Hourly fire emissions in SMOKE with pre-computed plume rise

I haven’t run into any issues with lat/lon coordinates handling for point sources like fire sources. Looks like you may be processing a couple of sources but make sure you develop 1 or 3 fire sources PTINV and PTHOUR input files and check whether those values (lat/lon, pbot, ptop, lay1f) are correct or not. Plot them into the map to make sure the data values are accurate first. Check the PHOUR output files (ncf file) from Smkinven to make sure whether those values are carried out correctly or not.
After the checks, please share me your PTINV, PTHOUR inventory files as well as Smkinven log file for me to review.

smkinven.point.cafireT.log.txt (88.6 KB) pthour-2017100905_sample.ems95.txt (10.2 KB) grdmat.point.cafireT.us4-ca.txt (11.1 KB) GRIDDESC.txt (180 Bytes) grdmat.point.cafireT.us4-ca.log.txt (11.1 KB)

I reran it with three point sources, similar results, emissions placed in layers 26 or so. here are the output files requested. I also included the GRIDDES and Grdmat files in hopes that you could inspect those for errors as well using a 4km grid.



Since I do not see the raw PTINV annual inventory file you created, I am making assumption based on the Smkinven log file. Based on Smkvinen log file, it said that LAY1F, PBOT, PTOP are skipped since they are not listed in the PTINV annual inventory file. It means that the PHOUR intermediate output file from Smkinven after processing raw PTHOUR does not hold these variables. You need to make sure that these variables are processed correctly and listed in the PHOUR (ncf) intermediate output file from Smkinven.

You need to add these variables as pollutants to your raw PTINV file with zero values and then please check the PHOUR intermediate output file holds these variables with proper hourly values you assigned.