I am utilizing CMAQ/DDM version to conduct sensitivity of O3 to NOx and VOC. My intention is to compare the model results with those from CAMx/DDM version 7.0. However, I’m encountering challenges when attempting to compare the sensitivity of O3 to total VOC. This complexity arises due to disparities in the VOC species listed within the sensitivity control files, as well as differences in the chemistry mechanisms employed by the two models. The VOC species outlined in the respective models are provided below. Given this scenario, I’m contemplating the feasibility of directly comparing sensitivity outcomes between these two models. Please let me know if you have any ideas on this topic. Thanks.
26 VOC species in cb6r5_ae7_aq used in CMAQ v5.4
'ALD2 ','ALDX ','ETH ', 'ETHA ','ETOH ','FORM ','IOLE ','ISOP ', 'MEOH ','OLE ','PAR ','TERP ','TOL ', 'XYLMN ','NAPH ','ETHY ','PRPA ','ACET ', 'KET ','GLY ',‘BENZENE’,'GLYD ','MEPX ', 'APIN ','SOAALK ','MGLY '/
19 VOC species in CB6r4 used in CAMx v7.0
‘PAR’, ‘ETHA’, ‘MEOH’, ‘ETOH’, ‘ETH’, ‘OLE’, ‘IOLE’, ‘ISOP’, ‘TERP’, ‘FORM’, ‘ALD2’, ‘ALDX’, ‘TOL’, ‘XYL’, ‘PRPA’, ‘BENZ’, ‘ETHY’, ‘ACET’, ‘KET’