HERMESv3_GR: release announcement

@bbaek, @Ben_Murphy,

My name is Marc Guevara and I work at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Last year I attended the CMAS conference to present the HERMESv3_GR emission processing system. We have recently published a paper of HERMESv3_GR ( and also make the code publicly available through our git lab repository ( I was thinking that, since the model is capable of producing CMAQ ready to use emission files, it may be interesting for the CMAS users community to know about it. I wanted to ask you if you think it is a good idea to post a comment in this forum announcing HERMESv3_GR (and if that’s the case, which will be the best category for that), or if there is another communication channel that may be more appropriate.

Best wishes

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Hi Marc,

I’ve added a new emissions category. Please review this link that contains instructions about using this category. I will set up a HERMESv3_GR sub-category as well.

Thanks, Liz

Let me know if you can edit this link, or if not, if you can share content about the HERMESv3_GR sub-category that you would like to share with users. About the HERMESv3_GR category

Hi Liza,

Thanks for your message. I think that the description you propose for the new Emission category is very accurate. I will send you now a proposal for the HERMESv3_GR subcategory.



Hi Liza,

I could not manage to edit the link. This is the description I propose for the HERMESv3_GR subcategory:

"HERMESv3_GR is a stand-alone multiscale emission processing system designed to combine and process existing gridded inventories for the generation of emission input files for global and regional air quality modelling. HERMESv3_GR is an in-house model fully developed by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and distributed free of charge under the licence GNU GPL v3.0.

Use this category to report issues or to discuss topics related to HERMESv3_GR"

Hi Marc,

I’ve edited the category with your proposed information.

Thanks, Liz

Hi Liza,

I will now post a new message under the categories emissions and HERMESv3_GR announcing the tool.

Many thanks for all the support
