment variable EXECUTION_ID
 SMOKE ---------------
 Copyright (c)2004 Environmental Modeling for Policy Development
 All rights reserved

 Program GRDMAT, Version SMOKEv4.6_Sep2018
 Online documentation                 
 Program GRDMAT to take a SMOKE area, mobile, or point source
 inventory file, gridding surrogates,  surrogate cross-
 reference, and an optional link definitions file, and produce
 a SMOKE gridding matrix for a grid defined at run time. For
 mobile sources, an "ungridding" matrix is also created to
 allow the use of gridded temperature data in assigning
 factors to mobile sources.
 You will need to enter the logical names for the input and
 output files (and to have set them prior to program start,
 using "setenv <logicalname> <pathname>").
 You may use END_OF-FILE (control-D) to quit the program
 during logical-name entry. Default responses are given in
 brackets [LIKE THIS] and can be accepted by hitting the
 <RETURN> key.
 Value for PROMPTFLAG:  N returning FALSE
 Returning default value TRUE for query:
 "Continue with program?"
 Value for GRDMAT_ADJUST not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 Value for GRDMAT_LINKDEFS not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 Value for USE_VARIABLE_GRID not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 Value for IMPORT_GRDNETCDF_YN not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 Value for SMK_SOURCE:  'M'
 Value for SMK_SOURCE:  'M'
 Value for PROMPTFLAG:  N returning FALSE

 File "MOBL" opened for input on unit:  98

 Value for MOBL:  '/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_map_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_2017gb_17j.txt'
 Value for MOBL:  '/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_map_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_2017gb_17j.txt'

 File "MSRC" opened for input on unit:  97

 Value for IOAPI_CHECK_HEADERS not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 "MOBL" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name ""
 Dimensions: 14472 rows, 1 cols, 1 lays, 9 vbles
 NetCDF ID:     65536  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 "TMP_POL_FILE" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_dat/VMT.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name ""
 Dimensions: 14472 rows, 1 cols, 1 lays, 2 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Closing file TMP_POL_FILE
 "TMP_POL_FILE" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_dat/SPEED.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name ""
 Dimensions: 14472 rows, 1 cols, 1 lays, 2 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Closing file TMP_POL_FILE
 "TMP_POL_FILE" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_dat/VMT.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name ""
 Dimensions: 14472 rows, 1 cols, 1 lays, 2 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Closing file TMP_POL_FILE
 "TMP_POL_FILE" opened as OLD:READ-ONLY   
 File name "/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//2017gb_17j/intermed/onroad_ca_adj/RPD/mobl_RPD_onroad_ca_adj_jun_dat/SPEED.ncf"
 File type GRDDED3 
 Execution ID "????????????????"
 Grid name ""
 Dimensions: 14472 rows, 1 cols, 1 lays, 2 vbles
 NetCDF ID:    131072  opened as READONLY            
 Time-independent data.
 Closing file TMP_POL_FILE
 Reading source data from inventory file...

 File "MGREF" opened for input on unit:  96

 Generating unique lists from inventory data...
 Reading gridding cross-reference file...
 Processing gridding cross-reference file...
 Value for FULLSCC_ONLY:  Y returning TRUE
 Reading gridding surrogates header...

 File "SRGDESC" opened for input on unit:  95

 Reading gridding surrogate description file...
 Value for SMK_USE_FALLBACK not defined;returning default:   FALSE
 Value for SMK_DEFAULT_SRGID:  100
 Value for REPORT_DEFAULTS:  Y returning TRUE

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 NOTE: Grid settings initialized using US4K_1548X1332   in  
      surrogates file.

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 Value for GRIDDESC:  '/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//ge_dat/gridding/griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7.txt'
 Value for GRIDDESC:  '/scratch/.../smoke/nei2017newest/4kmNEI2017/2017NEI//ge_dat/gridding/griddesc_lambertonly_18jan2019_v7.txt'

 File "GRIDDESC" opened for input on unit:  94

 Value for IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1:  '4NE2'
 Value for IOAPI_GRIDNAME_1:  '4NE2'

 File "GRIDDESC" opened for input on unit:  94

 NOTE: Output grid "4NE2" set; described as 
      No description available
 NOTE: gridding surrogates extracted for output grid from grid "US4K_1548X1332"
 Value for IOAPI_ISPH:  '20'
 Value for IOAPI_ISPH:  '20'
 INITSPHERES:  input sphere Normal Sphere (MM5 / WRF-ARW) R=6370000
 Computing gridding matrix size...

