Explaination of emission sectors in EQUATES

Hi all,
Happy New Year! I am trying to find explanations for each emission sector for point and area sources in EQUATES (as screenshot below). May I ask where I can find it (It seems that there is an outdated version of the explanation on the WRF-Chem NEI website while doesn’t include all sectors)?


The following sectors are explained on WRF-Chem website:
deling sector descriptions (and data categories in the NEI):
ag - agricultural emissions primarily of ammonia and VOC (NEI nonpoint)
agfire/ptagfire - agricultural burning emissions (NEI nonpoint): ptagfire uses point locations and day-specific emissions
afdust/afdust_adj - area fugitive dust emissions of PM (NEI nonoint); afdust_adj are the emissions after meteorological and land use adjustments
airports - emissions at airports (NEI point)
biogenics - emissions from natural sources (NEI nonpoint)
cmv_c1c2 - C1 and C2 commercial marine emissions for US states and offshore areas (NEI nonpoint)
cmv_c3 - C3 commercial marine emissions for US states and offshore areas (NEI nonpoint)
nonpt - nonpoint (county-level) emissions not included in other sectors (NEI nonpoint)
nonroad - mobile source emissions from off-road equipment (NEI nonroad)
onroad - mobile source emissions on roadways (NEI onroad);

  • sometimes subsectors of RPD (VMT), RPV (VPOP), RPP (VPOP-evaporative), and RPH (hoteling hours-combination truck hoteling) are provided; these are specific subcategories based on the type of activity data used to compute the emissions and the specific processes included
  • onroad_ca_adj, when it appears separately, are onroad sector emissions in California based on state-provided emissions
    ptfire - Point source wild and prescribed fire emissions in the US (NEI events)
    ptegu - Point source EGU emissions (NEI point)
    ptnonipm - Point source emissions not included in ptegu, pt_oilgas, or airports (NEI point)
    pt_oilgas - oil and gas emissions from point sources (NEI point); also includes offshore oil platform emissions
    np_oilgas - oil and gas emissions from nonpoint sources (NEI nonpoint)
    rail - railroad aka locomotive emissions on railways (NEI nonpoint); note that rail yards are in ptnonipm
    rwc - residential wood combustion emissions (NEI nonoint)

Non-US emissions sectors:
othafdust/othafdust_adj - Canada area fugitive dust emissions; othafdust_adj are the emissions after meteorological and land use adjustmentsothar - Non-US area sources
onroad_can - Canada onroad sources
onroad_mex - Mexico onroad sources
othpt - Non-US point sources; as of 2014fb_cdc, does not include any offshore CMV or oil platform emissionsptfire_mxca - Point source wild and prescribed fire emissions in Canada and Mexico
cmv_c1c2 and cmv_c3 also include emisisons from outside of the US

Best regards,

The best reference for the EQUATES emissions dataset is Foley et al., 2023. Section 2 contains a description of each sector. If there are specific sectors you have follow-up questions about, please let us know and be sure to tag @foley.kristen and @pouliot.george.