Emissions available for specific nonpt SCCs only?

Hi all,

I am hoping to isolate emissions from individual SCCs from the nonpt sector in the 2019 EQUATES modeling platform, specifically those associated with residential fuel combustion (2104002000, 2104004000, 2104006000, 2104007000, 2104011000). Do processed emissions files exist for specific SCCs, or is it possible to separate these emissions from the available nonpt files in some way?

Thank you for your help!


While these may not be exactly the same as the 2019 EQUATES emissions for all nonpoint SCCs, you may gain some information by examining the 2017 NEI emissions, which are located here in various forms: https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/2017-national-emissions-inventory-nei-data

Do you need this set of SCCs as model-ready (post-SMOKE) emissions files or is a summary sufficient?

If you just need a summary there is a state-SCC spreadsheet available on the EQUATES Google Drive: Emissions_Summaries - Google Drive

Or for a county-SCC summary you can select the data from the annual nonpt inventory (EQUATES_2019/inputs/nonpt/2017NEIpost_NONPOINT_20210129_08nov2021_v6.csv) that is available in the SMOKE inputs package “EQUATES_INV_2019_version1.0.tar.gz” available at 2019 - Google Drive

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Thank you both for your responses and for the resources you’ve provided!

I am, however, looking for model-ready, post-SMOKE emissions files for the individual residential fuel combustion SCCs. My goal is to isolate those emissions from the rest of the nonpt sector, and to manipulate them separately to run various CMAQ scenarios. If files like that don’t currently exist, is it possible to run SMOKE in such a way that only specific SCCs are given as output?

Thank you again for your help!

That’s correct, there are not currently any model-ready emissions files where residential fuel combustion SCCs are split from the rest of nonpt.

It is possible to run SMOKE to output a subset of SCCs into a single set of model-ready files. This is typically done by splitting the SCCs at the inventory level and then running SMOKE with the subset inventory under a new sector name.

The relevant nonpt inventory is available on the EQUATES google drive (EQUATES - Google Drive) in the package located at:
The specific FF10 inventory containing the residential fuel combustion SCCs is located in that package at: EQUATES_2019/inputs/nonpt/2017NEIpost_NONPOINT_20210129_08nov2021_v6.csv

However, the 2019 EQUATES SMOKE ancillary package and run scripts are not available at this time. We will work on getting those posted.


Thank you, this is very helpful! Running SMOKE for the separated SCCs when the run scripts and ancillary files are available will be my next step.

Thanks again,