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 Reading surrogate     242 to define the size of gridding matrix

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006001
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006007
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006011
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006013
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006017
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006019
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006021
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006025
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006029
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006031
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006037
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006039
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006041
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006045
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006047
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006053
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006055
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006057
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006059
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006061
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006065
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006067
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006069
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006071
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006073
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006075
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006077
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006079
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006081
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006083
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006085
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006087
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006089
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006091
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006093
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006095
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006097
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006099
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006101
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006103
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006107
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006111
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006113
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     242  for co/st/cy :: 000000006115

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 Reading surrogate     244 to define the size of gridding matrix

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006001
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006003
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006005
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006007
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006009
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006011
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006013
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006015
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006017
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006019
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006021
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006023
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006025
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006027
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006029
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006031
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006033
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006035
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006037
 WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate     244  for co/st/cy :: 000000006039

WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006067
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006069
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006071
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006073
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006075
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006077
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006079
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006081
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006083
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006085
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006087
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006089
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006091
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006093
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006095
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006097
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006099
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006101
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006103
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006105
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006107
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006109
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006111
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006113
WARNING: Causing zeroing emissions due to missing surrogate 244 for co/st/cy :: 000000006115

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 Reading surrogate     100 to define the size of gridding matrix

 File "SRGPRO_PATH" opened for input on unit:  94

 *** ERROR ABORT in subroutine GRDMAT
 No source-cell intersections found.

Ah, this explains it! The Monthly_onroad_ca_adj is for California, and that does not overlap your domain.

Have you reviewed the TSD (supporting documentation) for the 2017 modeling platform?

Table 3-1 explains what onroad_ca_adj is…

oh, yes, sorry, stupid mistake. :smiley:

thank you. Let me try onroad, not onraod_ca.

Hi Alison,

I have one more question.
In NEI2017 package, I checked there are some files like USA_535_FILL.txt in 4km surrogate folder but not in srgdesc_4US3.txt.
srgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt have those files description. Is it better to use srgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt for 4km run?

I think these errors are related with that:
ERROR: Gridding surrogate code 6831 is not in surrogates file, but was
assigned to source:
Region: 000000049039 SCC: 00000000002310000553
ERROR: Gridding surrogate code 672 is not in surrogates file, but was
assigned to source:
Region: 000000049039 SCC: 00000000002310011001

Thank you.

These are new oil and gas surrogates that probably haven’t been generated for that domain.

Apologies I’ll have to have someone respond on this next week.

If urgent, you can reassign these to surrogates that do exist in the files you have.

Thank you for your speedy reply.

There are USA_672_fromERG_FILL.txt and USA_6831_fromERG_FILL.txt…files in CONUS4km surrogate folder, but no description in srgdesc_4US3.txt.
I compared srgdesc_4US3.txt and srgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt, existing descriptions (except head info for grid) in 4km look the same with 12km.
So you mean I can use srgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt for my current 4km SMOKE run or add those lacking description to srgdesc_4US3.txt, right?

I’m not looking at the format of the srgdesc to remember if it points to full paths or just points to the pathnames within the folder containing the surrogates.

Do you see the surrogates missing from the 4km srgdesc in the package of 4km surrogates?

If so, then yes you can add them to the SRGDESC in the same way they are referenced in the 12km file, just make sure you use the 4km surrogate files for your run.

I see. Thanks a lot!

Using srgdesc_CONUS12_2017NEI_17dec2019_29apr2020_v1.txt should work OK with the 4km surrogates.

We’ve updated the 4km surrogate package for 2017 platform to remove extra SRGDESC files.

Hopefully what you have now is working.

I see. Thanks a lot!