Thanks for pointing this out. Your case quite nicely demonstrates the inability of recent versions of CCTM (v5.3+) to read and interpolate chemical boundary files with start dates and times nonaligned from the start date and time of the simulation.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to do some pre-processing on your chemical boundary file to align the times by interpolating your data to the times in your MET dataset.
I suggest using the I/O API tool M3INTERP to do this interpolation. After that the model should work as intended.
Thanks, again, for letting us know and we will release a patch to fix this bug in a future model release.
I ran the m3interp and created the STIME = 80000, then reran the cctm. This time, I did not get the previous error related to the BCON but I got another error. So it seems that the error related to the BCON was solved. I will create a new topic for the new error if it was necessary.